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Everything posted by Bingo

  1. Give the kid a break...............he is a good young player who was one of the youngest in his draft...............plenty of up side.........just give him some time to adjust and settle into being an afl player.
  2. The pleasing thing that i have noticed in recent weeks with moloney is the fact that he has started to lower his eyes.............we all know that he can kick the thing a mile.............but maybe it's just me but i think the fact that he was running into good form was because he started kicking it to our guys advantage rather than a 65m kick to no where.
  3. I'd like to see Bell put into the midfield and told to just hunt the ball..........give him a completely different role to what he has been playing..................either that or up forward.............i think he needs a change???? what's the worst that could happen?
  4. I have enjoyed following the sandy-melbourne alliance and want to thank everyone involved............... .......but now we have a new team and an opportunity (as others have said) to hopefully develop some forwards. This, in my oppinion is good timing as we now are in need of the next generation of melbourne forwards. Lucky i didn't buy a sandy jumper this season (like i was going to)..........i'll buy a scorpions one instead!
  5. Bingo


    Just something that i've noticed, and which i commend Baily for..............but the rise in PJ's stocks has coinsided with the amount of game time that he is now being given. From what i saw yesterday both PJ and White were on the ground for the majority of the game..............when they needed a rest they would just rotate between ruck and the loose man in defence. It can only be a good thing because Daniher only used to give the second ruckman 5mins at the end of each quarter so white could have a rest. What does everyone think?
  6. Maric had a bruised thumb but it's of no concern.....................bruce will be ok for round 1...... and the most positive thing i found out all day was that whelan said he should be back come round 3!!!!!
  7. between 5 and 8 for mine....................potent forward line...................strong bodies in the midfield...............and a backline that well on a good day can hold it's own.......................gotta be optimistic people.................the season hasn't even started and you're giving up on the boys........................last year was a horror year with injuries..................we were predicted to be top 4 material then and i can't see any reason why we can't be now. Infact we are probably more likely to finish top 4 this year because people have written us off. I even think top 4 is possible.
  8. May be a bit of value in dreamteam?????? considering this is his first kinda full pre season
  9. Ok i see your point about his body shape.....................but my arguement hasn't changed. He has never been in the side because of his physical aggression.................he was in the team for his x factor and skills and because he is a playmaker.........the fact that he doesn't put his head over the ball doesn't mean that he can't get back to his best............when he was regarded as one of our best players, he still didn't put his head over the ball. Nothing has changed.
  10. I'm not sure why so many people hate Yze now.................he has been a great contributor over the years and was injured last year (just like half the list). I think now his over his injury and has had time to freshen up, he could be a very dangerous player wherever he plays. Now i'm pointing out the obvious here, but Yze has never had the body shape to be a crash and bash player......that's why it confuses me so much when he is bagged about it all the time.............it's not like bash and crash was part of his game and then he lost it................he never had it from day 1..................so with that in mind i don't see any reason why a fully fit Yze can't get back to his best..................we need to stop looking at the negatives and look at what a fantastic player he is...................i wouldn't be surprised if he could get into nearly any starting list in the afl.
  11. I for one are happy about this trade. TJ hasn't fullfilled his potential and probably never will. As stated before, TJ won't be in his prime when we are looking at a realistic chance of a flag and i think it's a good move to get rid of him. We'll forget about him when McClean, Silvia and Jones are ripping it up. I also believe that by picking up Rhys Shaw, Bell may get a gig in the midfield where his hard tackling will pay dividends!!! Who would we expect to get at pick 14?
  12. I'll give the Eagles my left nut if it gets the deal over the line!
  13. Nat Jones is the man to do it! Tries his guts out every week and doesn't take a backwards step! And his bald!
  14. Would hate to see him go, but everyone has a price. If the doggies do go for him what would you expect to get? 1st round draft pick? Or maybe due to the fact we've just lost 2 HBF in Brown and Ward maybe something like McMahon and a 3rd rounder? Would like to hear you're thoughts as i'm just kinda guessing here.
  15. By the sounds of the review on Henderson he's not worth pick 4. Would love to get Palmer though.
  16. Bingo


    Go swannies! Sydney's my next favourite team due to the fact that my brother supports them and i nearly know as much about them as i do about the Dees! I'll be there cheering for the red and white!
  17. Good Point! Well i see Bate holding CHF, Dunn roaming forward (don't think he likes contact, never see him going one on one), and i'm not sure how Newton will turn out. I don't think MFC can have all its hopes on one person to replace Neitz. What if Newton doesn't make it?? Miller isn't a FF or a FB or a CHB and now Bate's taken CHF........he's gone. I think that Freo would be open to offers for either of them if they can hold onto Pav. If pav leaves all of a sudden Murphy & Campbell's value to Freo rises substantually. The question is what does freo need? I would offer Bruce for Murphy and their first or second round pick!? Campbell may be cheap as he hasn't played much afl, and with pav, tarrent, farmer etc is well down in the list of prefered forwards.
  18. Hi all, I was having a bit of a look through bigfooty and found one post a bit interesting. It was along the lines of would Melbourne be interested in either Adam Campbell or Ryan Murphy? This got me thinking, i personally would like to get either of these guys (preferably Murphy) as the likes of Nietz, Yze and Robbo are coming towards the ends of their careers. Both of these players could be possible FF replacements, given the fact that i think that Bate, Dunn & Newton won't be big enough for FF, although all will be excellent players. Now both of these boys are still young 22or 23. Murphy is 192 tall, 95kg and was a No12 draft pick, where as Campbell is 194, 92kg and was a No27 draft pick. Now the question is what would you be prepared to give up?? Imagine a future forward line of: f: Davey Murphy Newton hf: Dunn Bate Silvia
  19. I recently got a new gurnsey, and #2 went straight on it. Will be a gun!
  20. Tag Judd, Kerr's in my dream team!
  21. After seeing Bates performance last week, does anyone think that he could be a forward like Pavlich? Or do you think that with his running ability he would be more like Tarrant?
  22. In that situation, how can you not pin the arms??? AFL Football 2008:- Byron walks up to Mr Cornes (Running's too dangerous) and says "Excuse me Mr Cornes could you please put your arms up so that i could gently place you on the ground without pinning your arms??? Don't worry my runner Niles here has a pillow so you won't be uncomfortable at all." Kane then says "Ohh yes Byron that would be jolly good, and also much safer!" Byron then says "Very good it's agreed then." (does the act of a tackle) "Thank you very much Mr Cornes. Cheerio" What a crock!!! Was an awesome tackle, wish we had more of them.
  23. The good thing for melbourne is the fact that last year and already this year we are getting nominations for kids who are in there first year of football. ie Bartram and Petterd. The likes of Pierce i'm pretty sure had a couple of pre-seasons under their belt. I think that we have a very talented younger bragade, that is underated by alot of other clubs and their supporters.
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