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Everything posted by Wrecker45

  1. I hate to spell it out to you hardtack but... 9/11 happened in front of our eyes and Climate change theory is a set of predictions that have been proven false time and time again. How you could fail to see the difference is telling.
  2. I notice China hasn't offered to stump up the $2b American shortfall to the UN just yet. It's a shame for those on the gravy train that $2b paid for lots of important long lunches, junkets and dud predictions.
  3. Dieter - you miss the point. There is no comparison between the two buildings, construction or type of fire. To compare them demonstrates you don't have the slightest idea on the topic. I have no interest in building 7. Everyone has seen the footage of the planes flying into the twin towers, the people on the planes that were hijacked made calls and sent txt's, Osama has claimed responsibility. It is open and shut. One only has to look at your track record of posting to see you have an anti-American bias so excuse me if I don't take a great interest in building 7 because you buy into some crazy left wing, anti-American conspiracy.
  4. Was it Grinter that actually gave they bird to the entire crowd when we beat West Coast on their deck in the early 90's or late 80's?
  5. If you can't see the difference between the fire at and around the twin towers and the fire of a high rise in London with flammable cladding there is a reason you believe in flying saucers.
  6. Looks like melbourne v bulldogs is the only one sided game.
  7. Haha you might never forget it but it is etched in my memory. Was my birthday and my now wife got me tickets and booked a hotel so we could stick around after the game.
  8. Any fat red head kids that Richmond want to rookie running around?
  9. Collingwood get 2 in the side off a loss. We beat them get 1 in the side, 1 on the bench and the fans pick.
  10. When they picked him last year he was best available. This year they need to delist a minimum of 3 players and weigh up if best available is likely to be better in the long run than Bull with a navicular injury. I hope they keep him and think it is good for the culture of the club to stick by injured players but it is no certainty.
  11. Dieter - you asked me to google building 7, I did and the 3rd link down was the Daily Mail article. I was following your instruction. Perhaps next time suggest I search for something like "crazy left wing conspiracy building 7" and it might lead to links more in tune with your line of thinking.
  12. Belt them dees and start our march to September.
  13. Re the first point you are saying you want to stay on the side of caution which a text book example of precautionary principle and it is a flawed principle. on the second point it is pretty clear the figures are being fudged and have been fudged. If that falsifies climate change consider it falsified. What I was saying is I don't think climate change can be falsified. There is ample evidence of scientists colluding and fudging figures yet that doesn't sway opinion of believers. Certainly the climate failing to do as predicted by the models hasn't falsified it. No matter what happens people go on believing.
  14. Dieter - I googled "building 7" and the third link was an article about a newly released video under a FOI request that disproves the conspiracy theories. It doesn't surprise me that you want to blame the West though it is your default position.
  15. I've had the privilege of speaking to Col at a number of functions. His attention to detail is off the charts. I asked him a question about a player he had played against once (not even his direct opponent) before he was in the afl. The detail he gave amazed me. Wouldn't be surprised if he has something along the lines of a photographic memory.
  16. I hope we smash them but they bounce back the following week. Buckley can't coach I love him at the helm of Collingwood. I hope they win just enough games to keep him again and again without making the finals.
  17. In my humble opinion that is a flawed argument on a number of levels. Firstly it is a form of Precautionary Principal which is flawed because it can be used to justify anything and therefore justifies nothing. Secondly you can't be wrong. I've asked you a number of times how global warming theory can be falsified and you have yet to come back with an answer. That says to me it is more clairvoyant prediction than scientific theory.
  18. Just to be clear I was not saying the reef was fine based on my personal experience. I was asked if I had been there recently and I had. The part I was in near Cairns was beautiful. The Clive James article is packed full of facts and historical comparisons. Diatribe it is not. Your above passage above on Rex Tillerson is a better example of an attack on the player not the ball.
  19. America is automatically reducing their emissions because of the booming fracking industry. Trump pulled the plug on the money to the UN. Is the mayor of Pittsburg going to tip in the $2 billion?
  20. Happy to have a bet on this. Unlike climate change this is measurable. I'm betting China wont pay the $2 billion shortfall Trump has left the UN by pulling out of the Paris Accord. Do we have a bet?
  21. Speak for yourself. I have an idea. There is not a snow flakes chance in hell China is going to pay the UN $2 billion to solve an imaginary problem.
  22. So do you think China will fill the $2 billion void to the UN left by Trump or not?
  23. Trump has locked America out of what? Do you really think China is stupid enough to give the UN money to find a solution for an imaginary problem? Of course they're not and when nobody is funding the gravy train it will come to a screeching halt. Anyone who wants to stop dealing with America can do so at their own peril. Australia certainly wont. I'll laugh if the EU does because they are a sinking ship.
  24. How about a riddle to solve this once and for all.
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