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Little Goffy

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Everything posted by Little Goffy

  1. From current team 25 and under only, we need to get about three, quality players on each broad category. tall backs from: Rivers, Garland, Warnock, Frawley, Martin. small/medium backs from: Petterd, Grimes, Bell, Bartram. 'Inside' midfield from: Mclean, Jones, Moloney, Dunn (tagging) 'outside' midfield from: Morton, C. Johnson, Buckley, Small Forwards from: Davey, Maric, Wonaeamirri, Sylvia (rotating midfield) Tall Forwards: Miller, Bate, Newton, P. Johnson (rotating ruck) Ruck: Jamar (rotating forward) ... ... The trouble with making any kind of predicition is that Melbourne easily led the competition for number of games played this season by players who had less than 10 games experience. We also, once again, had all sorts of horrible injury disruptions, including young players who we are still waiting to get a clear picture of. For the next couple of years at least some of Green, Bruce, Whelan, Wheatley and McDonald will be around to help things along. But there is clearly a need for a first rate ruckman, a first rate full-forward who can kick bags of goals, and a pile of skill across the board. I think we can make it, if this draft and next years give us two high quality players each, we've got a bit of a team going on.
  2. Hello runandcarrysucks! Welcome to Demonland. Have a merry time but remember the following rules - 1. Chris Judd is not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy. 2. Don't get into an argument with Yze Magic about the relative merits of Cameron Bruce and Colin Sylvia. 3. It is considered a rite of passage to at some point complain that Nick Sauntner took all the development opportunities from our young forwards. This must immediately be followed by "By that's not to say anything bad about Sauntner, he's probably the greatest player ever to not play at AFL level" 4. Daniher is not personally to blame, but the 'Daniher era' is. 5. Ditto Paul Gardner. 6. Don't try to suggest that blindsiding someone off the line of the ball is gutless; you will be branded a wimp who wants to wreck football. There we go, we're off to a start. But really, it's a very forgiving place here.
  3. Yeah, nothing boosts my estimation of a player than seeing them publicly nominate a specific club for trade, putting their own club in a jam and alienating other clubs, more than a month out from trade week. There's an element of sour grapes, sure, but this isn't positive behaviour. Unless of course the whole thing is a ploy to make Carlton and Freo waste time staring each-other down at the trade table, until the whole thing collapses and we pick him up in the PSD. I still prefer Watts for No. 1 pick, though.
  4. Alright, time for another 'the draft isn't a magic solution' post. Even in good draft years, a late first round draft pick is not that big a deal. After the initial dozen or so obvious players (and even that range has it's misses) the difference between pick 15 and pick 25 isn't that great. Let's set a criteria of 100 games, at a consistent top-5 B&F level, which is what you'd need to see from a player to make offloading Brad Green a 'winning' option. picks 10 to 20 in the 2001 super draft included; Richard Cole 63 games and gone, Ashley Watson 7 games and gone, Barry Brooks 10 games and gone, Shane Harvey 14 games and gone Daniel Elstone 0 games. There are two first-rate players, James Kelly and Nick Dal Santo, plus a selection of good ordinaries to round it off. In the weaker draft of 2002, grabbing Daniel Bell at pick 14 was a good effort. Five players from the 10-20 range from 2003 are yet to break past ten games. Mundy and Stanton are the standouts there. Of course, that draft also saw Kepler Bradley, Kane Tenace, Raphael Clarke, David Trotter and Ryley Dunn in slots 6 to 10. Generally, given the low percentage play (about 50% effective, 40% 'clangers', 10% 'special') represented by draft picks anywhere but in the very top bracket, and the fact that moderately high picks are really only incrementally better in their results than lower picks... Thanks but I choose Greeny. Who, by the way, is only 8 games short of Matthew Pavlich as having played the most games from the 1999 draft. Went at pick 19, one before Paul Wheatley. So you can definately do alright from these picks. Trouble is, the five picks before them were Travis Gaspar (28) David Spriggs (69), David Haynes (65), Ezra Bay (0) and finally Rhyce Shaw, who is the only one still playing... if that is what you want to call what Rhyce Shaw does.
  5. Warnock coming in from nowhere, haveing done essentially nothing, would surely put some more upward pressure on salaries. Note Cameron Cloke; better stats and performance in every respect, will he really sit at 100k less than Warnock?
  6. Well, with Warnock apparently out of the pickture, I'd now be looking at an extra young ruckman, where before I was just looking at a selection of pacy, skilled midfielders (O'Keefe, Robinson, Blease). But with ruckmen it all depends on whose left by 17/19 I s'pose. It's a smaller pool and all that. We should have at leasttwo running around at reserves for Casey, off the rookie list. For the record, I still think Watts for pick 1. Jamar was a lot better when he was out from White's shadow. PJ is a goer no doubts. Meesen... ask me in the Nab cup decider next year...
  7. Yes please. That would make ours the best alternative strip in the comp.
  8. Hi all, I'm just curious, since I missed out on the 90's having only been properly introduced to AFL around 2000 (lucky charm, I was), with all this hype about Franklin and so on, I had a look back and noticed that David Schwartz closed in on 3 goals a game, and managed 15 brownlow votes playing alongside Garry Lyon in 1994, which was also the season he played just his 50th game. Then there were two (Three?) knee reconstructions in rapid succession, and he never got back to that level, is what I understand happened. Anyone care to fill in some details? Some nostalgia to pass on, memories of the days when...
  9. Gee that Visy place must be in line for one of those 'emloyer of the year' awards from the ACTU - everyone wants to go there! I mean, this job ad was barely up before some guy from out in WA was putting in an application. And I hear from everyone that the money is pretty good over there, and jobs are easy to find, so it must be for the joy of contributing to such an esteemed organisation. Still, I was a little surprised, apparently this guys brother plays for Melbourne in the AFL and has been doing really well, and they were interested in recruiting him as a ruckman. I guess he just figured that he would get lonely being one of only a couple of really freaky tall guys at a place - that can be kind of isolating, being different like that that. Visy, on the other hand, has a whole bunch of young guys in the factory who are about the same height and stuff, and some are even younger than this WA fella, but already doing the job full-time. I think it'll reassure him that he wont have to do too much right away, and his workload will be eased a bit by having three other young fellas with him doing the same job. ----- Robbie Warnock has announced, apparently within two days of making his decision to leave Fremantle, that he specifically wishes to be traded to Carlton. On the same day, the AFL quietly mentioned that they had found no evidence of any improper conduct of any kind by the Melbourne Football Club in relation to Robbie Warnock, despite repeatedly and publicy stating their concern about the club's behaviour in approaching Warnock in the past. Presumably, Carlton will be subject to similar scrutiny and defamatory comments?
  10. If this is true about the red taking over, then it's a very good sign. When the silver came in, it was one of a limted set of options and no consideration was given to other feedback, we ended up with the 'best' of a very bad lot. Sounds like a bit of feedback came through (amazing what a few events with members where the president talks to enthusiastic supporters can do) and it was decided the white just wasn't going to work. I'm cautiously thinking this is phenomenal news. Leadership flexibility and responsiveness to the fans! OMG!
  11. You are mad. Mad I tells ya. Pick six instead of pick 17 in a draft widely declared to have top-level depth down to the mid-20s. Bah
  12. Yep, there's something od about Sydney folk. It's the travel times, maybe? Everywhere takes an hour. But then again, they claim to be used to it - they laugh whenever they come down to Canberra and someone local says, 'nah, can't be stuffed, that's a thirty minute drive away'. They really do seem to settle into the pub, or just home, rather than going to live events. Except for the occassional super-event, which they then ALL go to! Ironically, the Sydney market, with it's eminent failure to turn a sustained profit for the Swans, or a decisive benefit for the AFL in general, is exactly the market type that the AFL knobs want to turn the whole country into. Consider - A night grand final, so we all watch it over dinner; at home on television at peak hour when the ads are most valuable. This instead of going to the game or getting a group together for a grand final day barbeque or whatever you want. The failure of the Sydney crowd this weekend needs to be a wake-up call that some aspects of the 'commercialisation' of AFL aren't even commercially sound.
  13. I've said it before and I'll say it again. For Green to jump ship a year before he becomes eligible for veterans listing plus becoming our most senior and valuable player would be insane. For the club to ditch Green just as he's become one of our most senior, consistent and valuable (and even versatile) players would be insane. The best information I've heard / seen in news is that the debate is over length of contract; 2 years vs 3 years. I'd be staggered if that was enough to sink the partnership, especially since if Green continues to perform like he did this year then his next contract will be a big bugger, and on veterans list/half salary cap rate. There's a good chance that finalisation is a bit tricky while Capatincy / Vice Capataincy arrangements are figured out for next year.
  14. SYDNEY FACING MERGER THREAT Dismal crowd numbers despite a finals finish, marquee players and strong recent on-field record have prompted Sydney Swans President Richard Colless to forshadowed that the Swans could face a merger or even outright closure. Noting the continuous pressure placed on Victorian clubs such as North Melbourne and Melbourne to relocate, and the impending tightening of the market with two new clubs to be created within the next five years, Colless was adamant that Swans supporters needed to show their colours to ensure that the team and club could continue to exist. Interviewed at his Kirribilli home at half time, Colless was despairing of the lack of commitment shown by Swans supporters who were too often happy to stay at home and watch on television instead of making the most of access to games at two of the best stadiums in the country - the charming 'boutique' style SCG and the magnificent, state of the art Olympic stadium. "I would hate to see the Swans, down the track, having to merge with one of these new clubs they are creating in the undeveloped lucrative football markets identified by the AFL" Colless is reported to have said. "But what the AFL has to understand is that like Victoria, Sydney is a very congested market where one or two clubs might have to close in the near future; after all the difference between one and ten is just a zero". AFL boss Andrew Demetriou has insisted that the poor crowd figures for Sydney's final do not represent a barrier to further expansion of the league into new areas, saying that "the fact that a viable AFL club can be run on such poor attendences has been a great impetus to the expansion policy - we are now looking at development plans for teams in Darwin, which this season saw 11,000 people turn up at Marrara stadium, and in Canberra where ground capacity wased pushed to the limit with crowds of 11,000 and 13,000." Demtriou was quick to reassure expansion-plan supporters that Victorian clubs with average home game attendences of 30,000+ in appalling losing seasons were still considered unviable and cuts to numbers reamined on the agenda. Demetrio also stated firmly that average attendences at Home & Away games at Aurora stadium which consistently exceeded Sydney's finals crowd figures did not support the development of a team on the Apple Isle. "It remains the case" Demetriou said "that the number of AFL players recruited from the Sydney area since expansion began easily exceeds the number of Tasmanian's recruited in last year's national draft. The AFL would be foolhardy to consider expansion to an overseas location like Tasmania at this time". Former Victorian premier and current Hawthorn chariman Jeff Kennett noted that the AFL was already extracting considerable income from Tasmania, such as the lucrative sponsorship arrangements with the Hawks, and neither he nor the Hawks board saw any need to support Tasmania in it's populist quest to establish it's own AFL team, which would divert money from where it is most useful. "What Tasmanians need to understand is that no-one really cares about them, and that frankly nobody would even notice if they just died" said the head of the BeyondBlue anti-depression initiative.
  15. I still can't believe that Gold Coast Suns never even got a mention as an option. I'm not saying it's the best or even putting my word in for it. But it surely had to be considered, what with being the number one positive thing people associate with the Gold Coast.
  16. Lets, see, Top row we get going with Jared Morton (hang on, isn't there actually a Jarryd Morton out there already?) Then Matthew Neitz. Pass. Pass. Second row, first from left is Mr. Brad Wheelan. Then there's 'Juice' Frawley. Long Tom Sylvia? And then... Geebus... what an awful picture. Addam Yze is a fun one, and Cameron Green is one even they might find amusing.
  17. RISING STAR WATCH!! Current top three performances for round 22 by rising star elgibile players who have not yet been nominated - Marcus Drum (freo) - 24 posessions, 4 tackles. Clayton Hinkley (freo) - 18 posessions, 1 tackle. Robert Gray (Port) - 17 posessions, 1 tackle, 3 goals. Marlon Motlop, Albert Proud and Lachlen Hansen did alright, too. But the rest of the performers have already been nominated this year. Our Nomination-eligible players vs Richmond include Simon Buckley Jack Grimes Ricky Petterd Addam Maric James Frawley Emg: Michael Newton Surely one of these fellas can grab it and take us to four nominees for the season? I know it's not such a big deal and all, but having so many nominees in a season is at least a symbolic statement.
  18. Kangaroos = Melbourne 2004 Collingwood = Melbourne 2005 Bulldogs = Melbourne 2006 And for good measure, Carlton 2008 = Carlton 2004 I'll be offering a full analysis of why I think that last point (other than I HATE Carlton) once I have the round 22 stats, and can make some pretty charts of youth and injuries over the season etc...
  19. The thing in the media that REALLY bugs me is when they talk about a $5million debt AND expecting to lose $2million this year. the five includes this years anticipated loss of two million, as predicited at the half way point. By the way, we need 31,500 or so for the Richmond game to bring us up over the Bulldog's home game attendances. Fixturing pros and cons are unsplitable. And they finished top four. With a burst early. We ain't in such bad shape, really. I'd hate to be the Bulldogs administration in two years when West, Johnson, Hudson, Welsh, Akermanis, Eagleton and Street are all gone. How many do you reckon we can get? I guess that should be left to the match threads. Big retirements are a plus for attendence, dead rubber (well, haven't they all been?) a minus. And for some reason I reckon there's a few of us who secretly reckon we're in with a shot on Richmond. Poor buggers might yet miss out on ninth!
  20. If I were the Tasmanian government I'd be pulling out of the Sponsorship deal with Hawthorn as quick as possible within contracts. They're shooting themselves in the foot by allowing the half-measure to take the sting out of the demand for the real thing. Keep inviting teams to play in Tassie, definately. That actually gets more people wanting a team of their own. But don't go pretending that the Hawks are in any way Tasmania's club - Jeff Kennett Sure as %$^ doesn't think they are. Hawks are laughing all the way to the bank with no further thoughts than bringing in the dollars. Should look at it like Gold coast looked at Kangaroos - 'if your not coming all the way, don't come at all'. The money would be better off going into Tassie's own leagues, establishing a quality primary stadium, marketing and lobbying for a Tassie club, and establishing a slush-fund to build up a financial base ready for a new club to kick start with.
  21. Also, as I've pointed out before. Neitz, Holland, White, Yze Bode Weetra out. Valenti and Wonaeamirri in. One other person out (I'd assume Carroll since his opportunities are only going to become sparser as the young defenders develop, but maybe someone like Dunn who has some value but isn't a 'prize'). = picks 1, 17, 19, and 35 possibly enhanced slightly, to mid 20s by trading one or more of Carrol/White/Dunn. and PSD pick 1 Plus six rookie list selections (due to veteran list retirements, plus new rookie places in compensation for compromised drafts) Random delistings aren't really that useful if it only opens up pick 50+ Similarly, trading for very little isn't much use. Resist the urge to try to find a 'cure' in trading. A late first round pick will, most likely, play fewer games at a lower standard in their career than any of Green, Bruce, Sylvia, or Wheatley have left, even if they've only got three years to go. Also, I think there's fun to be had throwing in pick 51 (a pick I don't think we'll use anyway) as a sweetener on a trade. Gotta work the system! Carroll, pick 35 and pick 51 for pick 25. Everyone wins, even Nathan Carroll!
  22. Wona and Valenti both deserve to be on the senior list. Wona = leading goalkicker. Valenti = in and under midfielder, currently depth but far from being a spud. It would be shameful to keep these guys on the absolute minimum salary reserved for players who aren't really expected to make it at AFL level at all. I would think Bode might find himself back on the rookie list next year - not performing but not a write off just yet.
  23. The whole thing reeks if you ask me. We're talking millions of dollars of Government and AFL funding to do what exactly? A ) build a facility for Carlton. B ) paint it green, add a rainwater tank, and a solar hot water heater. The term 'Greenwashing' comes to mind. Meanwhile, seriously - consider any other player sponsorship deal worth six figures - they'd have to work their butt off for it - there would be billboards with them, shop windows with them using the product, crappy shampoo ads, rubbish everywhere. Chris Judd, the best known, highest profile AFL player, is on a hundreds-of-thousands-of-dollars-a-year contract to promote Visy... and you wouldn't know it unless you read the sports news carefully. Garbage. Complete box of crap.
  24. Well, it's really just Brad Dalziel and Simon Buckley left of the strong performers not yet to receive a nomination. Both had 30 or more touches this week. I'm tipping Dalziell to get the nod for rnd 21. But that really leaves just Buckley as a serious contender for the rnd 22 nomination - everyone else good has already been nominated! (Apologies to Valenti & Maric) I reckon with Buckley in rnd 22, we can get four nominations two years in a row, with the set of high '08 draft picks plus Petterd, Maric and Grimes all still being eligible, as well as the less talked-about players drafted in 07.
  25. Yep, I saw that. And it wasn't a 'do this thing better by doing it this way' yell either. Most important pre-seaosn in years is coming up, if you ask me. Target list- Bit more body strength across the board - not necessarily creating big green angry monsters, just adding a bit of extra to every player. Kicking and Handballing skills. Running hard and to the right spaces in support of a teammate, offensively and defensively. Or is that stuff just too obvious?
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