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whatwhat say what

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Everything posted by whatwhat say what

  1. try and smother watts it might just WORK! i cannot stand him any more. so lazy.
  2. don't tell me...jamar...!!!!!!!!!!1
  3. god we just don't RUN - to position, as a lead, or anything.
  4. all forward entries are finishing with watts' man at the moment, as he gives away far, far more room to his direct opponent. we're lucky they've missed their opportunities thus far this term; they've dominated it.
  5. and that right there is why blease spends 2 games in, 2 games out. he tries to do the diamond thing every time, when sometimes all you need os coal.
  6. watts is just SO LAZY. let papparone have three metres on him then. woeful.
  7. true. neither of us are much chop.
  8. in some ways i agree with leigh - we want him to play deep forward. problem is we also want him to be the release kick from the half-back to wing!
  9. McDonald does not belong at full back. Watts' urgency - or lack thereof - continues to drive me up the wall. Trengove a quiet start, Bruce? 6 tackles suggests otherwise!
  10. more here: http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/dealing-with-dank-20130426-2ik8y.html A confidential AFL record of the meeting shows that the league documented admissions from the Demons' delegation that its players had been injected with supplements at an external location but that this ''off-site injecting has stopped''. It is not clear whether Dank's association with this injecting program was mentioned; if it was, the full details of Dank's association with Bates - if they were known to any of the Melbourne officials present- were not conveyed to the AFL at this meeting.
  11. bombers have found a bill for a banned drug: http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/essendon-find-bill-for-banned-drug-20130426-2ikou.html in dees' revelations: •Confidential documents show the Demons told league officials in February that their club doctor, Dan Bates, had "communications" with Mr Dank and that players had been given vitamin injections at an external clinic. •Dr Bates failed to disclose in an internal club review in March that he had asked co-captain Jack Trengove to use a cream containing an anti-obesity drug banned by doping authorities this week.
  12. i still remain to be convinced that these trade rumours are anything other than a media-perpetuated myth. every year at port it was the same - boak, gray, trengove all 'wanted out'. all re-signed with the club. the media is just ambulance chasing, as usual.
  13. i find it unfathomable that he's the leading journalist at the herald-sun. he can barely string a coherent sentence together, be it in print, on radio, or on television.
  14. It would seem to be North Melbourne and Caroline Wilson will think all of her Christmases will have come at once. Thinks she hates us? Thinks she hates Essendon? It's nothing compared to her feeling towards the Kangaroos and Brayshaw in particular. That's what happens when she reports something like moving to GC as a done deal and then it fails to come to fruition!
  15. if - and it's a big if - he can stay fit, the sky could be the limit for this guy. could we have our very own dean cox with an extra 10cm or so of height? his movement around the ground for a giraffe is so impressive. why is it that we seem to get the round 3-5 picks in the draft right, but not the rounds 1-2? just bizarre.
  16. Time to book in the press conference for 4pm tomorrow?
  17. Just watching the quarter time highlights and every GWS forward 50 entry Watts just looks like he's spectating. Watts or Grgic?
  18. Potentially a bit, but I'm on the product side of things more so than tech, but contact Telstra 24-7 and they might be ale to answer download specs.
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