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Sir Why You Little

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Posts posted by Sir Why You Little

  1. An insight into the Daniher era, isn't it.

    Jobs for the Boys..Yes. Thank christ those days are over.

    I loved ND but he would never have the Balls to do what Dean Bailey is doing right now.

    The MFC is entering a new phase, or should i say catching up to the Big Boys

    As we represent the name of this great city, this should have happened decades ago...Better late than never though.

  2. Anyone read Grant Thomas today?

    "Imagine a situation where a team loses and pushes another team over the 4 wins threshold," yeah, tough to imagine.

    Went on to say if Demetriou admitted it there'd be massive repercusions financially and socially, but him not admitting it is mystifying....not so mystifying.

    Thomas has already admitted Tanking exists from the coaches box. Heard him say it earlier this year.

    And why not, a coach is paid to do a job in the best interests of the club to which he is employed.

    I like Grant Thomas's honesty. 'tis the reason he lost his SEN job.

  3. FOOTNOTE I understand that SEN will again be describing the Melbourne game so all eyes will be on commentator Andrew Maher who left the broadcast box at the 19 minute mark of last week's tense final quarter. It was suggested that Maher was fed up with the laughable football on show, particularly the alleged "tanking" of the team that ultimately was in front when the final siren sounded. Actually, it was Maher who was "tanking" his duties, taking an early leave of absence to attend the Melbourne International Film Festival. There are other radio stations covering this game and if you prefer your broadcasting team to be fully committed to the task, then perhaps you might want to try the others.

    Andy Maher has a lot of explaining to do, as he openly promoted carlton's tank in '07 weekly.

    For him to walk out last sunday was a pathetic joke. (Film festival my arse)

    It will be interesting to here KB though.

    But Andy Maher should be sent away with Kyle Sandilands to a galaxy far far away.......

    Kangas by 22. last week was too close...

  4. I didn;t make myself clear.

    I meant I look forward to seeing us put up a fight against Carlton. Not winning, because I think that's beyond us.

    I would be Happy to get thumped in these last 4 games. I don't want to get close to anyone, last week was beautiful & indeed surreal! But it was too close.

    I have just paid my M.C.C/M.F.C Membership for the year 2010

    That's what i am waiting for now...Sure up those Draft Picks & Train Really Hard Demons 2010....

  5. Thanks for that Fantastic Summary D26, what a great night. Wish i had a spare 5K so as to be invited.

    Awesome to know the Wiz & Woey were both there, & considered club legends. I wonder if deep down Jeff Farmer wishes he had stayed a one club man-i know he had family commitments, but still. I loved the Wiz when he was "on"

    This club is so getting it's act together, Proud to Be a Demon i am.

    Let's not only wipe the debt, Let's put the club strongly in Profit. This Dinner should be an annual event.

  6. Warnock got a goal assist from CHF.

    That is a sentence I didn't see coming...

    We tried things out because winning isn't a priority and some see winning every game, no matter the circumstances, as something worth prioritising.

    We played unusually...

    Nuff said.

    Looking forward to the next unusual game this Sunday at the worst stadium in the world.

    It promises to be atypical.

    Could be the most important game for melbourne since the 2000 Grand Final. The Footy Dept this week & on Match day must stay so sharp.

    We have come this far, the finish line is within sight in the distance. Get it Right Lads. Please.

  7. Without doubt one of the most polished performances I have heard from a coach in a long time, answered all their questions with ease, fixed up the clown from SEN who sounded like he wanted to get a different reaction from what he got, poor man.

    Yes Matty Thompson, what a total [censored] Head He is.

    He was the one who said food in china during the olympic games tasted like chinese Food!! AAARGH why do these people work in Media!!!!

    Bailey brushes him off like a fly...

  8. Time to Ring the M.C.C & find out a solution to all this.

    They seem to play ads & Music really Loud but useful things like Sirens & Club songs which we actually want to hear are too low.....WHY?

  9. Richo lives near my house, I often see him & say G'say.


    Enjoyed his career.

    Would have love him at the Demons out on the members wing.

    Good luck for the future....

  10. The win didn't resolve much, but it was obvious which team would have the better prospects going into next year. Maybe that's what narked her. And Richmond must be the worst team to barrack for, because for years and years they show something once every so often to suggest they might be on the way up and the supporters' hopes rise again, but then they get ahead of themselves and think they're wonderful and come thudding back to earth. Must be really frustrating time after time.

    No sympathy From me...I hate the Tigers & all they (don't) stand for....

  11. Again, please read my posts. I am not slamming DB for the moves or for experimenting or for tanking. I wholeheartedly support it in principle although it did make Sunday the single weirdest game I've been to.

    What I am against is people trying to tell me that what I saw and felt on Sunday was incorrect. I saw a team that was being coached in order to reduce its chances of winning. Everyone at that game could see that was the case. I understand why DB won't publicly admit it and why AD continually refuses that it is possible, but to have people coming on here afterwards and suggesting that wasn't the case is completely absurd.

    And our season has been over since QB. Why hasn't this radical experimentation been tried previously? Why only now, in a very winnable game, when the priority pick is on the line....

    Sundays game did not suprise me at all. In fact i would have been way more suprised had DB coached the "traditional" way.

    We now know where DB is taking us. He is Dead set Serious. I support him 100% on this.

    He did what needed to be done to begin next years campaign. (our young Players ALMOST bought it unstuck!!!)

  12. Wow! I had forgotten this one! How things change in 5 months, even in my own head!

    I will say one thing though. When i wrote those comments we were without any major sponsors, & i didn't think we could afford the "bottom out"

  13. I don't have a problem with it, I know that it is in the best interests of the club, but do not try to suggest that Bailey and Co. did not tank that match.

    Remember CTD these games are now equivalent to practice games. Our season is over, what can be learnt in the coaches box right now can be invaluable. And we do not no what was said in that Box. Remember that.

    Problem is, this team is improving quick than first thought it would. The players will get there reward in time as hopefully we the supporters

    & members will.

    Support the coach, don't slam him...

  14. I was actually pretty happy with the film. Letting Americans produce such a masterpiece was always a scary proposition. Douglas one said that getting a movie made in Hollywood was like trying to cook a steak by having a succession of people walk into a room and breath on it (or something to that effect).

    Other choice DNA quotes:

    "I love deadlines, I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by"

    "Time is an illusion, lunchtime double so"

    "The ship hung in the sky the same way bricks don't.."

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