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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. He was very effective last week, but he just doesn't have the tools to be a consistently good AFL player for mine.
  2. Lol, I can just imagine you ogling his 19 year old body. "Put on a bit of muscle, Sammy?"
  3. Haha. You're a ridiculous poster, HH. I love it.
  4. It might be down to the backs gelling more, but I'd argue it's the pace of Sam Frost and Jayden Hunt. We close down space quicker with these guys in the team.
  5. Add Salem and that's truly exciting. Only three fringers in that lot and three of them are on the bench and I don't mean Gus.
  6. Except when people mistake what you've said, as was the case with me a couple of weeks ago and some toff MFC 'supporter' with his seat cushion.
  7. The arrogance from that club and its supporters really is unsurpassed. A couple of my mates are Essendon supporters and to talk footy with them is absolutely painful and pointless. As soon as you talk footy, all of a sudden they start to exude arrogance.
  8. Are we serious here? I hope GNF is right about Jesse, but to be honest I couldn't give a toss whether most of what he posts comes to fruition. It's just a bit of fun. Yeah, he's probably joining quite a few of the dots himself and I'd agree with PD that the trade whispers are delivered in an attention-seeking way, but I love a rumour or two. Particularly when they're always weighted in an extremely positive direction for the MFC. So some of the posters who feel the need to beat on GNF or even beat on those that enjoy his posts, just chill the [censored] out a bit. Oh and the way this thread has tangentially escalated, it might pay to start that trading board up slightly earlier than was planned.
  9. You watch. Have a feeling this is going to be a big off season for once. We'll have all our best players signed up and we'll land that big fish we've been talking about for two years. That'll happen. As will Hogan's re-signing, but Hogan also said he was ready to sign last year and then that he was waiting for the CBA. So this really hasn't come much further, just an educated guess.
  10. Agreed. Just that there's still some water to flow under the bridge, but that it's more than likely he'll stay. So if he's told the club he's re-signing it's unlikely he'll request a trade. We're not actually that much further along than we were before GNF's post.
  11. I still don't know what you're talking about, Tone.
  12. I thought he did an ordinary job here and I couldn't work out why Richmond poached him and were so excited about it. He's an ordinary recruiter. His track record speaks for itself.
  13. People have just taken it as fact that his knee is stuffed because he's having surgery on it. I get that there's a risk, but people aren't talking about Petracca in the same light.
  14. Yeah, I guess getting Hurley is the most important part of this equation, but I also don't think Essendon deserve to come out of their debacle with a string of draft picks. And they will if we get him. Meanwhile, PJ is a genius and I hope he's with us another 5+ years.
  15. I don't think the FD will allow the Druggies to hold us over a barrel. I believe we paid overs for Melksham last off season (he is a turn over merchant of the highest order - hoping the MFC gives him a new lease of life), but I reckon we'll hold steady this year. I think part of the high asking price (apart from Dodo's usual [censored] tactics) is ensuring that if Hibberd is worth a first or second rounder, an AA like Hurley must be worth two first rounders. I'm sure they're trying to manufacture a higher market price for their players in other trades. Especially, as they're aware we're after Hurley as well.
  16. As much as I agree with you, that won't wash with the AFL, who want a strong and viable Druggie outfit in 2017-2018. If they get pillaged this off season, the AFL will step in and give them first rounders. You watch. And I hope Triple Chins and the rest of the competition are up in arms about it.
  17. I would. He sounds like he'll be a bit of a leader. I've heard him talk in the Casey huddle, so I can imagine it's similar in the MFC huddle. He's an extremely confident kid, but let him play 2 or 3 seasons before we throw him into the leadership group, IMO.
  18. He's still being paid a bloody good salary. I bet you he's on a lot more than most of us on Demonland and that's no disrespect to anyone. He's on a footballer's contract and so fronting up for two years on that money wouldn't be hard. Yeah, okay, so his dream is clearly to play AFL, but he's had a go and he's still on an AFL list and he's still being well-paid. There are tougher things in the world...
  19. Lol. Is it 2013 again, WYL? Are we still on this?
  20. Want at least one of our games against the Saints to be played at the G (preferably two, as pay back for this year).
  21. We already have quite a rivalry with the Druggies and this would only increase it. Good for the game, IMO. Imagine our game against them next year. Three of their former players; their only win for 2016 coming against us; they'd be aiming for the 8; we'd be aiming for the 8. If these two trades eventuate, this has Friday night blockbuster written all over it.
  22. I don't know. I just don't rate Hardwick and I don't rate their recruiting. Their development is questionable too. I'd literally start again. I'd keep Rance and Riewoldt. So you've got a lynchpin at either end of the ground that can teach your young players and I'd trade out Martin, Lids and Cotch. I'd get a stack of draft picks and knuckle down for three years of clever trading, focusing on development and a new game plan. They lack role players all over the ground. They're mostly C graders and they need a coach that will bring cohesion and focus to every player. Hardwick isn't the man and that was clear to many outside of that club 2-3 years ago. I think the midfield is what they have to build and I'd consider keeping just Martin for that reason, but I'd be looking to get 2-3 first rounders, plus whatever they have this year to start the rebuild. And I'm mostly tongue-in-cheek about Prestia, but nothing I've read anywhere has suggested we've cooled on him at all. It's simply been reported that Richmond is his likely destination, mostly due to money. Now, the way our FD has worked under PJ's guidance since Mahoney took over, is very quietly and very efficiently. We don't show our hand and we operate like a top club. Last year's trade period is evidence of that, where we caught a couple of the big clubs offside with our smart trading. As far as I'm concerned, we're more likely to land Prestia than Richmond. But Carlton...? I don't know. I'll tell you one thing though. I couldn't stand it if he landed at Carlton.
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