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Everything posted by Nasher

  1. It wasn't as bad as Joel Macdonald's game who is a similar player and is lower down the pecking order.
  2. I've lost track of who's injured, who's available and who's where. Getting too hard now to pick the ins and outs now. I know Garland won't be dropped because of one poor (shocking) decision though.
  3. It doesn't help with the imagery at all! It's just a commentator with a sense of humour. I liked it.
  4. Well done Brad, richly deserved. I feel almost personally sorry that you've spent the last 5 years getting familiar with the bottom of the ladder, just shows how unfair the footy world can be. Perhaps I've listened to WYL tell me it's my fault we suck one too many times Great that he gets to play it on form too - it looked for a while that we'd have to gift it to him. He's played well for the last couple.
  5. This way --> http://demonland.com...oke-and-dagger/
  6. tsk, who let you back in? Something screwy going on with the ban function on this forum.
  7. Drop this line of questioning. Deleting your posts is getting tedious.
  8. Stuie et al, you'll find the club are well aware of what gets written on this site and some of its staff read regularly. Other the at the MCG on a weekend, there's no other place where more fans of the MFC make their thoughts known, and certainly nowhere where it's as public, so indirectly there's a lot of value to the club in sites like this. I doubt the coaches or the players read (if I were a player I'd stay the hell away - imagine if Cale Morton read the threads about him?) and I agree that coaches stealing ideas from here is far fetched, but nonetheless the club is aware of us, so people should bear that in mind when they post.
  9. The Lovett thing was a bit different because what he was accused of directly impacted (destroyed) his relationship with his teammates. It didn't actually make any difference whether the courts found him guilty or not; his position was untenable at the club. You only have to look at how the very same club handled the incident with Stephen Milne who was accused of the same crime and they didn't sack him. On this thread; my view is that it'll remain open for the time being but I defer to Whispering Jack for the future of it.
  10. You can join the queue of people who have offered to fix that error Ross! That's probably the most frustrating thing, the error is trivial to fix, would take two minutes, but these seems to be nobody in existence who can grant us access to the administration tools.
  11. I gather you didn't see the Richmond/Gold Coast game last week. That was one of the worst cases of rolling over I have ever seen. They might have played with "ticker" today, but let's not get too carried away with the generalising; Richmond supporters still have plenty to worry about.
  12. Did you think "hardest to play against" meant straight away? If so, how did you think Neeld would achieve this given how bloody easy to play against we have been for the last 7 years? If you didn't think so, what's your drop-dead date for his delivery on that promise, since mine's too vague for you? And you've got a seriously funny view of "shouting down" people if you think that's what I did. Even stuie who is notorious for being a bit touchy, took my post on board and was able to respectfully put his point of view across without bursting in to tears the way you have.
  13. Much like how after round two, we were going to win zero games for the year, presumably. Then we rolled Essendon - whoops! Everything always looks so much worse after a loss. Forget about predicting what's going to happen early next season, there's a buttload of water to pass under the bridge before we get there.
  14. You're being disingenuous stu. He didn't specify a timeline, though I thought it would be fairly obvious that this was a long term goal and not an immediate one. But you're implying that not expecting us to be "hard to play against" immediately means that we're prepared to wait forever; that's not true. You'd hope that some time durng Neeld's tenure we'll be well on the way to achieving whatever he's been appointed to achieve, and if he doesn't achieve that he'll be shown the door. As always, the truth lies in between the extreme views. Your view that "hard to play against" should happen immediately is an extreme view, and you're assuming anyone who doesn't share your view holds the opposite extreme view (will wait forever for "hard to play against"). That logic doesn't really stick.
  15. It's the worst year ever! Except for all those other years we were crap. For example, I wasn't born in 1981, where we dropped 21 out of 22 games and our one win was against Footscray who themselves weren't a lot better, and we won that match by 1 point. On paper, that year looks as big a trainwreck as this year. But you don't have to go that far back. I don't think we're any worse now than we were in 2008 - I reckon that year scarred me as a supporter forever. Sad that that was supposed to be the start of a rebuild and four years on we're right back to square one, but there's not much point dwelling on that now; we are where we are and we can't change history. I reckon asking this question immediately after a poor loss is also going to produce very biased results. When people are still fuming about the recent result, of course they're not going to see beyond (in either direction) how we're travelling right now. The most recent pain always seems like the worst one. Objectively, I don't think this is the worst, but it's pretty painful all the same.
  16. It never ends does it? I'm not sure why I keep opening this thread. Wave after wave of people who just don't get it. I'm starting to come around to your viewpoint of everyone else seeing things differently to me.
  17. Yeah, I really don't think that is the problem. It's just a by-product of the problem.
  18. Jarka, I reckon my level of disappointment is proportional to my expectations. After I get drugged up on the high of a good win (like the Essendon game), my expectations raise; I get sucked in and think maybe we've turned the corner and always rate us as a chance next week etc. Those weeks, when we inevitably serve up another big fat plate of horse crap, I'm bitterly disappointed and it hurts for days afterwards. Right now, I'm sit waiting every week for that big old plate of horse crap to be served up. I'm waiting and ready for it, it doesn't surprise me when it arrives and my expectations are met. There's nothing for me to be disappointed about at the moment.
  19. Why? Like any human being, after enough pain my emotions get dulled and I become apathetic. No book is going to change that. I also happened to just find that game super, super boring. Port are terrible, and somehow we're even worse. I genuinely wish I'd watched the Carlton-Bulldogs game instead, and that's saying something.
  20. Boring game, predictable result. Not fussed by the result at all, it's the same crud we've served up all year so I'm pretty used to it now.
  21. Clark wouldn't have made any difference?! What might've happened with all these crazy bombs forward if Clark had been down there?
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