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Everything posted by Wrecker45

  1. No wonder he was wearing a hat.
  2. He should be thankful that it wasn't that AFL employed (up until last week) bloke Fahour who jumped into the crowd and thumped a spectator. AFL said nothing at the time because it wasn't camera or on the news.
  3. Lewis is the best kick I have ever seen. Golfers and table tennis players normally hook or slice depending on the shot they play. Watch Lewis hold the ball when he kicks at goal he tilts it to get the curve he wants with a drop punt. Then he kicks on the the right plane for it to work. I've never seen any player do that before.
  4. I didn't like 7 of them
  5. What on earth has that go to do with the BOM misrepresenting data? They have been caught out. If the IPA are exposing that send me a link so I can donate to them.
  6. BOM caught "adjusting" Goulburn up during the week. July 2nd 2017.
  7. I could be wrong Diamond Jim (it's happened once before) but I thought the corporate boxes were an annual rental not sold per game.
  8. I'm not going to keep wasting my time in this thread. But let me make this clear I am not an apologist for poor player behaviour or players not presenting in peak condition. I did not defend Bugg for his actions. I am on the record as being critical. I was one of the few posters on this site who was happy for Jack Watts to be penalised early in the year for coming back in poor shape. Most of the people in this thread were crying that poor Jack was being mistreated when he was not in good enough condition to meet the demands of our game plan. Paul Roos has turned this club around, not by being a brilliant match day coach but by building a good culture. Michael Clark destroyed the culture of the Australian cricket team by preferring to go shopping with his misses than have a beer with his team mates after the game. The AFL have an epidemic of players failing to deal with the stresses of the modern game that coincides perfectly with the downfall of the traditional beer with your mates after the game. Recovery is important don't get me wrong I just think they should throw a few stubbies in their ice baths. I personally think non-drinking team rules are bad for the culture of the club. The honus is on the players to turn up in peak physical condition to training and on match day and I have seen no evidence that anything other than that has happened here. There are countless measurements available to measure fitness let's rely on them rather than aim for a team of robots like Buckley.
  9. 1) You miss the point. Zakarakis broke the team rules and benefited by it in the long run.
  10. Was just trying to be friendly Jara. The link you posted was clearly flawed and I would have cc'd you in my response to the journal. Please don't pretend you are too scared to PM me your email address for your own personal safety when you have advertised the name of your published book on this site.
  11. What a rubbish thread I can't believe all the sanctimonious posters. if everyone thinks team rules are to live and die by, I hope they are defending the Essendon players. Or do players have a choice what they can put in their own bodies above team rules? What about our no drinking while on the injury list rule. Should Jesse Hogan have beeen allowed to have a beer at his dads wake? just after he personally was diagnosed with cancer? Team rules you know, nobody can break them. If we want a team of robots we can get Buckley as coach I hear he is going quite cheaply at the moment.
  12. That's not really fair. I like to hear every detail about: How laconic Jack Watts is The look on Garland's face Trengove's lack of pace And all similar important details when assessing the game.
  13. I heard a caller on SEN get cut off when he was about to say what Fahour allegedly did after the game. This really stinks.
  14. Fahour has not made a claim for racial tolerance on his tribunal hearing. But he did get his job on those grounds. Fahour has also been suspended previously for striking and another time for jumping into the crowd and punching. Neither were caught on camera like this incident. Call me a bigot but I like people getting jobs on merit not sex, race, religion.
  15. Truth is they are fringe players so they could afford to. We got Bernie Vince on the cheap because he liked a beer and he went on to win a best and fairest at our club. Endeth the rubbish.
  16. All they had to do was complete their fitness plan. If they failed because of the drinking they should be punished. The truth is they could meet expectations at the next training session.
  17. Hodge is the greatest captain of the modern era. He was suspended by the club by nessecity. Loves a beer but that is politically incorrect these days. i don't condone drink driving but Hodge is a massive drinker and has captained the best team in the last decade. Players line up to stick by him because they respect him and they've all had a few beers with him.
  18. Breaking team rules is something that upsets me. Having a few beers is an indication of good young blokes. We don't want tea toatlers like Tom Scully polluting the culture at our club. Paul Roos and Neil Daniher encouraged bonding over a few beers.
  19. They had so many other factors but drinking was one of them. i don't like 4 blokes being hung out to dry for having a beer. I have AFL footballers in my family who will do a ridiculous amount of excersise xmas day then have a few beers with the rest of the family. Get up the next day do their excersise routine again and head to the Boxing Day test where they will have a few beers again. Footballers are human and if they're a decent bloke get on with other people their age.
  20. Yeah I saw the result on Friday night. Have you seen the best teams in the last 20 years?
  21. Why does the afl even have a diversity manager? I have no problem with aggression on the footy field but that is pure coward thuggery. I guess the diversity manager is one of those token positions where it doesn't matter what you do. Untouchable. Unbelievable.
  22. This is really beginning to [censored] me off. Who are the best teams of the last 20 years? Hawthorn - Croad, Hodge, Lewis etc... Collingwood - the rat pack Brisbane - Voss, Brown, Pyke Geelong - Stevie J, Cameron Ling Abblett junior prefers grass to turf Drinking builds culture, it doesn't destroy it.
  23. I'd guess a mental disorder is a chemical imbalance in the brain. Trauma is different. i'm happy to be proven wrong. That is the beauty of being a free thinker which makes me centre right. We are not tribal and argue each case on its merits.
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