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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. This spells "I'm too lazy to put the work in, so I'll blame it on my last club". [censored], Colin. You had years to put the work in and you didn't. That's why you can't crack a game.
  2. There's no chance we take McCartin even if he's available. We'll be taking two midfielders and if we only take one and then say Wright, that'll mean Taylor and co don't think much of the rest of the midfield talent in this draft. Roos has signposted all year that we'll be taking mids, mids, mids.
  3. I tend to agree, although it depends whether you think the players he got rid of were actually to aid the reversal of a rotten culture. If you agree with the last part, then you'd have to say it was a bit of a catch-22 for him.
  4. We used that one with Sylvia for a while too. How old is Tappy now? 23? I just can't see him making it.
  5. No, let's forget Glen. Or at least, gag him - they may already have done this. Anyway, I don't want to hear any more interviews, Glen. Just keep the board stable.
  6. Worth an apology, HH? Well, at least we'll know that if they don't turn into good players, it was Taylor's fault.
  7. If this is true, I'd like to read a few of the views from Demonlanders now. Those that had a go at Frawley and said that he was a follower and not a leader, and expected those around him to drag him up. With this line of thinking, what would opinions of Jones be? For the record, this is the way football contracts will be played from now on. To borrow Mark Neeld's favourite phrase: "It is what it is". We need to get used to it.
  8. There wouldn't be much commentary on Demonland, if we only passed comment on people we knew personally.
  9. People get [censored] off at Brock (and rightfully so), because he said this, wearing a navy blue polo shirt belonging to probably the most obvious tankers in the history of the sport. What a hypocritical rat. Our Richmond game was bad, but their game against us was farcical, as was the latter part of their season.
  10. Very. Thank you, DO. I can see us offering a $600-700k contract. I suspect Roos will look to build a culture where blokes will take slightly less, in order to achieve slightly more. ie. the Geelong model.
  11. If it's happening in the NBA, you can bet it'll soon be introduced to our system. The AFL love attempting to emulate the American sports industry. I think he saw a high leading half forward flanker that could out-muscle his opponent at U18 level and kick a long goal, and also happened to remind him of Paul Chapman. I'm only speculating though. Tapscott was a poor pick in hindsight. He looked half decent on the TV during the July Championships. That was about it. I think he generally has a nice kicking action, but I think he's one of those guys whose body allowed him to impact games when playing against boys. Take muscle out of the equation and all of a sudden, he's a slow bloke, with little agility.
  12. Yeah, we actually need to see it on the ground, otherwise it's all for nought. We're still the same shitty Melbourne Football Club until we start winning again and then all of a sudden opposition supporters will gripe about all the draft picks we've been handed. See it coming a mile away. Couldn't care less though. I'd welcome being disliked again, not pitied. Coaches have to adapt. That's what makes a good coach. That's what makes a successful teacher. One of my best mates works at Hawthorn, says Clarkson is an absolute hardarse. Well, we've all witnessed that from the stands really, but it goes to show there are some that can make it work. Maybe Clarkson has the balance right? Yep, they did.
  13. We have no idea what went on, so who knows. Just as we can't really say it was disgraceful how he was sacked. We simply don't know enough information. I'll back our FD to have vetted the situation and McCartney properly. With Roos to helm the ship, under Jackson's watchful eye, I'm sure this will be a good appointment.
  14. McCartney into a development role and Goodwin to the midfield, surely. And I like this news.
  15. Unfortunately, we need it to be a number of blokes, mate. I'd say they're just about top of the tree, but gee it'd be handy to have two or three of the mids show the improvement that Jetta has shown. The way the club seems to be backing him, I wouldn't be surprised if he comes out next year and really starts to impact games. It'll be about whether he can accumulate enough of the ball. His disposal shouldn't be in question.
  16. Well, in a way, you could argue Jack being put up for trade opened his eyes to the possibility of switching clubs and what that would entail. It doesn't have to be a sour grapes thing. It could merely be eye-opening. The fact that he considered leaving this year, may well impact his decision at the end of '15. Mentally, sometimes it's very hard to get back into a situation you thought you'd moved on from. But as you say, Jack seems like the type of kid that would attempt to repay the faith we've placed in him for years.
  17. Looks alright, but I don't expect us to beat GCS unfortunately. I know it's on our turf and we should be in with a shot, but they should have too much class in the midfield. Still, a few months to pass under the bridge yet though. We could have some inspiring/creepy Saty training reports that induce us into a false sense of optimism. All of a sudden, Demonland will be bleating: "if we don't beat GCS we won't win a game for the rest of the season". An early win will undoubtedly help a spike in membership though, so I hope we get it.
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