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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. I reckon he's closer to Chapman, but I can certainly see the Rooke comparisons too.
  2. Dunn was ordinary.Edit. That said, just noticed on the replay he was playing Crameri, so maybe he was alright. I'd just prefer him to take the game on more.
  3. Agreed. And we worried them out of a lot of disposals or cheap hit up kicks, just by harassing and not necessarily tackling.
  4. A number of tackles didn't stick today. I believe we beat that tackle count against Adelaide and Richmond. So it is very achievable.
  5. Well done, Cam. Keep stringing these impressive performances together. That's two in a row. Imagine another tall KPF next to Hogan and Pedo and another quicl crumber like Jeffy. I wonder if Kent can play that role?
  6. His best game for the year and he still barely had an impact. I hope he has a few good games though, so he can increase that trade value.
  7. Love him. The pressure he brings is already so important for us. He's a real barometer.
  8. It's not just turn overs, it's poor decision making. Once in the third he tried to kick a goal from an impossible angle, instead of centering the ball. Then in the fourth, he kicked it right into the goalsquare and it was rushed through. He's a dumb player, with ordinary disposal. We can't carry him past this season and if we don't delist him, he'll only ever be depth.
  9. Glad to read you're positive now, OD. Another fickle one in these parts.
  10. Nope. Grimes should go. His disposal and decision making is still VFL standard. And go around again, Gus. We need you.
  11. Exactly. The captain made a couple of absolute shockers again that cost us goals. Toumpas is a lovely kick, he just needs to show a lot more composure at times.
  12. Vanders, Gus and Toumpas all got involved in a big way today. So exciting.
  13. Yu bloody beauty. Is anyone gonna give Spencer any credit today? Won about 5 clearances by himself in a row in the 1st or 2nd quarter. He's still rough, but he's come on leaps and bounds. What a sweet feeling that win was. Bloody Vanders and Gus. What ripper games. And Pedo was almost unbeatable one on one. Edit. Fitzy's game was magnificent. And Toumpas made a few silly errors, but great to see him getting involved.
  14. No. If we're giving up Toumpas, I want us to at least try and get something in return. We've taken an investment in him. You don't throw it away after 3 years without a fight. That's dumb business.
  15. From that I would deduce that we're interested in SOS for some reason or a deal with a player.
  16. Carlton are about the only other club that have had a worse time of it than us since 2002. We'd have played in more finals than them wouldn't we? That shows you how pathetic they've been too.
  17. We tend to get close though. Even in our darkest hours. We've always given this game a shake. Can't see us getting it under 4 goals now with Tyson out.
  18. Not good enough and gets killed around the ground, J. From here on out he's on the list as back up.
  19. Interesting. So in effect, what you're saying, B, is that we conceded those games against the top 3?
  20. I wasn't sure whether to like this post or not. That really tells a horrible story. If our midfield breaks even, our forwards win their battles and our backs hold their forwards, we'll have played a good team game, IMO. But you're right. We're going into this game very rightly as underdogs (pun not intended ). I wouldn't waste Tommy on Boyd at this stage. The latter has struggle to impact the game like Hogan has. I'd be risking it and starting Dunn on Boyd and seeing if he can run off him. Crameri gave us problems last year, because I think he was awarded two or three of his goals from free kicks - arguably because he was too big for Dunn. Still, I think I'd play Tommy on him this time. Therefore, perhaps Howe plays on Stringer, which leaves Garland for Boyd? Just typing that out makes me a little concerned. We might get done for height there. I wonder if that's why Fitzy is being considered? He's been playing in the backline at Casey, hasn't he?
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