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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. I'd consider a rookie spot, but it depends if we can lure another ruckman. If we can, I'd say goodbye, Jamar.
  2. Agreed. The difficulty is having the currency to bring a genuine A grader in. Who do you think we should be looking at there?
  3. Yep. We need to focus on this area. We still lack 6 or 7 AFL grade midfielders that can rotate through there. A lot of work to be done. Developing from within is also obviously important to bridging this issue.
  4. I prefer the kick to himself and roost it as far out of the defensive zone as possible. The short kick into the pocket means our next kick either has to be pretty precise or it ends up being a similar result to the first option.
  5. Looking at that list, some of the best posters are actually interstaters.
  6. Whereas I kept saying, 'oh, he'll kick this one, even though he has no right to'. You could just tell very early on that it was one of those days for him. He's such a confidence player that you can't let him get his tail up early and we did.
  7. Agreed. I actually said the same thing about the Dunn error at the time. Still, it was so disappointing because Dunn is such a beautiful kick. It just ended up being dumb footy that he got too close to the man on the mark and then execution wise, that he didn't get more air time on it to get it over that man properly.
  8. I still think they'll have trouble retaining a lot of them. Okay, so some of them have signed on for an extra two years, but that's not a great deal longer in the scheme of things. Further, it only takes a Treloar to say he's going and all of a sudden the rest are very gettable.
  9. Our problem was though that we gave up turn overs that were in some cases almost unforced errors. We made the worst possible decision when if we'd made some quite basic football decisions, we would not have conceded a goal. Combine a number of poor decisions and what we did was continually shoot ourselves in the foot.
  10. Name the 11 to 12 players. Sorry, I can't see us cutting that many. I'm not saying we don't have a lot of deadwood, but we can comfortably cut away 6 to 7 players. After that, the decisions become trickier. It seems to be going to script, IMO. It's perhaps not as quick as some of us would like or have expected, but anything more would have been mere fantasy, BB. I dunno. I consider myself a reasonably observant football watcher and I was at the game and the whole Oxley thing wasn't as apparent to me. I noticed him take one or two marks (apparently he took something like six in one quarter), but his dominance wasn't as obvious to me. I'm not as filthy on the players about this one. I'm more filthy about their intensity at the top of the first and final quarters. He already has. He essentially apologised today. Tyson replacing Vanders will do me for the moment.
  11. It's also how you interpret those stats. David King has no idea. He's one of those guys that never made it as a coach, but considers himself a bit of a tactician. It's farcical. It's like calling Terry Wallace the 'List Manager', when under his watch, he stuffed up the Tigers' list. Besides, I'm not even sure what you're talking about here. We're not 17th or 18th on the ladder. We're 15th and our stats are clearly improving, almost universally. Not everything is on the up, but it's a mighty improvement, particularly given where we're coming from. If you can't see progress, DO, it might just be all those mental scars from the past few years. We're clearly on the up. We won't play finals this year, but we are no longer a basketcase. We're competitive with probably 15 to 16 other AFL teams and could beat any on our day. It's been a while since we've been able to say that.
  12. I don't think they'll be able to hold on to their entire list though. Too many top picks in there that it'd be very difficult to keep them all happy. I can see us getting someone from GWS at the end of this season. Who, I don't know.
  13. His name is Lumumba and it has been mentioned.
  14. That's fine. By the end of 2017, we should be well and truly amongst it and ready to lure him again. Only this time, we'll be in a much stronger position. Let's turn our attention to Prestia. Perfect time to strike. His value has been lowered due to injury, but he's still an A grader. Upon a fitness test, I'd give up Howe or a first rounder. Maybe I just have Prestia blinkers on again.
  15. Agree with all of that, except I'd have Riley as the sub and ANB on the bench.
  16. I think this stuff is becoming harder and harder to pick, due to the midfield rotation of the modern game. Unless there is a hard tag being applied, I can rarely tell. I'm sure I'm not the only one.
  17. Not sure about that. I love him in the team, but his disposal is ordinary. He hasn't improved it. His old man (who I loved) struggled with disposal efficiency throughout his entire career. I hope Jack can rectify this area of his game.
  18. Calm down. It is relevant, given the amount of rubbish Toumpas has copped on Demonland. Won't make them see it any more, but it might get them to pipe down for a little while.
  19. Already posted something similar, but I can't help myself, so excited by this bloke. I just watched our two strings of goals in the second and third quarters. Brayshaw was front and centre in just about everything, with strong involvement from Gawn, Vince and Jones. Even Lumumba. But Brayshaw is all class. I love him.
  20. Agreed, except two of them were our experienced defenders in Dunn and Garland. They shouldn't be making these errors.
  21. He rarely plays to that stature though.
  22. I wonder if it's more the smoking that is holding him back, rather than a lack of one pre season?
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