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Jack Jack

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Everything posted by Jack Jack

  1. Jack Jack


    Lakers have certainly done well. Miami should be seriously worried, they lack height and a genuine centre. Ray Allen was a great signing but I don't think it really helps out their front court. A few more early predictions. Minnesota & Nets to make the playoffs (not exactly a radical prediction I know) And a roughie for Rookie of the year, Damian Lillard of Portland. Davis is probably odds on favourite, but I think Lillard is going to push him.
  2. Injuries have certainly curtailed our currently listed players development. Blease, Strauss, Cook, Jurrah, Watts etc etc have had little continuity with games and all had extended periods on the sidelines with injuries. It'd be nice to have a clear run to see where we actually stand with a lot of these players.
  3. Although the Boomers didn't get a medal in this Olympics there where a few noteworthy performances. Patty Mills tops Olympic basketball point scoring averages Also it'd be nice to see Bogut injury free and back playing in the green and gold again.
  4. Haha, you beat me to it Macca. I was just thinking of posting some more STP. The radio station I've been listening to has been playing a fair bit of Tool lately. Can't complain, they've got some great songs Jack Jack 4.5
  5. Jack Jack


    I think Orlando are setting up the season to tank. There are 3 all stars in the multi team trade, Howard, Bynum & Igoudala and Orlando lands none of them. Being a Melbourne supporter doesn't look so bad after all. Early predictions, Lakers win the Championship & Kupchak wins Executive of the Year.
  6. Jack Jack


    Dwightmare finally over. Howard dealt to the Lakers...............................Allegedly. I'm picturing pantaloons reaction to hearing the news as something like this.
  7. I've been struggling to find some good Nu-Jazz. I've finally tracked down a good compilation that seems to be packed full of gold. This one in particular caught my attention. Jack Jack's (Nu) Jazz 2.9
  8. Totally epic. That was awesome. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAg9F9uY5SY
  9. I was trying to find my favourite scene from the series Bottom. Couldn't track it down, but managed to find the whole episode. My favourite bit comes at about 21:00 when they're reviewing the tape. Never have I laughed so much.
  10. They're ranked on their cumulative score difference. Check it out here.
  11. I'd start drinking heavily and turn to god. Just call me Father Jack.
  12. I agree, Jones has been great this year. It should be no surprise that he, being a 100+ game player and coupled with his elite preparation, is one of the few excelling and flourishing with the new high intensity training regime that's been implemented. Has he been re-signed yet?
  13. Do you dig graves? Yeah, yeah, they're all right, yeah.

  14. Truth About Fukushima Radiation Emerges The Japanese news source Asahi Shimbun (AS) reports that a senior official working for Build-Up, a subcontractor hired during the Fukushima clean-up efforts, has admitted to instructing his workers to wear lead coverings over their dosimeters in order to shield accurate radiation readings. Dosimeters measure an individual's exposure to radiation, and indicate when it is no longer safe to be in the presence of a radiation source. Recordings uncovered from a December 2 conversation between the official and his employees reveals that he coaxed them to use the lead coverings by claiming that he had used them many times before without issue. He also apparently told them that they would have to use them in future clean-up efforts as well, and implied that they should get used to using them now. According to AS, the senior official also came up with an alibi that the workers could use to explain the coverings, should anyone inquire about the unusual presence of tape on their torn radiation protection suits. All the bases were covered, in other words, which was enough to convince four of the workers to go along with the plan.
  15. Since this has been such an abhorent season I've had plenty of time to get from 1-5 and then regress backwards through the stages again. Now with every new loss, injury and finger pointing thread I find myself laughing harder and longer. I'm calling it stage -1 The crazy laughing bag lady stage.
  16. And don't forget Collingwood. Picking up a priority pick in 2005 wasn't an accident. There won't be any sanctions. It would open up a can of worms that the AFL can ill afford to do.
  17. Haha, or as the great Bill Lawry would put it "That's Australian Gold my friend and don't you [censored] forget it!" Great result. I was mainly watching last night for the road race, but I've got sucked into another couple of events. Kim Crow looks like a contender in the women's single sculls. And prize for the best name goes to Australian women's table tennis player Miao Miao (pronounced Meow Meow). Ha... simple things!
  18. Was a great race to watch last night. The GB team left their run too late. Was Alexandre Vinokourov one of, if not the oldest, in the race?
  19. Thanks Macca. Almost forgot about the road race. O'Grady in the breakaway group.
  20. I'd be more than happy for Palin to become President. Dave Letterman could then bring back his Great Moments in Presidential Speeches segment. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbhzyoNwQYk&feature=related
  21. Thanks for the daily updates throughout the tour Macca. They've been great. Did I miss anything last night
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