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Everything posted by MadAsHell

  1. What are people's thoughts on Shane Savage? He's a forward/midfielder, 185cm and very quick and could play the role. Kicked 5 goals in the VFL Prelim Final the other day and has struggled to get a regular game at Hawthorn due to the likes of Rioli, Breust, Hill etc. Might be able to tempt him with a regular game and money and he's shown an ability to be able to rotate through the midfield.
  2. True Cross himself has nothing to do with Pick 2. But at the end of the trade/free agent period it would read: Melbourne Gains: Adams, Docherty, Cross Melbourne Losses: Pick 2 As for are Adams & Docherty worth Pick 2? Personally I think yes, but others may disagree.
  3. 1 Female member on The Liberal Party front bench who'll be out of the country for the majority of the time. I must say I'm shocked! I was always under the impression that Tony Abbott and The Liberal Party were such a progessive party and weren't trying to take us back to another era??? As has been mentioned in the media. Even Afghanistan's front bench has more females in their cabinet!
  4. To much baggage for me. Allegedly already on 2 strikes. Not worth the risk. I'd rather us focus on Taylor Adams & Sam Docherty.
  5. Unless we get involved and make it a three way deal. Martin to GWS Adams & Pick 18 to Melbourne Pick 2 to Richmond We could then use Pick 18 to get Docherty from Brisbane and we walk away with Adams, Docherty & Cross all for the cost of Pick 2!
  6. I'm told Terry Wallace made some kind of comment yesterday on either Future Stars or The Footy Show that he expected Docherty to come to the Dees. Did anyone actually hear that???
  7. Think some of our targets in trade period should be: Rory Sloane (long shot, inside/outside mid) Ollie Wines (long shot, inside mid) Taylor Adams (battle with Collingwood & Geelong for, inside/outside mid) Sam Docherty (outside mid/HBF) Shane Savage (small forward/midfield) George Horlin-Smith (Inside mid) Billie Smedts (outside mid/HBF) Horlin-Smith, Smedts & Savage are all gettable IMO due to not being consistent best 22 in their current team and we could certainly lure them with the prospect of more game time and possibly more money. Adams & Docherty are both reportedly on the move so we should look out for both of them and Sloane we should hold some outside hope for if Adelaide really want Aish at Pick 2, the same could actually be said for Wines and Port. Free Agent: Daniel Cross from Bulldogs is our oly real target here I would have thought. Don't think we're in the Daisy race and it would probably be silly to pay massive overs as we'd likely need to do. Draft: To early to say really as who knows which draft picks we'll end up with after all the trading is done, but as far as some late picks go a couple of guys to watch out for from the VFL are Chris Michaliades (Zebras) who's a small crumbing forward, Jason Pongracic (Dolphins) hard at it midfielder who was unlucky not to be drafted out of the Stingrays last year and Khan Haretuku (Dolphins) KPF who can also play back and chop out in the ruck if need be. Has a lot of talent.
  8. Your trading Pick 1 for Gaff & LeCras. That would be a priority pick, so that's all good.Pick 3 for Swallow, our first round pick, I'm still with you. Then you say 2nd round pick & pick 19 for Adams. Pick 19 would be our 2nd round pick, so where's the other 2nd round pick coming from? Unless you meant 2nd & 3rd round picks?
  9. Only if Jamar is moving on. I'm not against having 4 specialist ruckmen on the list, but one of them should be a long term project eg. a rookie pick in the draft. Only one of Jamar, Jolly, Gawn or Spencer would play for Melbourne every week with Mitch playing FF/Relief ruck. Two could play tandem at Casey with the no sub rule and Fitzy as a permanent forward. One to play Casey 2's and that should be the project ruck. Not Spencer or Gawn, which is what would happen if we recruited Jolly and all 4 were fit at the one time.
  10. Sure was, represented Victoria in the State match and was one of the best on ground. He's had a bad run with injury this year.
  11. I'd love it if the AFL gave us a priority pick as much as the next guy, but surely they aren't going to give us 2 first round and 2 second round draft picks....
  12. Taken sorry Choke. And Robbie I never received a how to vote card from The Greens, but I'm happy to allow their preferences to go to who they think fit. Only how to vote cards I received were Labor (at the booth and in the mail), Liberal (mail only which I burned after having a read and rolling my eyes. I avoided them at the booth), Sex Party (mail, actually have some very good policies and nearly voted for them in the senate), DLP (at the booth and disregarded after a quick read) and Family First (booth, but I never actually received it as I told the guy not to bother). I'm actually interested to hear who you'd suggest I vote for in the senate that isn't strongly linked to Labor or Liberal, but would give their preference to one of them before Palmer? I'm not sure if such a party exists? As far as I was concerned my only real options in the senate were The Greens, Democrats and Sex Party. Democrats are dead and buried, Sex Party probably not strong enough yet, so that left me with a pretty simple choice. As for everything else I'm glad you've admitted that you hate Labor as it explains your logic behind your arguments. I for one don't hate The Liberal Party, i simply disagree with many of their policies. I don't like Tony Abbott, neither do I like Sophie Mirabella, Mal Brough or Christopher Pine, but I have a lot of time for Malcolm Turnbull, Joe Hockey, Bruce Billson and at times Barnaby Joyce. Under the right circumstances I would vote for The Liberal Party if I thought they would do a better job, but I don't believe they will under Abbott's leadership. I came very close to voting for them at the last State election and if it weren't for me living in Tim Holding's electorate who did a fantastic job I would have voted Liberal. There's a state election next year and my votes up for grabs. Will most likely vote Labor, but never say never and I think that should be the mentality to voting that people should take. By all means have a party that suits your views more then the other absolutely, but if you think they need a spell or if you think the other party has better policies to bring in then give them a go!
  13. Choke's right Robbie, your extreme bias has you talking in circles. You critisized Choke for not voting for anyone and not making a decision, but then have a go at me because I voted Labor in the house of reps and Greens in the senate. You had a go at Greens & Labor for preferencing Palmer United aheadof the Liberal party, yet not the Liberal Party for preferencing Palmer ahead of both of them. If the Fairfax race had of been between Palmer & the Labor member, where do you think the Liberal Member's preference would have gone? You complain about people having a go at Abbott on a thread named Tony Abbott is an international embarrasment, yet then proceed to give derogatory names to several different Labor Members. You say that Abbott has made comments in the past that he regrets, but then come out and talk about all these things Albanese & Shorten have done in the past. You have to practice what you preech Robbie. As for the broad staements about The Greens, you've called their economic policies in to line and said anyone who supported them and saw their policieswould be embarrased. Well, what policies of The Greens are embarrasing? You also then go on about Labor and Greens voters crying out bias about anyone who doesn't agree with them, yet have you read your own posts on this thread Robbie? I suggest you do.
  14. You should send her an e-mail and ask if she'll be covering the story Jack seeing as she wrote about the concerned parents of teenagers being drafted to a club like Essendon where they treated the players like Guinea Pigs or Melbourne where the club didn't give them their best chance to succeed by tanking. What about Richmond where they openly allow their players to associate with known criminals???
  15. Labor and the Liberals are both in favor of mining, the only difference is Labor want them to pay more tax then the Liberals. As for The Greens preferencing them, first of all by law they're required to lodge a ticket and I think you'll find it's because of Clive Palmer's much more compassionate views on asylum seekers which is one if not one of the biggest issues that the Greens see in Australia at the moment. If you saw Christine Milne on 7:30 you would have seen her say as much. As for the Greens economic policies, how dare they not share a surplus at all costs mentality of The Liberals and think that Big Banks & Mining pay more to go back into health and education when they're currently enjoying billion dollar profits year after year after year. But that's right, all The Greens really want is to run the country into bakruptcy so everyone's out of a job and we all return to living off the land, travelling by horse and cart so emissions are down while preparing our dinner in a cauldron over a wood fire and the house lit by candle light. It's amazing what some people believe when they read to much Andrew Bolt, listen to Alan Jones, Steve Price and only take in Murdoch related media. How's the O'Reilly Factor program going, haven't seen it for awhile...
  16. I work with a friend of Josh's wife who told me a couple of weeks back that he was a good chance of keeping the role if they secured Roos. We'll wait and see I guess.
  17. I reckon Jason Pongracic who's also be named may also be well worth a look at us recruting. Especially if we trade our first couple of picks away. Reckon he'd be a very good get at any pick after our 3rd rounder.
  18. Potential complicated 4 way club trade to get some of the deals done that have been mentioned in the media? Melbourne trade out Picks 2 & 18 Adelaide trade out Sloane, McKernan & Pick 40 GWS trade out Adams, Bruce & Pick 51 St Kilda trade out Fisher & Pick 53 Melbourne gain Sloane & Adams Adelaide gain Picks 2, 51 & 53 GWS gain Fisher, McKernan & Pick 40 St Kilda gain Bruce & Pick 18 Reckon that's close to a win for all. We get two quality mids who are ready to go. Adelaide get back into the draft with Pick 2 and having their 3rd pick before where their current 2nd pick would otherwise come. GWS get a key defender, a forward/ruck and an upgrade of Pick 51 to 40 for the loss of two promising young players and St Kilda get a young key defender and an uprade from Pick 53 to 18 for the loss of Fisher?
  19. Wouldn't have though so either. Swan comes across to me as the type of guy that would just retire instead.
  20. The rumor flying around the office this morning is Swan & Shaw to GWS for Pick 1 (Boyd).
  21. Jolly will end up at Geelong Krakouer at West Coast Russell at Adelaide and Didak at St Kilda None will be at Melbourne...
  22. Thought Tynan may have picked up a 1 year deal to prove himself under Roos and that one of Sellar or Davis (probably Sellar) would have been kept for depth. Magner, Jetta & Nicho lucky IMO and even Taggert isn't out of the woods yet. Those 4 and Stark are probably the only other players that may come under scrutiny over the next few weeks. But I'd certainly delist Magner and pick up Cross instead.
  23. Assuming we don't get a priority pick. And after confirming we're delisting Tom Gillies, Troy Davis, Neville Jetta, Daniel Nicholson, James Magner & Tom Couch. Pick 2 to West Coast for Scott Selwood & Pick 6 (Maybe swapping of some other later picks) Pick 6 to GWS for Taylor Adams Sign Daniel Cross as a free agent Draft the two best midfielders available at Picks 18 & 34. Draft the best young key defender at Pick 52. Rookie Draft a long term ruck preospect and Khan Haretuku from Frankston Dolphins
  24. Ahead of the Liberal Party, you bet. Just like the Liberal Party also preferenced Palmer ahead of them. http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/nsw/tony-abbott-banishes-the-greens-from-the-lower-house/story-fni0cx12-1226696646808 " Meanwhile, Mr Abbott would not rule out doing deals or preferencing other minor parties such as Bob Katter's Australia Party or Clive Palmer's Untied Party." "There is a world of difference with the Greens and everyone else contesting this election," he said. "Everyone else supports economic growth and a more prosperous economy ... (the Greens have) fringe economic policies to put it kindest. No one else has that kind of economic policy." So it goes both ways Robbie, it's just the seat of Fairfax is coming down to a battle between Palmer & Liberal. If it was Palmer & Greens, or Palmer & Labor I know where the Liberal parties preferences would have been going. But we're in 100% agreement about the disaster that the 2004 election brought with the Liberal Party being able to introduce anything they wanted with control of both houses. Maybe there needs to be better education given to people about how the senate works given what happened back then and what's happened in this election?
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