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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. I fear for the poor soul that stumbles into this thread. Must seem overwhelmingly sophisticated to the unwary.
  2. Oh I don't normally... I understand your inference but it was something I literally tripped over on the way to the Hermitage and it seemed inoffensive enough. ( that and the bank balance was....well that time of month!! )
  3. do those criteria need to be exclusive ??
  4. are you familar perhaps with a little "film de maison d'art' called Boxcar Bertha then BBO ?? just asking
  5. Quelle horreur !! actually theres a couple that arent too shabby ..now I sorta remember hazily !! actually the Bubbly is only $15 in a box form DM's.a steal really
  6. well...its was always a distinct possibility....
  7. hes only one....the token fwit i suspect
  8. wish that train still ran ...lol
  9. A little French Grand Cuvee, 'methode traditionale' from Limoux is whetting the whistle whilst dinner cooks. Might move to a noice Merlot later .....such is life
  10. shoulda just used the pint mug huh !!
  11. Essendon v ASADA: Bombers lawyer blocked from hearingas close to an update as I can find presently.. all hush hush ...lol
  12. some smiles wiped off faces perhaps ??
  13. As usual Titus nails it..... An Essendon win is a win for us all makes so much sense when you see it this way
  14. Lifted off BF Prime example of how many , especially EFC-Hird sympathisers just plainly get it wrong and don't understand the reality of their situation "Essendon dont have to prove they didnt do the wrong thing (although it would certainly help obviously). ASADA have to prove they did do the wrong thing." The issue is that Essendon do indeed have to prove they didnt do wrong. They have to prove that to the satisfaction of the Tribunal. ASADA present their evidence- observations- deductions etc and suggest the nature of the alleged transgression. its then beholden upon the accused to provide an alternative line of reason as to what happened. If they can't they WILL be found guilty as charged. Its not sufficient to create reasonable doubt as in a court room under law they must show why ASADA is fundamentally wrong in their case. Its such a simple tenet and youd think simple folk might get it !!
  15. “We’re on the right track now and it’s something I really want to be a part of and make sure I’m leading the way." - Nathan Jones nuff said
  16. Onya Jonesy. In one fell swoop has cast aside a year of rumour and scuttlebutt and almost single handedly sent a message to not just his own club but all others We're Melbourne and we're getting bloody serious. Nice one Chunk
  17. That Jolly fellow has a Chunky look to him
  18. What delays regarding EFC were caused by ASADA rjay ?
  19. as a point of Interest its worth going back to the original "Notice of Charges - re EFC by the AFL": which resulted in the guilt of the mentioned for having brought the game into disrepute http://www.afl.com.au/staticfile/AFL%20Tenant/AFL/Files/EssendonFC-notice-of-charges.pdf
  20. On a reality level i find it amusing and unbelievable as to the extent of denial many an Essendon tragic are defending. Even when presented with a truckload of reason they will not believe there has been any real wrongdoing and more the point anything provable. It also amuses me how so many just dont understand the nature of proceedings or the difference in the level of evidence and/or proof required to reach a finding , a finding by the way that only requires a comfortable satisfaction as to the events. Many of us joined the Dots a long time ago but its not that hard. Hird is exposed to various substances as a course of his treatment for some nasty injuries.. He crosses to the Dark Side Hird enquired ( possibly experiments ) with a number of Peptides kindly supplied by Dr Ageless.. Wasnt up to speed apparently with results and effects.. who's to know...was a bit stiff I suppose Hird and a number of nongs self help with various 'goodies" ...Speaking of Goodies our ( now ) own Goodwin is amongst the nongs, since repentant Hird enlists his ol' mate Charters and together with his "Weapon" solicits help and product from a wonderful human being in one Stephen Dank In the meantime the AFL is somewhat suss and concerned about whispers and has a talk to Hirdy. Hirdy disregards everything as he knows better. Various quantities of 'dubious' supplements are sourced and bought though amazingly no records of purchases seem to exist other than an apparent 'mistaken' invoice for something they didnt really get....no no no, no siree !!! A program is instituted at Windy Hill. This involves the intake and/or injection of any number of questionable concoctions. Prior to this and despite being educated to the converse players sign waivers to something rather ambiguous at best and disturbingly and deliberately mischievious at worst, something called 'Thymosin" Now this Thymosin, known to the many as "The Good Stuff" ( and fundamental to the program as alluded to by Dank ) is something that required compounding. The 'harmless" and also effectively useless ( to athletes ) version Thymosin-1 aka Thymosin Alpha or even more commonly referred to as Thymomodulin doesnt actually require compounding. You can readily source it from any number of places , just google it and it's there. Also as a point of interest it comes ready to use. NO COMPOUNDING REQUIRED. For some odd reason the supplier apparently used by Ageless doesnt supply Thymomodulin , they deal in the 'other' stuff (s) A very big program covering a number of 'supplements" , a large group of players over an extended period of time and lo and behold we cant find any records..!! bugger , dog must have eaten them !! But what ever it was was safe...really No records, no invoices ?? No conscience and no morality more like it. There is no paper trail or anything to suggest Essendon attempted ( even as a bogus cover up ) to buy legal supplements. All dealings are with shonks who are known to deal 'the good stuff" Danks Clinic ONLY deals in the good lollies. The requirement of a Compounding Chemist points to TB-4 as Thomodulin doesnt need one ( compounding pharmacist ) Texts, interviews etc have all caught Danks out referring to TB-4 the physical changes to essendon players all suggest TB-4 Looks like, sounds like, walks like a bloody Duck QUACK !!
  21. WADA didnt for a simple reason.. ASADA had made a bit of a meal of it all and were complicit in the delays etc. WADA were NOT happy with the level of outcome but understood their deputies were as much to blame as any and as such let it stand as determined. In the Essendon situation no such dithering occurred. All delays are really a simple case of tactics used by the accused. This is a very different situation to Cronulla. Their's was a pizz in the ocean of naughtiness as compared the long term systemic course of perverse chemical tampering undertaken at the Hill of winds !! WADA wont be letting this one off the hook in any shape or form.
  22. that would be 'Parliament' Better me than BBO who will make you write lines...just saying ..lol
  23. The Club has the onus of that particular duty of care as the players are in the Clubs hands, under THEIR tutelage and guidance. The AFL only set the rules by which the competition is run. Its beholden upon players to know and understand what they are responsible for and the club it to work within the rules for what ever operations are carried out by its organisation. Jess ought to be aiming all barrels at Essendon...but then he wouldnt would he !!
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