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Everything posted by Gorgoroth

  1. Judd said there is 4 teams, so the list you mentioned would be the 4 i'm tipping.
  2. I wrote the same but thought i shouldn't post that, i didn't want to start arguments
  3. I will wait until the kid can get his body right, until then he wont be that good, just show glipses, god i hope sylvia gets his body right.
  4. Soooooo he was wearing a red and BLACK jumper........ is that a bad omen??
  5. I refuse to get my hopes up, i use to it being a Bolton Wanderers fan, we have a little saying there, its P.S.G. Pie, [censored], Grin Until they have eaten a pie in Bolton, Sh1tted out that pie in Bolton and are standing on the pitch holding the jumper i will doubt it all!
  6. Keep posting them mate, its always good to read stuff about the great man.
  7. so what are your thoughts? i want your true thoughts, not wishes. me i think 10-20% i just don't see us getting him as nothing good ever goes our way
  8. I would take pendelbury of the pies in a heart beat. if judd says the pies thats what we should offer them.
  9. I think we should sound out king from the cats, he wont play in their finals this year and a low draft pick might be enough to get him to the club and god knows we could do with a ruckman, especially one with a bit of mongrel in him.
  10. Actually strom you are wrong, people do not always like each other and whether or not lyon and ND liked each other is something we will probably never know.
  11. Since she is already with channel 7 perth, it won't look suspicious, he is just transfering her contract to 7 melbourne, she then becomes the face of the spring carnival for 7 and what ever else she bloody well wants too!
  12. What is it with people who think Lyon owes the club something? He has always said if the club needs him he will help, but will not be an ex player hanging around the club like a bad smell. He does not owe the club anything, he played his heart and soul out for the club, played under immense pain and duress for the club and yes was paid to do so, he does not owe the club 1 little bit!
  13. Agree Jaded, i actually don't think the pies are favorites, i think we have a better chance than the pies.
  14. Its our 150th year. the number 3 is waiting for him. I'll cry if he goes else where
  15. Ian Johnson should offer judd what he wants and then sign bec to 7 for a million per year judd stays signed to us
  16. I am trying not to believe that we are in with a chance, i don't want to get my hopes up just to be crushed later, but its really hard not too think about the great man wearing the red and blue.
  17. As a supporter of Bolton Wanderers in the EPL we have a saying that we never believe a player is at the club until 3 things have been fufilled P.S.G. Pie, S#it, Grin.
  18. As much as i love Jones, i would rather Judd.
  19. Congrats and glad to see Becky has seen the light.
  20. Swann has said they will not give up the number 1 pick.
  21. We took off 9 of our best to rest them for round 2 WJ.
  22. Well if Judd does not want to do media, we are the club! No media pays us attention anyway. I do not think we will get Judd, i pray and hope but i have a bad feeling. I will hate him if he does go to another club though instead of choosing us! We have to throw what ever we can at him without crippling the club, our number 4 and one of TJ, Robbo, Green (if we can Bruce) hell bloody nearly anyone.
  23. Jacey, i hope you are right.
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