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Everything posted by RalphiusMaximus

  1. My money is on them changing the Father-Son rules to prevent us getting access to any of the kids coming through in the next few years.
  2. 6 - Rivers 5 - Viney 4 - May 3 - Gawn 2 - Salem 1 - Sparrow Honourable mention to K. Brown. His first stat in the seniors was a goal-saving run-down tackle to preserve our three point lead. You couldn't script it better for that kid.
  3. From the limited footage I've seen, Harley Reid is well and truly top of the class. He already looks like one of the best mids they have over there.
  4. OK, I just need to highlight the Gawn Game tonight. His stats are insane. The guy is a legend.
  5. Sam has concrete hands. For someone whose game is meant to be built on contested marks, that is a fatal flaw. It's not necessarily a lack of effort, but the ball bounces off his hands every time he tries to take a grab. If he can't mark the ball, he has nothing else to offer.
  6. You remember Jarrod Molloy at Brisbane? They kept him a bit on the heavy side so he'd be more of a beast in tight spaces and harder to bring down. When he went to the Pies and dropped the extra weight he was half the player. Have to say, I think that was the best game I've seen all year. Scores level at half time, multiple lead changes, a massive arm wrestle for dominance between two very different game styles. It had everything. And of course, the right team won. I can't believe how quickly Windsor is adapting to the top level. So very happy we have him in the side. I'm hoping we'll all be equally impressed with the Kolt when he gets his chance.
  7. I can't believe how much they continue to underrate Juddy.
  8. Good reel. Looks to have real pace and a good jump. I also like how he picked up the ground ball at 23 seconds. He didn't lead with his face like so many do looking for the cheap free kick.
  9. I'd love to see Sanders on our list, even if there's every chance he'll be gifted to Tasmania in a few years. He's absolute quality and makes the players around him look better.
  10. Everything below pick 74 has a value of 0 points. Since point matching is required, if someone were to pull shenanigans like that we would be required to match a bid of 0 points. But would we then be using a main list or rookie list spot on him?
  11. That was a damn good game. We finally get a grand final that's an even contest and goes down to the last minute. It just sucks that it was those teams that gave it to us.
  12. Honestly, I'd be happy enough to see him come in as depth, but he's not worth chasing from what I can see. A late bloomer, mediocre averages in most areas and kicks a little under two goals a game. At 28 he's not likely to improve much on his existing numbers. Will he be good enough to win a regular spot in our side?
  13. Well, since he isn't a coach and the issues are in the coaches box rather than with the players, I think we can agree on that. He's already happily jumping into packs at Casey. He's not going to break any games open next year, but he'll see game time and in a few years he and JVR will be looking pretty good.
  14. Honestly, the single biggest thing they need to stop doing if they want to kick goals with their set shots is stop running out to the side. Especially since the "Stand" rule came in, players have been compulsively running out on their kicking side to try to crib a few extra metres, whether they need the distance or not. That simple act drastically lowers the accuracy of their kick. They need to get back to basics, run directly at the centre of the goal mouth, and kick the ball directly ahead of themselves. It's a basic, largely foolproof method which holds up under pressure.
  15. I don't think you need to write off the forwards on our list quite yet. JVR and Jefferson are both quality young players. They just need another couple of years to build their bodies and turn into AFL footballers. I would expect Jefferson to play in the seniors at some point next year. His mobility and athleticism are a good foil for JVR. If we use Petty as the primary KPF, they could both work off him and impact games. That being said, the elephant in the room is that our forward line problems aren't about the players. It's all about the gameplan, or more accurately, the lack of a plan to score goals. We default to either a bomb to the "hot spot" or a chip to the pocket, two spectacularly low-percentage plays. Our forwards don't move, they don't work for each other, they have no tactics in use to create space for each other so we can take marks in threatening positions. This is entirely on the coaches and it needs to be addressed far more than whether we have the players.
  16. Maybe not the Giants per se, but I'm thrilled for Hogan and Bedford to be playing finals and performing well. I was super peeved when we let Bedford go without a fight, but I doubt he'd have been given the chance under Goodwin that he's had up there and he's absolutely killing it, so good on him.
  17. He's going to be a valuable cog wherever he lands. He's more than capable of playing wing or inside mid and his kicking is underrated. Weak on pace and overhead, but he won't have any trouble finding a home. I wish him all the best. Could be interesting to see Grundy, Harmes and Jordon all wind up at the Swans. 😆
  18. Damn. As some will know, I always liked Deakyn. I love the way he moves, he has that floating run that looks completely effortless. Sadly, the rest of his game has never quite gotten to the point where he looked like getting a call-up, and there's only so long you can keep someone on the list based on their running ability alone. I hope he stays on at Casey.
  19. I noticed he had a lot of clever touches in not much space. Possibly too willing to hand the ball off to better credentialled team-mates, but you often see that with guys just finding their feet. If he starts to back himself in a bit more he'll be more eye-catching.
  20. Most of my sources seem to be saying he's fine. *My sources being this thread. 😜
  21. So what can we say about that? The Umpires were as bad as I've ever seen. We always play terribly in the wet. The team don't seem to understand that you can't do the quick handballing when the ball is slippery and constantly overpossess. Port are playing a similar game to Collingwood and to some extent Geelong, which uses short angled passing and hard forward running to bypass our zone. We need to adjust how we play against this style. With all that, we only lost by a few points.
  22. Go the Saints vs The Demons and watch the Religious Right bet the farm on the Saints.
  23. What happened to White? Injury I assume? I couldn't see any news with a quick search, but he wasn't in the side. It's been bugging me for weeks. (not bugging me enough to take the time to do a proper search, obviously 😁 )
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