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Sir Why You Little

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Posts posted by Sir Why You Little

  1. Disagree!! May well help to put a bag over our heads (or at least over Vlads for next 1 to 2 weeks). Is the answer to - How many days until we are safe regarding the PP = 42??? :wacko:

    Alternatively get the Bill Highy character to come and recreate the world circa ealr 1960's with a clone of the Red Fox as coach of MFC!!

    BTW in the AFL version Vlad and Adrian A see themselves as the mice!

    Yes we need SlartyBartfast to re create the Glory years!! Good call Tony.

    Yes the observing mice could well be Vlad & little anderson. Most observant pick up there.

    Lets watch how much cheese they devour between them on Brownlow night.

  2. ahhh the great Douglas Adams. Don't forget your towel...

    "Space is Big....Really Big. You might think going to the chemist is a long way, but to space that's just peanuts!"

    Douglas Adams still Rules. The '82 BBC Series is pure GOLD.

    The world is about to end in 3 minutes...Isn't there anything we can do to stop it, like put a paper bag over our head or something...If you like yes....Will it help....No.

  3. AFL Boss backs Dees

    Here we have it folks...undeeniable proof that not only does tanking exist but that the AFL all but condones it. Well it must do as thats the way the PP works and its the AFL's idea to have it...so it must be right.

    First Time i have agreed with Vlad. Glad he spoke to DB, to offer encouragement.

    One thing i do know..We have a Mighty Tough coach who knows what direction he wants this club to go. This Team will be so versatile in a few years.

    Norm Smith will be Smiling.

  4. After Hearing Cameron Schwabb & the great Dean Bailey speak on the radio this morning.

    I doubt we will slip up against the kangaroos, but yes that could be the side that plays the shockers..Business as usual this week.

    There will be more experimentations to come.

  5. Yes 1 step Back...2 steps Forward. That is exactly what is going on Right now.

    Like a shark if they stay in the one place they die.

    We must always move as a club. Create so others Follow.

    That's how Norm Smith Worked.

    I saw a Ruthless & Smart Bailey Last Sunday. The First time he REALLY had to coach on matchday.

    He will coach the same way against North. Who cares what the Media says.

    We have our own agenda to follow.

  6. I respect you for sticking to your guns.

    One thing I question is your signature: The Team We Love

    The problem is that I couldn't care less about 'the team,' I care about 'the club.'

    If you say there is no difference I would counter and say that significant parts of this 'team' has won 11 games in 3 years and heaped a sh!tload or embarrassment onto my 'club.'

    Bailey is doing the right thing by the 'club' and that is fine by me...

    Good Point RPFC. The "Team" represents the "Club". The Club Pays the team. 2 entities that must work in Harmony in order to reach success.

    But Both seperate Altho without each other both will die

  7. You guys are all wrong. Richmond are building a winning culture.

    From Harry over at Punt Road End:

    what's everyone complaining for we got a win and we're gonna build a winning culture from it. our list is thereabouts and all it needs is a few wins, some confidence, ben cousins and a new coach. finals here we come in 2010 and beyond. geez some of you "supporters" are hard to please, the boys had a red hot go and dug deep and got the win in the end, mcmahon was brilliant. we don't need stupid draft picks, we need wins and a winning culture. we have a good list. it doesn't matter how you play its the win that counts. winning isn't everything it's the only thing. melbourne were out for a win and we showed them who's boss. can't you see how happy mcmahon and the boys were after the win. they'll grow an extra leg from this win. gotiges.

    It made me giggle.

    That is Brilliant GV, well spotted!! Perfect example of why Richmond always finish 9th. Can't wait to wave goodbye to them in about 18 months.

    I have to read Harry's work again, it's just too good!!!!

  8. I know people will jump on my back here but what about trading Jamar.OK hes had a few good games this year but 1 of them was against a kid in Natanui.Has a very low stat average & dosnt present well enough up forward for my liking.Johnson may not be any better but hes contracted & when he is on i believe he is good & likes to go forward & kick a goal.When hes bad hes pretty bad but i believe its a confidence thing & can be fixed.Then we have Meeson,Spencer & martin who are all young & developing so i dont think we will be to bad there in the future.Also Jamar is 26 so hes only got 5 years or so left & at the moment the POwer have come out & said they will do anything to claim a ruckman via trade.Jamar is from SA so that helps & port are willing.Not sure what they could offer us but im sure there must be a few good VIC boys on there list.Anyone have any names or opinions?

    If the Port Power Neanderthals are desperate for a Ruckman, then it's trade time isn't it. But only if we get the Better Deal. The Russian is not too bad, so if we are to trade we would want a good return, or no deal.

    Wouldn't ever consider cutting the Power any Slack. Shouldn't have ever been admitted into the AFL in my opinion.

  9. You should.

    WCE have won 9 games out of 40 with 16 p'ship players on there list and you think they have a winning culture. Brilliant.

    Seen better cultures in year old milk.

    Well Said RR Wet Coke with 16 Premiership players still, sniffing around for a PP over the last two years. This Club is a Disgrace

    Winning Culture indeed, only when it suits them.... They can Rot Like Carlton. I want to BEAT THESE TEAMS IN SEPTEMBER.....INFLICT PAIN....

  10. THe Club & Members Pay the Players Wages. The Club pays the Coach to do a job.

    Bad Luck if the Players are pi$$ed off for a week or two. The Players are paid to do a Job. A Job given to them by the Coach & Footy Dept.

    Caro should get her nose out of the Trough, I have heard her say that Melbourne should not win Games this year.

    Wilson just didn't like seeing her Tigers shown up to be so pathetic.

    Everyone has been predicting these matches all year. Journo's are just Vultures living off other peoples stories.....aint it the truth.

  11. Yes, after living and breathing the MFC all of my life and waiting 45 years to see a Dees premiership, I can see myself at a Grand Final in the future watching the Dees playing their guts out for that flag, thinking oh a flag won't mean anything to me or my family, because we might have tanked a couple of games back in 09.

    Then I will notice a few pigs flying across the MCG.

    Yes of course i wouldn't be able to party out in a few years because of last sundays Shame!!

    I doubt ND would have done what Bails did last sunday.

    We now know Dean Bailey wants to take this club all the way. Sunday was his "line in the Sand" game (our young talent almost buggered it up with their enthusiasm, but Sanity Prevailed)

    Wonder whether Mike Sheahan will celebrate if we win a flag in a few years????

  12. Aint that the truth. Bring back nine, I say. One of the biggest things there would be no more Maher... except on Before the Game.

    Andy Maher was so into Tanking in 2007- He loved it but he gave Melbourne Heaps last sunday-even left the commentary Box in disgust.

    It's about time he was questioned........Little Jerk...GO AWAY....

  13. This whole episode only proves yet again how stupid and short-sighted and egotistical commentators are, to a man & woman. This is the first opportunity since Carltank that they've had a chance to beat up the PP issue. We're in a feeding-frenzy situation, where whatever Melbourne and West Coast do - whether they move players or don't move players, whether they win lose or draw - they inerpret as tanking.

    When a bozo like Grant Thomas says that West Coast were tanking against Essendon, they just happened to find themselves in front at the end of the game, and divas like Caro & Hutchy nod like clowns, you know that all perspective has gone. When Thomas says something like "nobody can tell me that there isn't tanking going on absolutely everywhere", you know he's seeing what he wants to see and too stupid to realise it. It's just a group of attention-seeking giant egos seeking attention.

    Bailey's got it exactly right - whatever he does is going to be interpreted as tanking, so he'll ignore it and keep doing what he wants to do. And let the media cretins carry on making idiots of themselves.

    Just Do it Dean Bailey. Just do your stuff.

    Remember the Presentation you gave to the Board of the Day & Do it..

    Here's to the future. Thomas Failed ultimately as a coach, You Dean have the chance to become a Melbourne Football Club Legend. GO FOR IT..

  14. As long as the Footy Dept stand Firm, believe in the long term. Do not bow to media pressure. We will be alright.

    I expect a lot of late night meetings this week.

    Get it right boys.

    I want North to be on 5 wins by sunday night....Just do it....

  15. Now. All that said. I will never understand why Maher is still around. His whole reputation is based on his Aussie drawl. He's horribly unpresentable (though not Hutchy-like), repetitive, not funny in the least... I mean... Does anyone actually like him? ANYONE? And fair dinkum... having a crack at the demons for tanking. Just goes to show how little they know. The Demons, Blues, Hawks, Saints... none of these teams are the guilty party. The guilty party is the AFL.

    Andy Maher Loved Carlton's Tanking in 2007, he advertised it regularly. That little Twirp needs to be taught a lesson real fast. But he works for Ch 10 so you can't expect any intellect.

  16. Don't blow it now.

    I think the issue is that we can't do again what we did yesterday. If you believe Caro on Footy Classifieds, some of the players were not happy with what happened yesterday (they'll be laughing their arse off if they win a premiership with Tom Scully though, won't they? :rolleyes: ), and the media is all over us like a cheap hooker, so we have got to be extremely weary of what we do next.

    Who cares what caro says!!! She is a mere journalist who has been very wrong quite a few times this year. I beleive in the Footy Dept & what they are planning.

    Caro should be more worried with the fortunes of Richmond. That's where her family bloodlines arise from.

    Butt out Wilson.

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