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Sir Why You Little

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Posts posted by Sir Why You Little

  1. I have no problem with what Sheahan Said. I expected a more competitive effort on QB. Sylvia was the only one who was mentally ready-That worries me.

    As collingwood played some young kids aswell-They were ready.

    His job on match day is to get them mentally ready. To have lost the Game 10 mins into the first Q was not good.

    Like it or not, The AFL would have been very unimpressed, & if we don't get a QB fixture next year i would not be suprised. Stynesy & Schwabb are going to have to seel the club well at years end.

    Last Monday there were also a lot of senior players in the side who did nothing...why? The ongoing 45 year old question.

    Look at what Voss is doing with Brissy...no more excuses melbourne. just DO

  2. Add Miller and and Rivers as well. Miller has already been dropped and Rivers has to be close.

    You are Joking aern't you! Improve the delivery from the Midfield & we will get a lot more out of these players who can both take a good Mark.

    I just wish Miller would take half an "angry" pill before each game & legally throw his weight around more. His Mojo must return.

  3. Nic Nat spent a full season playing WAFL last year, of course he is more advanced. Good luck to him.

    He is also a W.A Boy through & through, so would have only stayed with us for 2-3 years (scott Thompson re-visited)

    Charlie has been playing schoolboy footy. Big Difference. I hope he gets another game against Essendon-He will now be aware of the Pace & reaction time expected at Top Level.

    BTW West Coke are Tanking For sure-There effort on Saturday night was deplorable. Wake up AFL

  4. I don't normally care about this sort of stuff but Fox Sport's "Before the Bounce", when talking about the Queen's Birthday game and how Melbourne used Jack Watts to try and draw a larger crowd Barrett stated that last year Melbourne only got a crowd of around "40,000" to the game. In reality 59,548 were at the game last year.

    If it was a simple mistake I wouldn't mind but it was said in the context of whether or not Melbourne should continue to host the Queen's Birthday game.

    Poor effort, but what can you expect from a "journalist" from a celebrity gossip publication?

    Notify the Club about this discrepency. I am sick of this stuff, These Football scribes think there poo doesn't smell. Barrett is a Jerk Like Rohan Conolly.

    This sort of reporting could jepeodize future Queens Birthday Fixtures, so i would let the club know.

  5. I would much prefer a 4-4 split.

    What's the Diff Between 4-4 & 5-3?? who cares. Go to the Movies Shag Your Lady. Do something different for one weekend.

    And Know that this weekend we shall not lose!!

    Give Bails & the players a weekend to re energize-They are Human don't forget, not Robotic pieces of meat which sometimes on this website can be over looked.

  6. Mate, I don't need to smoke anything to know you can't comprehend the written word. Scully and Buthcher are great players. Stick them in a side with no senior base, or foundation, and do you think they will win a flag for us? Go back to sleep, idiot.

    Listen up !!! I'll speak sloooooww. I suppose putting a inexperienced Franklin and Roughead into a even less experienced forward line won't win a flag either, You build a foundation by putting young talent in, which Melbourne obviously lacks at the moment.

    Scully and Butcher aren't GREAT players, They are two 17 year olds that haven't played a game. These two happen to be the best young talent in the country by all reports, So you go and get that talent to build the best foundation for years to come. Instead of firing back barbs at people that disagree with you, Try and back up your ridiculous posts. My suggestion would be to actually watch the game instead of just looking. Good night sweetheart.

    Agree absolutely. Hawthorn took a Punt on young Talent & Stuck to it.

    We must do the same, But what we need to REALLY do is instill a Hard Winning Culture into these Promising Kids. Make them want to Strive for excellence-That is a large part of what Hawthorn did.

    Cyril Rioli didn't wait 8 years for a Flag Tilt!!!

    Our Flag Tilt starts next Year...

  7. I just loved seeing him line up Maxwell, flatten him and take the mark. :D

    His love of physical contact just adds to his game. That and good skills. Looks like we were all wrong about him (well, those of us calling for his head).

    It is the one moment from the Game that Bailey should highlight as a positive. It's the way our Forward line must attack the ball.

    Hopefully Mr Watts will be biult similiar to Col in a year or so & Takes many Grabs Just Like it.

    That Mark was Colin Sylvia's Finest Moment to date. The Mark was Totally Legal & Fair. Collingwood Captain on the Ground badly shaken, but not injured-Col goes back & Kicks the Goal.

    It is one of the Few moments that should be replayed to all the Young Players.-That's How you Do it.

  8. Even though he wasn't really interested and had no new ideas to bring to the table?

    Appointing a coach is not about marketability, it is about long term success.

    Sheedy would have generated a buzz, but then what?

    Every somebody was once a nobody.

    Jill Sheeds is Flat out Running around the Country doing heaps of things. His Commitments at Richmond are minimal, he is loving life.

    If he had been appointed coach art melbourne, i doubt his heart would have been 100% in it. (Blight at St.K)

    That is just my opinion but i think Bailey is the Go Long Term.

  9. I completely agree. There's no way the club will end up on 5 wins. We'll be the laughing stock of the industry.

    They just won't let it happen.

    We as supporters should all run out on the ground and disrupt the game, if we look like winning 5. We just cannot do it. The Club would not be able to explain it away next year.

    The AFL make the Rules so use them..

  10. NikNat may debut this week - http://www.news.com.au/perthnow/sport/afl/...5014947,00.html

    There is a chance Natanui will get more than 8 possies, 1 mark and 1 behind.

    To avoid much angst and gnashing of threads please start mental preparations for this outcome now. I know I am!!

    Om mani [we made the right choice]

    Om mani [time will tell]

    Om mani [think taller James Hird]

    Om mani [dreadlocks are soooooo 1990's]

    Om mani [wait till jack puts on another 10 kilos]

    Om mani [we made the right choice]

    Om mani [we made the right choice]

    Om mani [we made the right choice]


    We made the right Decision. Jack Watts lives in Melbourne. Natinui would always plan to go home. I don't give a toss about west Coke Players.

  11. FFS, it was his first game in the big time where all his teammates bar Sylvia and Jamar shirked it today. He is 18, no pre season, 196cm and a light frame. He came onto the ground when we were already 4 goals down and had to contest against the tide of play.

    And you worried about him being soft? Unbelievable.

    Well said Rhino, Totally agree. Sylvia's Mark against Maxwell was the only time Melbourne got physical all day.

    Jack Watts will be fine as he puts on more weight & plays more games.

  12. We need to start winning games next year. Winning games this year is just a waste of time especially beating the likes of Richmond, North, Port, Freo and West Coast at home.Don't you remember 2007 it was a disaster beating Carlton surely we don't want to go through that again. Competitve losses will do me, not beating crap teams.

    Yes you are Correct, & that comes from someone who believes in winning.

    After Reading up on what GC17 were to be given next year i changed my views on 2009

    High Draft Picks = Winning in 2009 The Prize is too big & the alternative is just more of the last 45 years. I know which one i want.

  13. 14 from 44 at about 30% winning rate is considerably better than Bailey who could potentially be on 4 from 44 at the end of this season.

    And Hawthorn went from bottom to top in the space of four years didnt they? Bailey doesnt get another "rebuilding year" in 2010 IMO.

    Exactly. At the end of the day any [censored] can do the dirty work - all that involves is waiving goodbye to a few players and turning a list over. Implimenting a game plan and a structure is more challenging and the truer test of Bailey's ability and footy brain. If at the end of 2010 we can't see Bailey having any success in that area then it'll be time to say goodbye.

    And we're talking about Melbourne, not Richmond. But I bet the Tigers fans demand and expect a lot more quick success than what some mediocre twats like you are content with.

    Ha! Obviously whatRichmond Fans demand & what they actually get are two Vastly different things.

    The Tigers will fall lower in the next 5 years-The Demons will Rise.

    At Present we have no real Forward Line. We must Recruit a Big Forward. But i do agree that from Next year Dean Bailey will be expected to get results.

    At the end of this years draft its all Go.

  14. Learn to pressure the Ball carrier correctly & that ball will become ours. Sure at present its not always going to come off but we are getting better at it.

    I hope Melbourne becomes the Best Tackling side in the AFL, Because that will instill a Winning Culture into our Team.

    Good Post-You are right but be patient in my opinion.

  15. Keep playing the Kids Bails, they get more experience & at the end of the year we will pick up more Top line Kids.

    I am not going to watch the scoreboard much for the rest of this year, I am one who likes to win & i don't like the idea of "Tanking" But the AFL are bringing in new teams & new draft Rules so we must take an opportunity when it comes. I call that winning.

    Play the kids Bails i like what you are doing. In 2010 The foot is put to the Floor, This year the result is mostly irrelevent to me.

    I wait for Jurrah Austen Watts & Pettard to all be playing Forward Together.


  16. Totally agree but my point is that as a club Collingwood can't do without their odler players if they are to challenge. We however. at our stage of development don't rely on the older guys, most of whom will be gone at years end anyway, making us far younger than Collingwood

    Can see where you are coming from but i do not entirely agree. We do rely on our older players, but in a different way to our young guns. And it was the older players who let down the club yesterday (Matty Bate Tried Real Hard-i am not going to diss him)

    Our older players did not fire a shot yesterday-I have watched this exact scenario too many times over 45 years. It is exactly why opposition clubs do not respect & Fear us. The older guys have a job to do & Must Stand up. We do rely on them to do a job. Run to the right spots, even shepherding. Knowing which kick to use. Split second decisions. If only Cam Bruce could kick, because he is always putting in, it just doesn't come off enough.

  17. We are rebuilding and players such as Whelan, Robertson, JMac and even Bruce are no longer are best players and we won't need them when we are again challenging, thus we don't rely on them.

    They were still there to do a job yesterday & Failed though. Those guys are supposed to "Lead & Inspire" the younger guys. Sylvia Moloney & Davey were the on ly 3 to earn their pay.

    Yes the old guys are not in the long term plans but they are very much needed in our present structure.

  18. That's a play on numbers. Take Robertson for Martin and Whelan for Bennel and then we are 5 years younger. It's that simple. Not to mention we don't rely on any of our older players which they do (Didak, Lockyer, Fraser and co) We also haven't seen Strauss for JMac, Blease for Bruce. Jurrah or Spencer for Johnson. We are plenty young enough and it's just Mick being his usual crafty self.

    Of course we rely on our older players, They went missing & didn't help the younger guys. That's why we got Flogged!! Our experienced players got carved up by 18-19 year olds!!

  19. Thanks for the Run Down Toot but the Club must make it easy to find afterwards...Please. Maybe a light with a door open, even Better someone standing there Directing. Might have cost the club 200 supporters. Not good enough.

  20. Am i the only person here who thinks we need to trade in some experience instead of trading away all our experienced players. Personally im not sure how we expect to develop all our young talented players to anywhere near there full potential.

    Who does Watts have to look up to and to teach him to be a better player, Robbo? Miller? This is our main problem its no wonder Newton has not improved over the last few years. He has had no-one to guide him and to learn from.

    Listening to the young Carlton #1 picks talk the other day and they all say how much they have learned and been helped along by guys like Judd, Stevens and even Scotland. Who do we have to pass on there knowledge and help players like Grimes, Morton, Dunn and Bate to reach there full potential?

    Coaches can only do so much as the game style changes so quickly. It makes no sense thinking that Mcdonald, Bruce and co aren't going to be of our next Premiership so they are of no use to the club. The younger guys need older experienced guys to look up too. Watts would learn so much playing next to and trying to gain the respect from a club legend like Neitz and this is what we are lacking and all the high draft picks in the world cant change that.

    Great Post, Very Sane. Although a lot of our "experienced" players should be on performance contracts. Yes our young players need experience around them but certainly not Bad Habits.

    Trouble is we have no A Grade players, wish we did but we don't (Sylvia, Moloney & Davey are close)

    We need the right coaches at this point. But i would expect a major offload at seasons end.

  21. If we do not get a priority Bailey and everyone involved at Melbourne should be immediately sacked. The Collingwood game showed how much we desperately need them. I'm sick of the young team crap. I don't think Collingwood would be much older. When are the pathetic leadership group going to take some responsibility for the mess we are in? They are the problem not the youngsters.

    Collingwoods collective age was 5 years younger than ours. The Game was lost upstairs in the Head area. That to me is a major worry.

  22. It's our 2nd tier leaders on the field who are letting us down.

    Once again in the Big games where so much rides. The players let the club down, as we don't have a winning culture. It will be Bailey's biggest test. If he succeeds he will be a club Legend. John Northey Got Mighty Close butb even he sadly coached us to a Record GF loss in '88

    ND Had a dip, but was even less successful even though i am sure he Bled for our club.

    Standards must be set High NOW-Mediocrity must not be Tolerated, by staff or players (easier said than done).

    Its why Essendon and to a lesser extent Carlton can reload & return to the big stage. They do not except mediocrity.

    We must get to that level of thinking. I hope the clubs administration & coaching staff have this thinking right now.

    Yesterday was unacceptable, Don't give me excuses The Filths team was younger than us.

    Some of our players were soft yesterday. Shape up or walk away..

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