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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Stop and think !! big ask...i know...lol Sheeds grew up barracking for Essendon. It was an era when Melbourne as well as teh filth were the major contestants for the flag. In al teh gobbledegook than transpires for rivlary we are apt to foget that The Bombers and melbourne were as much rivals as anyone. Melbourne were percoieved as the toffs on the hill and Essendon the mavericks from way out wherever. It was an era where todays distances meant much more. we were seen as the elite, teh have do's etc. my how things turn !!. In a totally ironic fashion, Melbourne repesents now to essendon what they did to us all those years ago. Im sure this irony isnt missed by Sheeds. how sweet for him if HE was the catalyst !! :-))
  2. never heard of a love-hate relationship !! :-))))
  3. now now...lol we ought to recognise in Sheedy's own words.. he didnt lose the job, they mutually agreed not to negotiate a new contract !! if nothing else a career in politics awaits...lol
  4. again I will reiterate that many seem to get far to attached to the personas of the players. Thats what they are, they are players. They are participants in a team game. Their ONLY value is what they bring to that equation. if ever they stop "ADDING" then logic suggests you look to who can ADD not SUBTRACT. But when anyone ever suggests that player-god A or player -god B is a bit off..or that serious questions need to be asked of their "CURRENT ' real value , then the perpetrator is labeled grumpy, heretic, moron ..etc etc etc. I really wish more people would take off their blinkers and se this club and its make up for exactly what it is. we have potential, we have some talent and we have a lot of expensive 1st class passengers. Some of this hasnt necessary been by design, some has been unfortunate happenstance but call it what you may.. its still the same old medocrity. Hopefully the current regime recognises this and continues its moves to rectify. I would expect some players to have a real-world wake up talking to at the end of this season. Whilst a tad harsh I essentially agree with teh essence Rhino's commentary ( sorry..lol ) I and others called into question some of the supposed superstars of our team years ago..and were labled buffoons ( at best ) for doing so. Yet look at results on the board since then for these players and hindsight would suggest some of us werent too far off the mark. We have some good players , we also have some great players who have seen the last of their better efforts. Instead of constantly wrapping these guys in shiny shiny glitter, look at them in the cold hard reality of where we are and what they achive. pretend for a moment they were players from another team and critique them as such. I bet not too many will come off squeaky clean !! its time to wake up Demons...we are far from as good as we might think we are.
  5. sometimes we light crackers too !!
  6. Without statig the bleeding obvious ( but Im gunna..lol ) Id extend this to an extension of ANYONE Probably the biggest areas of stuffing up I reckon by our beloved club is contracts..we seem to go into panic mode. And we are still in the sh!t financially because of it. MFC need to grow extra cohunas and just look at the bigger picture come negotiating. No one person is worth the grief, if they want to trade/walk...let them.
  7. keep in mind...whether a person is on the veterans or not.. you stil have to pay it... Its only the numerical value as affects the salary cap thats diferenitiated by being listed as veteran.
  8. The point....seemingly missed by some ...Is the analogous, not direct comparison of players. Its to do with their chances. I suspect Deanox was being a tad whimsical in his analysis of Millers standing. Many here ( me too ) thought he was the goods when he fist came on the scene. Many may remember an article( Hun some years back ) portraying Miller and Rivers as the new hopes at Melbourne. Welll one has cemented his place and conitnues to improve. One didnt. hasnt and wont !! I suspect Miller will play on in footy. I dont think it will be at Melbourne. Not even sure if it will be AFL. His abilites and shortcomings have been discussed here ad nauseum. I for one dont hink he cuts it. he may elsewhere and good luck if he does. I like others feel his greatest value to melbourne is in shoring up deal somewhere along the way. People get way too attached to players. I prefer the team. Be good when we start playing like one, and to do that requires players that fullfil the roles assigned. Miller doesnt..its simple really
  9. Rhino...right on the money. There is a danger too much willl be read into the Australian's article. Imagine that.. reading too much into a media release.!! amazin' !!! lol In all seriousness we are talking about big boys here. They all know the drill. It would surprise me if before Sheeds walked into that room he didnt know almost as much about Mebourne as they do !! lol. Keep in mind Sheeds atacks things with a scholars zest. Though money is an element, whther Sheedy decides on Melb ( and vice vera ) it will be about FIT, not money so much !!
  10. as a p.s. i appeciate Byrone , if retained, wouldnt command the same as this year. just making the point that there are some savings here and there..lol keep in mind I cant imagine Danners was on Tuppence halpenny either !! if Sheeds is up for it.. and the Dees want him.. they wil find a way...its the nature of footy clubs !!
  11. Before we all start going the doom and gloom route. Things will get better at Melbourne. Dont assume Kev will base his decision solely on money. Thats not the challenge that he seeks. Not to say he's going to go anywhere for love...lol Such reports almost guaantee Pickett wont be there next year. we save 300,000 !! etc. There are good coteries at Melb, as with many clubs. do you not think that if it was the difference between gettign Sheeds or not that a 'special letter' might not be put around !! esp in the 150th year !! Its just another hurdle, not insurmountable. Lets see how things pan out huh!! ::
  12. so the man has an ego.. what can I say...Skyhooks have already explained it all
  13. laughable. The man takes stock of himslef. Rationalises things in the cold hard light of day. Comes to a decision that maybe nows not the time...and you lampoon him!! He didnt get to where he is by being a dill. Hope you are all as good at weighing up reality...good luck folks !!
  14. I think you'll find a certain M Williams.. address TBO, might be on that list also !! :-)
  15. 3 by 3 ..is indeed the vernacular for a three year firm followed by a three year option. exercised accordingto whatever the two parties agree to. Im sure they could agree on reasonable and relevant citeria to the interest of both parties. did sound a bit like a Lada Niva though didnt it ??
  16. He's not the only one who understands the modern game. He does have legitimate competition. But to suggest he doesnt know which way is up !! well ...thats vaudeville at its best !! :-))
  17. You would have to think that in the manner of accreditations, that he would get 'passes' on many of the tests lined up for the coaching wannabe's . I would expect the interview to be .. Well Kev, thanks for coming along. we understand you have a meeting with Martian Seagull Appreciation Society, so we'll keep this brief. Do you want the parking spot next to mine ? Paul, Steve , gents. Yep, that will do nicely. Cya Monday.
  18. Dont get me wrong.. many here are a tad fed up with any of up to a dozen players. however this thread was/is about Byrone. SO have limited comments to him, that is all. I think ND showed immnese patiencs and faith by offering Byrone a path back into the club. Many woulndt have. has he mad an effort ? for sure. Is it enough ? debatable. Not through lack of intent, just the reality of , is he at the end of his road !! Keep in mind pickett was a big investment by the MFC when manythought it was a misadventure. I certainly thought it had merit at the time. Hindsight is a wonderful thing !!!!
  19. I appeciate al the sentiments of those that consider that Brad has supposedly had a rough trot. That he needs a bit more time and patience. I simply offer the converse. He really just isnt up to it. He's not that good , well not for a premiership hopeful at AFL level. Sometimes what looks, walks, and flies like a Duck is a Duck. Sometimes what looks and plays like a VFL level player is just that. I have no mission against the bloke. Could only wish him the best, wish he stepped up. But he hasnt, doesnt and i think never will. If he was going to show it dont ya suppose he might have by now ?
  20. I can only assume you mean me. Give him a break ?? lol.. how many does he want. If he's selected, good for him, he better bloody well play!! He hasnt so far. And please forget all the sentimental claptrap. This is big boy footy not a suburban lovefest. he's paid big bickies to perform. That is the ONLY criteria he is to be measured agaisnt. does he provide a returnfor the investment of the club. That goes for ANY player. Again, this is a business, elete professionalism supposedly, not a luvvy duvvy charity-fest. People get far too wrapped up in some imagined personality worshipping. He is there to do a job. If he does it..good, if he cant, move on.
  21. Id give him a 3 by 3 . Nothing anyone does will perrform miracles in a couple of years though by then some indications of direction ought to be apparent. We will need to see the last of the current 'oldies' ( and no real disrespect to the likes of white and Neeta..but what is...iS !! ) retired and the buds of the new bllom coming forth before the NEW MELBOURNE really emerges. 3 by 3 offers some flexibility whilst facilitating longevity should it be needed and warranted.
  22. The interesting ( well to me ) is the liitel thing that Kev obviously wants a crack at the job otherwise he wouldnt bother goinf to see teh club. Its HE who is in the box seat. Now I could be reading this all wrong, but it looks to be a signal from Sheeds to say to the MFC..."well guys...are you serious ...I am !! " and after all he only has to lighten the black to a dark blue :-))))))))))))))))))))
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