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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. I don't think so. It sounds like we've been into Frost a while and probably handshook on it prior to trade period. Merrett seems like a slightly newer proposition. I'd say something else has entered the fray. Further, I think the fact we were ever interested in Merrett discounts the unlikely possibility we offered Cameron a contract.
  2. Also, LOL if he landed at Sydney. Eddie would have a meltdown.
  3. Interesting development, if true. I'd prefer we took a younger bloke like Shiel before a bloke like Beams.
  4. A lot of the attraction to FAs seems to be success and/or wealth, not necessary footballing environment. Of course, most of the time this goes hand in hand, but win more games and more FAs will be tempted to come our way.
  5. I'd almost expect another two or three of these from Roos and co too. Didn't see Tyson coming at all last year.
  6. Gee, if they did it, they'd be fools and they'd have to really rated Petracca, kinda unrealistically high too. There's no way he could be better than their two best mids.
  7. Because Taylor Adams set a precedence last year. We'll see this more if clubs don't nip it in the bud. EDIT. Actually, Josh Caddy set it the year before.
  8. When you compare a bloke like Buckley, who shoots his mouth off in press conferences and doesn't consider the consequences, and then you look at our bloke, they are world's apart. Roos is always angling at something, always very considered. We're very lucky.
  9. It'd be nice to see Hawthorn implode and then they'd all be taken care of for a few years.
  10. I'm far more confident that we'll secure a player(s) through trade rather than taking the picks to the draft.
  11. Well played, if that's the case. Always open on over and above what you expect and most of the time you end up getting what you want, which is somewhere in the middle. In this case it sounds like a 2nd and 3rd rounder.
  12. So do GCS to be fair. At least GWS have stability in that they've currently got a coach, it's just they're making no real inroads on the field. I think both clubs are chock-full of potential elite midfielders that either team might give up to get a high pick. If Dangerfield doesn't eventuate, I expect these are the two teams we'll look to deal with.
  13. Our man Roos is a genius. So good at selling. Garlett also offers ability at ground level if we're not playing the counter too. He's a great fit if his mind is in the game and he brings discipline.
  14. Yeah, us being able to field a side next year puts us ahead.
  15. We're in a great position, because if we do go to the draft with the picks, I have faith in this recruiting regime to get it right. While the new FD will provide an environment that will nurture and develop new recruits.
  16. That's because people don't think. They just let their emotions lead their decision making. If you do that in business, you're [censored].
  17. Surely a 4th rounder would do for Frost? He came off the rookie list and although we want him, his price shouldn't be too high.
  18. Not sure if anyone's seen it, but the show that inspired me to become a filmmaker is returning in 2016, Twin Peaks. So excited. Not a film, but a DVD boxset.
  19. I think by the end of Roos' final trade period, our team will just about be totally unrecognisable from the team he inherited. I expect us to gain 4 or so ready-to-go types this off season and the same again next off season. That will mean he'll have added almost a full 18 to play for him in his final season in charge. Given Roos' record with trading and drafting, I'm quietly hopeful of an exciting 2016. I'm hopeful we'll win 8 or so next season, but that may depend on whether or not we can land a big fish this trade period.
  20. Hope you're right, mate. I think there'll always be those blokes who are followers rather than leaders. They key, I guess, is having more of the latter types. I agree with you RE: Watts. But if it clicks for him, I think he's a confident enough kid that that'll enable him to take on some leadership responsibility.
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