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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. Not the way Roos operates though. What a load of rubbish. He's been hitting the scoreboard all year. Yes, he needs to get more of it, but you could say the same thing for our entire midfield. And you love those McKenzie glasses of yours. He can't kick, he's too slow and he doesn't read the play well. The reason for his high disposal efficiency is because he takes the easy (disposal) option every time. I love Jordie's endeavour, but if we're serious, he'll never play again.
  2. He had a very ordinary game today, but he deserves another chance to show his wares next week.
  3. Watching McKenzie run around today reminded me of 2012 and 2013. Please don't remind me of 2012-2013. He's a great trier, but surely he's played his last game. Then again, I can't understand his selection in the first place. If he'd come in to tag, then okay, it's just a case of a lack of depth, but Jordie McKenzie played as the sub. WTF. And while I'm on this, why the hell did Vince not hard tag Fyfe, ala Dangerfield? Mind boggling. No wonder we lost. Our blokes didn't pay Fyfe any respect early on in the game. He literally ran around by himself for the first 5-10 minutes of the game. I thought our defence was terrific considering the enormous height difference on almost every line and the almost non-existent midfield run off half back. Our improvement is ultimately going to be very minimal until we draft/trade more depth in next year.
  4. Must have missed that one. Well, he's got something to keep working on then. But loving his one-on-one defending. He's really grown since stepping out from behind Frawley's shadow last year.
  5. What a legend. I can't quite figure out why they haven't signed him to a longer deal. His tenure initially seemed like it would be a short-term thing, but I have a feeling he is really enjoying himself in the role. Sign him up to a 5 year deal, please.
  6. What excited me today was that I can't recall Tommy missing a target by foot. If he can eliminate those usual errors from his game, he'll be the best defender in the game. Seriously.
  7. Jeffy Garlett and McDonald were terrific today. Brayshaw's tackling was again a highlight. His field kicking still needs work. Our blokes were monstered by the Freo midfield bodies and we didn't lay anywhere near enough tackles. We also didn't work hard enough both ways to provide options for team mates. Freo were doing it all day, but we only did it a handful of times and each time it looked brilliant. We just need to back ourselves more and take more constructive risks.
  8. Of course, as soon as I praise someone, they have their worst performance for the season. Ben had an absolute dog of a day against Freo.
  9. Well, he won't have inspired talks of greater than $400,000 with that showing today. When he doesn't have a chance to jump at the ball he's got no idea how to use his body. His kicking accuracy has dropped back again too.
  10. Thought Watts had a better game today than Jones. He attacked the man like I hadn't seen him do before. He laid a couple of great tackles, used his body well a couple of times and hip-and-shouldered opposition players off the contest. There was also one terrific shepherd. That's the base level intensity and physicality that he needs to channel from now on. The bronx cheering in the third and fourth terms from Melbourne supporters towards Jack today was a disgrace. He annoys me sometimes too, but today he went at the contest and got a bit of the ball as well.
  11. You have Freo mates? And 'Robbo' is the most inarticulate journalists in the history of drunk journalists. An absolute f log.
  12. Love this picture. It's been doing the rounds on my email this week too.
  13. I'm sorry. I'd be saying to Jeremy, 'here's $400,000, take it or leave it'. He's not worth more than that.
  14. Yeah, it's these two who I'm really excited about this year. Thought Michie was good at times last year, but was obviously terrific the other night. Hope he can back it up against his old side. I'm expecting another goal from Newton this week too.
  15. Really like Newton. Beautifully balanced, strong at the contest, can kick a goal (we need plenty of those) and makes pretty good decisions. Great little pick up for us.
  16. I think we need a balance. We need to break even in uncontested ball too as we did against Adelaide. They're quicker than us, but their pace doesn't worry me as much as GWS's does.
  17. I'd like us to crack 100 tackles this weekend. Really bring a tenacity to Freo and hopefully our decision making will be a lot better this week.
  18. Well let's just say he's getting enough scoring involvements to keep his spot.
  19. He reminds me very much of a younger Paul Chapman. His tackling gives me goosebumps. It's been a long time since a demon has tackled like him. He's pretty measured with his aggression too.
  20. Brayshaw is not a star now, but it'd be nice if he turned into one.
  21. Clark... Incidentally, I wonder whether Clark will look for another new team now? Surely playing for a bottom four side will adversely affect his health.
  22. I'd say opposition coaches probably just say run off Jeremy Howe. He won't chase.
  23. I know it's horrible, but I can't fully invest in Hogan until we sign him up for another 5 or 6 years. Please do that soon, MFC. Oh and for the record, still happy for Howe to leave if we get something good for him. Whenever he goes forward he switches off. There was a moment on Friday night when he drifted forward and his man got the ball and he simply let him run off with it. His chase was pretty much non existent and everyone around us said 'lazy, Jeremy Howe'. He's a one trick pony.
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