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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. But OD there is no mechanism within WADAs framework of determinations to afford the outcome you suggest and seemingly the naughty ones might bear . What the AFL think is irrelevant....and they too are about to learn some hard lessons and not before time
  2. theres no provision for this though OD...even if they thought they could get away with it.
  3. thats exactly what Smith says...and I agree... but we all know otherwise...lol
  4. What im constantly noting is the continued attempts by Essendon to orchestrate timelines. Another ruse in this regard is whereby theres a constant reference to sanctions being firstly discounted severely and then backdated to their last game. The only way a 6 month ban can be served up is whereby conditions are satisfied that WADA would reduce the penalty by up to the maximum 3/4 ( 75%) I.E 2 Years to 6 months. But this only occurs when firstly the accused comes clean, admits guilt, doesnt hinder the proceedings and essentially 'helps' by divulging all. As none of the Bombers ( remaining at windy Hill )seem to have done such I cant see where any reduction comes into play. Also theres the other ploy of referring this fictional backdating back to the last game and this being the concern and butting point for the players and why they wont budge. Well unless I have been reading it wrong all along suspensions get pinged from the issuance of Infringement Notices and that would be Nov. So we see it that time and time again Essendon are trying to pull the wall over everones eyes I cant see how anything less than a Year from last Nov can be given...and thats the BEST case scenario for Essendon !!
  5. pmsl
  6. wont they make a sad pair !!
  7. We're not really going to know where we are until we compete against another team. Thanks for the reports
  8. Patrick Smith in his article I think hits the nail on the head with this paragraph: "Given the level of confidence of players, club and coach, it is surprising Essendon just doesn’t play its team of choice — including 2012-listed players — on March 7 and back its optimism bordering on certainty that they will be cleared by the tribunal." Put up or shut up Essendon !! ( but then we all KNOW hey !! )
  9. Im also wondering if the idea of this being viewed as "Multiple Violations" should be given weight. This was after all not an isolated incident but a program of repetitious transgressions. Given the nature of stalling and non -co-operation ( in reality , not as per stated ) then it ought to be looked upon as: AS (Aggravated sanction): The anti-doping rule violation was or should be sanctioned by an aggravated sanction under Article 10.6 because the Anti-Doping Organization established the conditions set forth under Article 10.6. In this case penalties can up to double !! Essendon and fanboys keep banging on about discounts and reduced sanctions. Id be upping it for their wanton attempts to derail everything. two can play
  10. Oh..and dont forget Watson automatically forfeits his Brownlow upon guilt
  11. linky noworky this did ...might for others
  12. local arm out of Sydney !!
  13. I tend to agree. It must be driving many of them, club, and supporters nuts !! All the way through it appeared ( to me ) that the EFC and its Golden Light paraded with aplomb acting the bully boy. This latest ( laughable) ploy at a 'boycot" shows they still think they are able to command things, that they still seem to think they hold some upper hand and certainly the higher moral ground. I can only hope they are in for one hell of a come-uppence !! If there was a god he might be happy with a 2 year ban backdated to last game. The club should forfeit 1st and 2nd rnd picks for same said 2 years. WorkSafe should come in and deal with the club, its board and responsible ( sic) staff. With any luck then the Polizia ought to charge those concerned with receiving and dispensing prohibited drugs. The many , especially the demented , seem to think this is all a game. It should be dealt with as it is, a crime.
  14. all run out of SinCity these days
  15. AFL must uphold provisional suspensions given to Essendon 34 players, approve top-ups for Bombers’ NAB Challenge fixtures There's much discontent amongst the rest of Australia's sporting world....and rightly so
  16. I like the way the Sainters are quietly putting pressure on the League to provide a decent encounter. Hope we are too.
  17. Funny how low a profile Demetriou is keeping these days
  18. via Chris de Kretser If players on list in 2012 sit out NAB Challenge, what might Essendon’s team look like? POSSIBLE ESSENDON NAB CHALLENGE TEAM B: Shaun Edwards, James Gwilt, Kurt Aylett HB: Jayden Laverde, Jason Ashby, Martin Gleeson C: Will Hams, Adam Cooney, Orazio Fantasia HF: Paul Chapman, Shaun McKernan, Patrick Ambrose F: Kyle Langford, Joe Daniher, Zach Merrett R: Jon Giles, Brendon Goddard, Nick Kommer Inter: Conor McKenna, Jake Long, ?, ? Now this is pretty funny stuff......if you think about it !!!
  19. What also irks me is the pretense that this in some fashion is about protecting the anonymity of the transgressors. That's plainly rubbish. Why cant they even bat straight here and say its only about some far flung hope that in some fashion suspensions/bans will apply from last game last season. i.e we cant afford to play as that will add months to their absence !! They also allude to issues of OH& S.....further hilarity..as thats always been a major consideration at Windy Hill pfffftttt !!! Easy to tell when Essendon are lying........lips are moving !!
  20. I was being somewhat facetious !! Its really only about this. Can you play football to the standard and rigour required ? if not...well.......
  21. It comes down to commitment. When the fullback ( or kicker-in-erer ) picks up that ball and looks forward , thats the cue to get moving and do your assigned role, to get to where you are meant to be and just do it. As another great footy icon once suggested, dont think, do !! Melbourne are being trained to DO. Like much its a mind game as much as a physical one.
  22. makes for a great hand hold doesnt it
  23. actually he's not... can he stand ? can he run .? can he kick ? yes of course Im being picky. I fully understand what you are saying and it totally avoids the 'litmus" issue. Why ? Spades are spades Is he in good spirits ? Apparently. Is he hanging tough...also seems he is. And thats good.. He doesnt JUST need his fitness base.. Please lets talk about realities. He needs a fitness base upon which to build a match fitness state. he needs a lot of match time in the magoos before stepping forth in the seniors Id suggest to test himself and see if ( and thats not a when , but an if ) his foot stands up to the workload. I dont want him NOT to play footy again. I'd love him to and especially for us.I DO remember the Trengove (of the 2nd season ) and if he could get back to that , it would still only be a start as hes got a fair few in front of him currently. There are seemingly two issues here. The many address the one, i.e is he a decent chap etc Has he shown gumption and determination to play and maybe play for us ? YES. Good and good for him. Its valiant and commendable. But the real issue is. Will he get to ? Personally. i seriously doubt it. But hey, hope he does
  24. Is there indeed tension or is some much raking journo mistaking a bbq for a bushfire ??
  25. And lot dont. That "2 years " is now over 3 years ago and hes now not in very good nick. Thats the bugger of it which ever way any one chooses to contort it.
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