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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. youre never alone are you ??
  2. I get 4
  3. often amused by folk that suggest the Russian isnt too flash with marking. Agree with HT...its about development.....theres already a bit of potential in the side. Needs honing
  4. the games getting bit soft I reckon. Sledging is just a mind game. If you re sucked in then youre fair game.. In out time red i reckon there was as much fun in the 'banter" and there was hip-shouldering someone into the turf/fence. Ah...dem good ol days !! lol
  5. Some terriblly serious punters out there lol. Surely this is just poking fun at the brat !!!
  6. Amazing how few seem to have a sense of humour about this
  7. Could probably merge this with the throwing money thread i reckon . Same gist.Give the little bugger hell. We are Demons after all
  8. Could you imagine the crows eagles or toiges being so accommodating ? Not in your life. Why are we soft towards opposition ? Ill clap good footy from any player or club but we need to let teams know theyre on OUR turf
  9. I dont make a habit of cheering the opposition !!!
  10. I might inwardly admire juniors effort and pluck...but cheer ? No. Hes is one of them now
  11. Im not nice. Bury the bastard !
  12. You wont be in any majority thats for sure
  13. An effect of the Locker room that will now be reversed was that it provided for an easier access to a greater number of threads as you obviously had two pages for them, now there's only one. If you wanted tofoucus a comment on a player it was simple. If it was a more cicumspect topic etc it was easy to see it. Now the moment a thread isnt commented in it will disappear to page two and most wont normally see it... Mankind by nature is a slothly lazy lot. its done but I think its a shame
  14. obviously..as you say...you can do as you wish..and have. Just dont all to agree.. So be it. Applaud your honesty in showiing your bias though.
  15. disagree..its hamfisted often.
  16. actually...one thread...answered your own question.personally i thought the Locker Room was not only a goor idea but was working fine. Seems obvious theres bias..
  17. i probably shouldnt have laughed reading that....but I did !!! lol
  18. I did qualify the idea bysuggesting either late picks or rookie selections be used. There may well be a little more competition for this type now.
  19. I feel the premise of the poll is unfortunately misguided.. It supposes we alone can control the outcome. Obviously we cant. I would suggest that even if we try the outcome might only be 3-4 games irrespetive of what we would like. just my thinking
  20. is it troll week ?
  21. I for one certain suspect about a dozen players will be facing intense scrutiny re their future come seasons end. Bail would be in that group i agree. Keep in mind his recent injuries . Players really are just a component of a team.They themselves will be first to understand their replacability.i.e widgets in a machine. I support the machine . This isnt suppsed to be a social group its a professional sporting business isnt it?
  22. Sunday arvo....winter......no name opponents...15-20,000 IF yourelucky. Hopefully im going.
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