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John Dee

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Everything posted by John Dee

  1. 6. Grimes 5. Green 4. Gysberts 3. Jamar 2. Warnock 1. Garland
  2. Depending on the price. If he comes at bargain basement price, yes.
  3. Time is standing still; that is the second week in a row that Jurrah has been 4-5 weeks.
  4. 6. Green 5. Davey 4. Gysberts 3. Moloney 2. Frawley 1. McDonald
  5. I must admit that I was fearing the worst at 3/4 time. We got done over by a much more mature side last week and I thought that under the sapping conditions, Port were going to run over us as they are far more advanced than us, physically. For us to weather the storm and come back to win when we were dead on our feet is enormous and will stand us in great stead in the future.
  6. 6 Trengove 5 Bennell 4 Frawley 3 Green 2 Miller 1 Morton
  7. The twitter watch on the club site says that Strauss is up there to have a look at Yuendumu; Casey have a bye this week. It also has a picture of Jimma in Alice following up on the trachoma inititive; so he's there.
  8. It may well be the correct thing to do. The maggots have been paying freee kicks to players who slide in and get contact to the shoulder or head; even though they have caused it. Daniel Cross on Friday is a good example.
  9. I echo all of your sentiments... What really gets my blood boiling is that is would be so easy to fix. The problem is that the people walking around the Dump on the city side to get Spencer Street or the station are funnelled into clashing with all of the people coming from the other side who are trying to do the same. At the point where the city side people finally get to walk towards the station, not away from it, just glance down to the left; there is nothing but dead space where the walkway could be extended to completely remove the problem.
  10. I am trying to banish the game from my memory; so thanks for that, NOT. Now that I think about it, was it not Goldstein that went forward and kicked a few?
  11. 6 Sylvia 5 Junior 4 Green 3 Bail 2 Warnock 1 Grimes
  12. I'm sorry, but Bruce started on Burton. Burton bested him quite a few times, which led to Garland being switched onto him. When Garland also struggled, Frawley got the job; and shut Burton down.
  13. Watts played on the wing all night. Did some real classy things. Worked into the game very well. It was the first time I have seen him up close this year; he is a real lump of a lad. He was quite instumental in Casey getting back into the game in the third quarter and getting on top in the last. He will be much improved by the run.
  14. We are not obliged to give them anything. They are restricted to taking no more than one uncontracted player from each club; and are not forced to take anybody.
  15. Try this link - http://www.aflphotos.com.au/galleries/results/?q=collection:AFL 2010 Training - Melbourne 060410&image_id=202407 My first go at a link on this site; I will keep editing it until I get it to work. Wazza, I cannot get to the game on Sunday, multi bummer. I will go to the Casey game on Saturday night; I hope JW and Blease play.
  16. If O'Brien was not standing in the protected area, then he was in front of the mark. In this case he is covered by the rule against shepherding the man on the mark. Either way, it was illegal.
  17. No, they were not. Hawthorn had a much more experienced group on the park.
  18. There are no ifs and buts; just an analysis of the actual statistics. I could bore you with talk of variances, standard deviations and the like but, if you are not well-versed in statistics, they are meaningless. The basic structure of the Hawthorn team was just what you would expect of a competent football team - a large group of players in and around the mean and just a few with under 20 games. We were more spread out and had a great many more at the bottom end; this was obscured by the spurious use of the mean in Robbo's article.
  19. A greater man than I once said that there are lies, damned lies and statistics; by any credible measure we were by far the younger and more inexperienced on Saturday last. Our avereage games played was 70.3 and Hawthorn's was 67. The three most experienced players on the ground and accounted for 636 of our total of 1547 games. By contrast Hawthorn's three most experienced players accounted for only 481 of their 1473 total. Hawthorn's most experienced player would have stumped quite a few people; Guerra at 175. He was followed by Mitchell on 155 and then Hodge on 151. We had Junior on 235, Bruce on 203 and Green on 198. If you drop the three highest and the three lowest totals, you get a much better representation of the situation; Hawthorn's mean becomes 62 and ours 57, much younger. I could wax lyrical with a great many more statistical measures that all show much the same thing. The average age will follow the same path; the three oldest players on the ground were, of course, Junior, Bruce and Green. By some way as well, Junior and Brice were the only players over 30, with Green on 29. Hawthorn's oldest player, another who would have tricked a few people, Osborne at 27.7.
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