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Sir Why You Little

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Posts posted by Sir Why You Little

  1. Okay. So in the last week, we've had the following suggestions:

    - A call to sack Bailey, pay him out, and replace him with a guy whose never been part of an AFL coaching panel in his life.

    - A call for a 19 year old kid, who has played a grand total of six AFL games, to be made captain next year

    - A suggestion that we should have picked Natanui instead of Watts, on the grounds that he played better in his first game

    - A call for us to move our best young defender into the forward line and take two quick midfielders with the first two draft picks, instead of simply picking the best two young players in the country (one of whom is apparently a gun key forward, giving us a chance to develop a great forwardline on top of our already promising backline)

    And now we have a thread insisting that Hardwick would have been a much better coach than Bailey, a point that has been substantiated with precisely bugger-all. I'm looking forward to the next "let's do this" thread, which -I expect- will be a passionate 2000 word post, discussing at length why Davey should sit on Jamar's shoulders in the ruck contests, why McLean would be a 10x better player if he had a silver mouthguard, and why it is imperative that we draft Randy "Macho Man" Savage as our next full forward.

    Correct in every way. Every one make a hot cup of tea & relax. Let D B & the club do their Job.

    We all got a little ahead of ourselves last week because of the occassion Being the QE2 Birthday & all. We got thrashed & probably deserve our ladder position at the Moment.

    Bailey wants to succeed you can see it in his eyes, Lets give him the best chance at doing just that.


  2. l never said sack Dean just get Hardwick here to help out before he is gone

    HaHa! That's the Best Back Down i have read for a while !!! You Had the knife deep in Bailey's Back when you started this thread....

  3. You sons of [censored] that got to enjoy real footy in the 70's and 80's. I would give my nut to back to those times.

    I am a little bit younger than some of you guys. I did however get to see a bit at Optus oval, and to be honest I didnt mind it. As you said 'WYLD' it was real.

    Thats why i find myself more and more going to the VFL. Real grounds, real conditions, have a kick on the ground during and after, and of course, $4.00 cans!!

    Now thats footy!

    You got it mate-That's what it was like. Some of the cpmments you would hear in the crowd were just priceless. Now every single one of those grounds is gone.

    Dam shame it is. I do & have always loved the "G though.

  4. Thats a beat up WYL.

    Judd was never interested in Melbourne at all. He was always going to Carlton from the start.

    Great stuff to those supporters who are digging deep again to assist the debt demolition.

    Not from what i heard RR. Judd's father was my maths teacher at school back in the 70's, so i have spoken to him sporadically.

    Chris was interested, Carltanks offer was unrefusable shall we say.

  5. I can't wait for Juice to prove everyone wrong... The worrying thing, i'm not sure any of you will be happy when he does, such has been the vendetta against this guy...

    I think many players will prove themselves before Juice realizes what's going on. He has had ample opportunities so far. How many more does he expect?

    I really can't see juice playing in september...But if he does, i will cheer him for sure...

    It won't happen though.......

  6. Think of the Debt Demolition as a positive way for we supporters to also be another "Group Sponsor"

    To be come a Power Club, we must have Money at our disposal, as well as good people.

    It is the reason Judd went to Cartltank-our books were shocking when he was sniffing.

    Go Demons...

  7. I would implement 2 things straight away.

    1. A High Draft selection for the team who finishes 9th. To keep clubs striving upwards at all times.

    A round 22 victory still has strong merit even if finals are not played.

    2. A lottery Draft systems for the Bottom 4 clubs after the 9th teams pick.

    Every body Falls in after that.

    Simple Demitriou JUST DO IT.

    I shall add a 3rd point to my proposal

    3. Clubs that finish the season in the eight should be well compensated Financially. The AfL makes heaps so spend it. Finishing 8th should always be much more lucrative to 9th.

    But i think that fight for 9th by lowly clubs would certainly tighten up the competition.

  8. Got my tickets this arvo. 17 games membership, tickets cost $3.60 a piece. Top level on the wing about 10 rows back. No doubt will be surrounded by Bombers, but hey, that's kind of the fun of playing away from the G, the Us against the World mentality.

    I think there will be a big crowd for this one, mainly due to it being the only game on in Melbourne this weekend. Would 50,000 be a fair estimate? Maybe a few less.

    Hopefully there is a good turnout from Melbourne supporters, but like a few on this thread, I have feeling it'll be a poor split. And we'll be spread all over the joint due to the ticketing too.

    I know people have particular political issues with Docklands, and that's fine, that's your choice. Personally I don't care who earns what and how, I'll go to watch the Dees play anywhere anytime. Call me a sucker, whatever. But I just gotta be there.

    The facilities there are fine. I don't understand the issue with this. Does anybody remember having to take a [censored] in the rain out at Princes Park in the 80's at the urinal with no shelter over the top? Docklands is hardly a dump. Expensive food?, bring some sandwiches and a bottle of Coke. Parking?, come on the train. I think people forget too soon what going to the footy in the 70's and 80's was like. Jeez, we could be playing the Bombers out at Windy Hill this weekend.

    I don't like Docklands either, but it's not all that bad. When it's a good game and the crowd is up and roaring, it can be an awesome atmosphere with the roof on. Remember Daniher's last game? Sure we lost, but the crowd was wild that night.

    There's nothing about Docklands that will stop me attending a Melbourne game there. Hopefully we get a good turn out this Friday night.

    That's my whole point my Friend- i would rather go to windy Hill & stand in the Rain. It was real. The Dome reminds me of McDonalds Food. NQR Not Quite Right!

  9. Fair enough, it's your call. I wasn't singling you out and I'm sure you're as passionate as anyone here on this forum. 40 years is a long time and i'm sure you've bled for the club thru good times and bad. But i'm sorry... i still think it's weak to not come because it's a "rip-off" or because "you don't agree with the stadium". Not calling you a weak supporter, just think it's a weak excuse.

    How much is it gonna cost you to get in? 5 or 6 bucks (with a 17 game membership)? I only have an 11 game membership this year (due to financial constraints), so i pay full-price to see every away match played in Melbourne. Yeah, i feel like i'm being ripped off when i have to pay to see the Dee's play an away match at the G, but i cop it on the chin.

    But yeah, as i said earlier, no offence intended.

    My comments weren't directed at you or anyone in particular. It's just a pet hate i have- going to away matches and being completely outnumbered in our own town. Yes i understand we don't have the biggest membership numbers, but that still doesn't stop me feeling the way i do when i'm outnumbered 3 to 1 at a match.

    Obviously my situation is different to yours, and maybe if i had spent $650 on a membership, i might re-consider also. But come to think of it, i probably would still go. But that's just me...

    I wasn't trying to be abrasive and if any of my comments were perceived that way, then i apologise.

    Its more that i do not like giving inflated wages to Faceless Shareholders inside a soulless stadium that is too small. Unless you are in the Medallion club the average supporter is poorly looked after.

    As an MCC Member i don't know how much it would cost, but getting a cab or parking a car underneath would be a small fortune!

    Last time i went about 2 years ago we played the Swans & it was a Crap game, & i just said "No F@#$%kin' More!!" I do not like the style of football played there. The Ground has no Wings. Its Rubbish.

  10. Magnificently Crafted Read. Well Done & Thank you.

    So well Written that the Clowns inside the AFL would not understand the irony in your words. I hope this piece is kept somewhere sacred for Future Reference

  11. I'm of the opinion that every MFC supporter (living in Melbourne) should get out to see the Dee's when we play in Melbourne- regardless of where the match is played (G or Etihad), or if the food and drinks are too expensive etc etc. I'm sorry if this offends anyone, but i reckon it's weak to not come just because of a dislike for the venue. This isn't about the venue, it's about the two teams playing, of which our beloved Demons are one of them. That should be incentive enough, surely? I'll be so [censored] if the crowd split is 80/20, which, unfortunately, it is likely to be. We were lucky to have a 70/30 split at the Hawks game this year, and that was at the G! Come on Dee's supporters, get out there and support your team!

    Food too expensive? Be prepared and bring something with you! Drinks cost too much? Have a few before and after the game instead. It's only mid-strength anyway...

    Unless you've got something else on or are in dire financial strife (which i consider myself to be in on my Centrelink student allowance), then there's absolutely no reason to not come to Etihad on Friday.

    I'll watch my team play in the pooring rain at the shittiest old suburban ground (yep, even Vic Park), if that's where we are fixtured. I'll trek out to Casey even, just to see my team play. And i'd hope most of our passionate supporters would be there with me- rain, hail or shine.

    One thing that is for certain at Etihad- at least we won't have to sit out in the rain!

    So you are going to shout me a night out & fill Collo's pockets are you-Fine. The AFL should never have sold waverley. I do not agree with the Docklands stadium and thats it. I have followed melbourne for over 40 years. Through good & Bad- Do not EVER call me a weak supporter.

    I do not like being Ripped off so i will not go.

  12. Jack Grimes to me is looking like Melbourne's next future captain. Thats my prediction.

    With the 2nd half of the season to go I think we might hear some rumblings soon!

    Watch this space!

    JACK 16 for CAPTAIN!

    let's see him play 50 games at least before anything else. Give the kid a break you clown.

  13. It doesn't clash and I also think we should have worn our original jumper......

    And here is where I can't work out whether the alternative strip is actually a "clash" jumper or an "away" jumper.

    I'll buy clash, but only just :rolleyes: !!!

    Clubs should be able to wear the original jumper whenever they please. The AFL should not be involved to enforce this.

    If 2 clubs agree to a "clash" jumper well i might buy it, But it is all about the AFL being control freaks & diluting the Tribal Rivalries of the old days

    Some Melburne clubs will go-they are just getting us ready for it.

  14. if you're ninth at that stage your incentive is finals. we don't need to cushion the blow for a team thats just missed out on finals and reward them for it.

    I am talking about the teams more under 9th to keep them pushing upwards till round 22.

    If they are not good enough to win then they are part of the lottery.

    We must stop these 2 divisions we have now. 10 weeks to go & 5 teams may as well not turn up. It's a joke.

  15. How would rewarding 9th make for an "epic struggle"? Are you saying a team in tenth at round 12 will try desperately to win so that they can finish 9th, not top 8?

    Whether the team makes 9th or makes the finals, there is weekly incentive to keep winning. Unlike todays scenario

    Teams will always strive for the finals,But 9th should be given some cred aswell

  16. There is no argument that Saturdays performance was not good.And it was the wrong game to have a bad one. It was not good on a number of factors. The performance of the senior players was just one of the issues. There were indeed others.

    As for the TV rights why do TV stations want to have Collingwood on? Number of Collingwood supporters who watch them. Would Collingwood supporters turn off when their side has a big win? I doubt it. Was the game scheduled in peak viewing time? No. Mid afternoon on a public holiday. It was not a great result of a game but it would not have been a ratings disaster.

    I wonder if you were waxing about Brisbane after their game at Geelong earlier this year. Be careful with the Lions. Brisbane has alot of good time charlies who look good when they are up and look really awful and disappear when the pressure is on. They deserve credit for their game against Hawthorn.

    Once again i do not disagree except to say a lot of non Collingwood-melbourne supporters would have also watched the game, as it was the only game on that day.

    Most of these people would have got very bored very quickly. No one likes seeing Collingwood Prevail unless you follow them. Thus a lot of advertising revenue was wasted after the First Q.

    TV stations do take that stuff very seriously as i worked in the area back in the eighties at ch 9

    Next year Ch 10 may balk at showing the MFC on QB. They want close games. Simple. Blowouts are bad news.

    Brisbanes young kids will get finals experience this year, ours won't.

    The Lions might give the flag a shake next year-again. I rate voss, its only early but he has got it. I hope DB does too

  17. if you're ninth at that stage your incentive is finals. we don't need to cushion the blow for a team thats just missed out on finals and reward them for it.

    Of course a team should be rewarded for finishing 9th. Close but no cigar...It would make for epic struggles in the 2nd half of the year.

    Its Much better than rewarding Failure as the system is Now.

  18. then what about if you're 12th coming into round 22, no chance at 9th, the incentive to lose is still there to lose to get into thebottom 4 ballot.

    ok 12th may list manage in that scenario, nothing is perfect. But its a much better system than we have now where up yo five teams start dropping off at round 12.

    I really like the 9th incentive-clubs will fight for that.

    For the wooden spoon team to maybe get pick 8 is too much. i think it should bre bottom 4

  19. They don't really clash with anyone......

    This is only an issue for those clubs who have very similar colours or designs in their jumper, ie Colllingwood and North.

    We are close to a couple of other clubs and therefore we and they should have a jumper organised.

    Although I hate the idea of this being used as an away strip that is not needed.

    And I also can't work out who Hawthorn clash with?

    That is a Rubbish Arguement, we had to wear our Clash strip against Port Power this year.

    How does our jumper look anything like their strip??? Its all crap & i will never stop believing that.

  20. I would implement 2 things straight away.

    1. A High Draft selection for the team who finishes 9th. To keep clubs striving upwards at all times.

    A round 22 victory still has strong merit even if finals are not played.

    2. A lottery Draft systems for the Bottom 4 clubs after the 9th teams pick.

    Every body Falls in after that.

    Simple Demitriou JUST DO IT.

  21. I refuse to go to the Docklands Stadium. It is a complete rip off & i do not like the type of football played there, as the ground is too small

    The food costs a small fortune & the seats are too close to gether. I will be going there for the AC/DC concert & nothing more.

    I will not Kow Tow to a stadium who has no regard for the supporters.

    I will watch the game at the Pub with a Parma & pot!!!

  22. Collingwood had a core of senior players that are admirable and capable foot soldiers that provide strength and leadership to the team. They are hard and honest.

    Its a long bow raising the AFL taking away our QBW on one bad performance. We only get the game at behest of Eddie (Thanks for that).

    However, you are right it was a disappointing performance nevertheless and has not been a true indication of the way we have played all season. So a bit of perspective. But your issue about senior players is a good one. None of Junior, Wheels or Robbo did much at all. Our senior players are making up numbers too often and not contributing when it counts. They have been great campaigners for us over a number of years. But their respective retirements are due at the end of this year.

    And Brisbane, six members of their great premiership side still there. Who in our side matches a Brown, Black and Power?? They are nowhere near the position we were in.

    Fair Points Rhino but i still believe the MFC is being soft when it really counts. For Many people QB was the first time we had been seen this year & a lot of those would have turned off by Half time. So ch 10 would not have been pleased either. The QB telecast is worth a lot of money for the Broadcaster so a blow out was the nightmare the MFC did not want.

    I am not blaming the young guys for that performance But our senior 10 year players need a trip to the "Hall of Mirrors" to have a good hard look at themselves, because a lot of the previous Months work has been obliterated on the QB performance sadly.

    I mentioned Brissy as some of their new kids are looking Hungry already, That is where our kids need to be.

    There can be no excuse otherwise we may as well not bother.

  23. Correct weight... They've been avoiding this clash, because the bomber's clash jumper clashes with our home jumper more.

    What's gonna happen in a couple of years, when we face off in the finals? Heaven forbid, a grand final. Hopefully, we're in a strong financial position by then that we can stand up to the AFL if they want to force us to wear the clash jumper when we shouldn't have to, like North at the moment.

    Having said that, I actually thought the white looked better than the red, however I do agree a red and blue jumper would be ideal...

    I still think a reversal of our colours would've been best.

    I found it easy to pick out my team in the 2000 Grand Final, The AFL are a disgrace with this Jumper Issue.

    BTW When do the Sydney Swans EVER wear a clash Jumper????

    We should never have to wear a white Jumper. They are the colours of Footscray QED

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