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Everything posted by hoopla

  1. Yes... Caro's been scrounging all season with her nothing articles about Cameron Schwab.Then there was last week's pathetic headline story about the possibility of Collingwood bringing back Darren Millane's No 42 !! ( As to Fev, the fact that he kicked 5 is a tribute to his ability to sniff a goal-scoring opportunity - because he was relatively quiet ... and didn't dominate the forward structure like we were afraid he might. Although he seems to have lost a fair bit of weight since his trip to LA ... he's not yet fit enough to command the whole forward line ( or to attract the interest of GWS or anyone else))
  2. Sorry... he may have got 28 touches - but many of them were wasted .... and it took the hard work of people like Howe, McKenzie and Evans to turn them to advantage. Casey were well served by many young Melbourne players on Sunday - and Morton contributed - but the stats are very misleading
  3. If Bailey'd held fire for 6-10 more minutes, Martin would have been spent for the rest of the game..... and Juice would have had to spend even longer on the ball over the whole game anyway I think "the Phantom" ( Gawn) is a very exciting prospect .... but you'd kill him to shove him into the big time just now.He was terrific out at Casey on Sunday but with a bandage of that size on his left knee, he needs a lot more confidence in his ability to get through a game than he has right now. Juice is Juice
  4. That's it..... get Caro to give the pre-match address each week!!
  5. What a baseless lot of mumbo jumbo..".disappointed ...not made contact .. despite the ... potential ramifications.. dissected on one talkback radio channel!!" !! I recall a couple of weeks ago Caro dragging out of nowhere the club's loan to Cameron Schwab (as disclosed in last year's Annual Report). Although it was a nothing article ... it was a clear attempt to throw a bit of muck at Schwabbie. She's now at it again. Whether or not it has anything to do with the historical links between Richmond and the Schwab family, it's pretty clear that she is after him - and after Melbourne. No other journalist has run with these stories. The best way for us to respond is to ignore it ... as the mumblings of someone who is struggling to fill their column with any real news.. Caro .... I reckon its time for you to retire
  6. Agree. It's a bit ridiculous to slit your wrists after a 90-point victory - just as it is to suggest that the final margin makes us a better side than the Bulldogs!! The Eagles in Perth will be a good test.
  7. Its pretty hard to lead ( that's lead - not lead!) from a forward pocket. It's a role which depends on the work of others further a field.I'd like to see him take his turn up on a wing to get him into the action. He can better impose himself on the game from there. He might still spend 50-60% of the game up forward where his ability to lead ( that's lead - not lead) is important. I'm sure there's a good captain's game just around the corner
  8. I'd be upset with the club - but not because it had disciplined an irresponsible leader Absolutely Much much much bigger!
  9. It was an option. The long-term cultural health of the club is more important than team selection for one game. Geelong was prepared to leave Stevie J out of the side for 6 weeks to make a statement on team culture .... and look at the results. Having said that, I think the punishment was sufficient.
  10. Yes he is working through a program which balances his Year 11 studies with his desire to play some footy with his schoolmates. David King is Carey's senior coach - so even at school he is getting direct exposure to the AFL.
  11. All true Pleased to see the majority of posters supporting the club on this one. With leadership comes responsibility - and Beamer has fallen short of the mark. Hopefully he can work his way back from here. There is an argument to say that he should have been stood down for a game as well - but because ( and to his credit) the Vice Captaincy means a lot to him, the punishment is sufficient.It is open to him to fight back starting with another outstanding game this week.
  12. If he's guilty , he has to be stripped of the vice captaincy - and suspended for a long time. Dreadful news for the club. Just hope he has a lookalike with a weak bladder!!
  13. Just as long as we are not confusing "the chicken and the egg" here. Does Davey play badly because the team is playing badly ............. or is he such an important player that when he has a bad day the rest of the team falls into a hole?
  14. [quote name='Demon Hill' timestamp='1301433437' post='409528 Like a lot less the insinuation that the journalist has any blame????? She has written the story and I'm glad she did as I want to know about this. I'm sure Cam and MFC didn't really want it out there and therein lies my problem. It's not right.
  15. Don't care how it happens - or whose fault it is - I just want him to go Tassie or Frankston. He's a distraction the people at Casey - who have a role to play in the development of our players- can do without!!
  16. Agree ...doesn't look good. The directors should have refused - but what's done is done ... and it was openly disclosed.I actually noticed it when the accounts were issued - but decided to let it pass. Not happy, Caro.The accounts were released months ago. Why drag it up now ? Did you miss it at the time? ... or did you want to rake up some muck at the start of the season ?
  17. I don't disagree if you are talking 2011 - and perhaps even 2012. Just as long as the doc wasn't making a permanent diagnosis!! I'd be concerned if Max has any further to go than Frank did when he played his first game.
  18. Well Doc ... that is a big statement. I presume you drive down from Rockhampton to watch every time he plays. Of course you might just be a mate of North Queensland's very own "Frank" Spencer. His position on the list might be gawn when Max comes through.
  19. There is no place for condescending inverse snobbery on this site - even when it is dressed up under a hifalutin' academic label, like "social geography" To reinforce the point that we take all our recruits at face value and judge them by the way they play football, will the mods please kill this thread immediately!
  20. Spot on Caro. McGuire has been shamelessly conflicted for years.I reckon the term "reprehensible" describes his behavior pretty well!
  21. Actually it might just be an inspired choice under the new rules.Who better to sit on the pine in a green jacket week in week out? Just think .... if the starting 21 can get through every game, he could go through the season without any AFL - or VFL - game time!!
  22. This makes sense. I am an unashamed Watts fan ... and have quickly forgiven all of his ordinary performances so far. But after dropping a few marks early last week , he seemed to get completely lost.... and I would be disappointed if the club wasn't thinking about giving him a wake-up call
  23. Congratulations mate To have overcome an influence like that to become a good Melbourne supporter speaks volumes for you. Well done!!!
  24. Absolutely..... but that only fixes the immediate problem. The long-term problem is that we are propping up an affiliate that is not interested in our views - or in developing the young talent we are making available to them. I think we are giving them $300k per annum ... just to be ignored. I certainly won't be heading out to Casey to support the Scorpions again. Does our 30-year agreement with Casey Council force us into the affiliation with the Scorpions ... or can we start up the Casey Demons as a standalone entity?
  25. This thread has provided me the information I had been looking for. On the basis of this information, I'm happy to agree that Sam's career is alive and well. I just asked the question .... and am delighted with the positive answers. He is the sort of player we need.
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