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Everything posted by WonnaJurah

  1. i heard we are playing in China next year in October Anyone going to go as im thinking about it,unsure on cost though
  2. emergencies: Pickett,Holland maybe Ward Godfrey
  3. be watching that, this guy is going to be big
  4. Troy Broadbridge should b in the team as we dont know how good he could of been RIP Troy
  5. NIRS is good Afl Radio,just the basics not many ads
  6. bryce mcgain 4/40 20 overs, love to see him get another baggy green,even though its unlikely
  7. thens lets steal a wwe slogan as well "What Ya Going to do,when Demonmania runs over you"
  8. 12th man boxset out now,89 for 7cds.Well worth it
  9. whats next .Judd uses the Peoples Elbow instead of Pressure points
  10. German goalkeeper Robert Enke has commited suicide by jumping in front of a train Rip
  11. im Movembering,its all for a good cause Good work Dees for joining it
  12. should have a QLD demons one as well, maybe at Pineapple hotel. id like that
  13. prob about new guernsey Or good news about Jimma
  14. whats everyone think of Alistair Macdermott,showing good form for QLD as with Ben Cutting?
  15. hoping 25k by xmas Any1 add the gf extra to theirs?
  16. not to bad,il take it Yay 3000 posts
  17. any word on the Vic international player for Big Bash as murali is out
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