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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. This the whole point. Whilst we know Judd is comoing to Vic..so many are building speculation on what WVE says or wants. they are NOT driving this baby !! they may not even be in the car if they dont play clever. The WCE dont necessarily need to get squat !! they are playing poker here...quite wellas it happens as everyone is already beleiving they are holding two pair. They have NADA!! The reality is they will get somethig simply because it will be prudent to deal and get it over and done with. But Stiff backbones could break tose bastrds into littel pieces. They have no bargaining powere really because they arent in control. They are passengers!!
  2. With all due respect....what a load of codwallop On the basis of ????? After footy...what does that mean ??????? We are just as much in the hunt as anyone !!! There are just as many wheelers and dealers that belong to the Melbourne world as anyone. Up until now many have laid dormant but aparently things are changing.. "Apparently" "secretly"...whats all this mumbo jumbo..please...talk facts and substance...or at least reasoned ideas, not hocus pocus
  3. Ive been having the same feeling...seems silly...and amtrying to keep a lid on it. But I cant help but get the vibe that "things are stirring " :-))))))))))
  4. wonder if he likes good reds , fishing and surfing ??? lol :D :D
  5. why not ?? He plays footy because he enjoys it. hes going to be paid no matter where he is...so its not an issue. eventually you learn to do things in life that bring rewards to you, not the bank balance
  6. The thing to remember about all the trade sh!t..is this is only what WCE wants.. in reality it has no impact on Judds decision. In order Judd decides where he wants to go Clubs sort it out!! not other way round.. Eagles are playing a clever bluff..thats all it is !!
  7. Of course he cares about his finacial situation...he's not a NONG !! lol. he seems to care for other things greater.. he's a greeny...that COSTS money !! So here's aman who has his priorities all sorted out. . The monies on offer wil be similar form all clubs.. but Im not sure if that even matters to him. Quite possibly the ability to be part of developments outside of the normal arean may indeed appeal. And Melbourne has enough Coterie already looking ointo this apparently. Judd is already looking beyond footy. His seems acutely aware of his place in the great scheme of things, his personal life, his family, his home etc. Gecko would fail with this man.. greed is not good for him !! lol He seems aware of the things he can do that impact.. green your house, green your car,, surround by family..etc etc etc... It wil not have esaped him that he would IMPACT the MFC. I wont be surprised if he opts for us !!
  8. I ask you ....what self respecting Demon supporter is ever going to willingly play for the Filth ????
  9. see my post elsewhere.. Money is irrelevant in all this. He wil get similar where ever. The forces of caps etc conspire to do this. . External opportunities may have influence. He's into development etc. So "opportunites' may be of interest to him. Its more about where he wants to go
  10. something else to think about. here's a guy driven by different motives to many. he's very enviromentally concioius, chucked his vroom vroom HSV in for a Hybrid .. His Perth house is pretty green by all accounts. He marches to the beat of a different drum this guy. He knows what he wants and its not always what those surrounding him thinks. He wont be coerced by the big shiny bucks of Collingwood or Carlton. He's doing ok. Outside projects and developments may help suade but where ever he goes he will me handsomely compensated so the decision isnt money orientated. he can go where he wants. So trade factors are of no concernto him as HE goes where he WANTS..everything else is irrelevant in that matter. So it only matters where he WANTS TO GO. :-)))))))
  11. I have to admit I am at least a little impressed by the idea that after many years of adhock knee jerk reacting to opportunities that it seems the club has contingency plans for various incidents etc. That they had radar-ed ths event and already had a plan of action i think speaks volumes for all things going forward. Im really starting to warm to this board. We are often looked upon as the cinderellas in the AFL when it comes to business nouse etc but I think the titanic is slowly being turned around. Littel things here, little things there.; are starting to show we are re-establishing ourselves. As the quip suggest, it wont happen overnight but it will happen. Sure and steady won the club the coach it was after , even if we mere mortals were unawares of who he was..lol Creative opportunism also garnered us Connolly. Thats two big ticks for the MFC !! Dont undestimate the power of "The tug of the heartstrings" !! " After all he's moved back for Family !! He's a Sandy boy !! He barracks for Melbourne, have no dount he watched them trained at TBO etc. Yes its almost supersaturated in sacharine isnt it. Home town boy returns...etc etc. etc. but then again...why not ?? Make no bones about it. Melbourne IS going places. The seeds are sown, it takes a little time and effort. Now if you were a footy player with say 5-6 good years left in ya....and the club you grew up adoring opened its doors ( and wallet ) and put a 'dream on a plate"....wouldnt you take it ?? You're a footballer, you hearts beats true... and fate consprires to make your childhood dream materialise. POWERFUL STUFF !!
  12. Well.. thats a great shame.. Indeed a giant of the game. He was a respected plyer even if one of "them". Quite surprised, he was shown on camera at a game recently. Seemed ok. Condolences
  13. still....at least we have a plan !!!!!!! whatever it may be....lol http://www.heraldsun.news.com.au/footy/com...5E19742,00.html
  14. Not just me concerned regarding Judd's OP http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/story/0,2...81-2863,00.html
  15. We lost far more than we won in centre hitouts...it IS a concern. Still you can always shark the oppo ruck
  16. apparently this doesnt seem to worry anyone.. ..thought the same...but hey !!! lol
  17. If Sheeds was still at Windy hill i could understand the Bummers being in the mix.. without him ( or anyone...lol ) I just dont see the deal. Carlton.. well i can see.. The Filth, will just because they would have to be ...and us..the sentimental blokes !!
  18. I have never denied he is an exceptional player. I still want to be convinced his medical situation in fixable. I still dont think he will be the magic bullet everyone is hoping for..It will take a team to perform to provide the results we all crave. But pragmatism is there too. He is on the market.. We are in the mix.. yeah...why not.. Reality also suggest we arent to get Kruezer or Cotchin.. Judd is perfectly acceptable ( roflmao ) I still worry over his fitness, and Id hate it all to fly back in our face if successful.
  19. Gaz.. get property to give you a new guernsey with "3" and ambush Judd.. "" Mate ...its all yours !!..c'mon...lets get a beer to celebrate !! "
  20. No disrespect to those two gents but I wholeheartedly concur. is almost the first test of their cunning isnt it. 2008 hasnt even started.....or has it ??? lol
  21. yeah..only two Rucks.. Must be tough with Cox and Seaby with Lynch filling in.. poor bastards !!!
  22. money is a concern any which way for sure... but apparently managable..so all tell me facilities are coming...profile is a work in progress ( I am really expecting that to change over the next five years actually ) Gang up with Stynes, Gaz, Barass etc.. The enthusiasm and 'new era' of Bailey /Connolly ...its still not a likely scenario...but not improbable
  23. pretty close to saying it all really !! well in the context of all this anyhows !! and the context is what the game /media/ et al is making him to be. ( beyond his actual talent ) His stocks are super-valued precisely because as alluded to above, he IS the franchise.
  24. which ever club gets Judd will probably get a good deal out of it.. WCE all but has to accept anything halfway reasonable as a trade..or forfeit it all. edit But Judd will be making the call.. and only him.
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