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Sir Why You Little

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Posts posted by Sir Why You Little

  1. there almost an interstate club now, KARMA, the day buckernara got the sack from the swans and nearly teared up on TV was a very enjoyable day for me,i was at that game, i hate that stinking club. ;)

    Yes i to was at Waverly that Disgusting Day. Heard Robbie Flower interviewed about it last week, he like myself has never watched a replay of the entire game. Can't do it.

  2. Aussie Wona not playing, Brad Miller still not right (But he will)

    The Matty Bate call is way too Harsh, he has been ok with bad delivery.

    Jim Stynes situation. Good friend is doing chemo right now-it's Hard Core.

    West Coke able to tank after winning 2006 flag..I Hate them as much as Carlton. Big Call i know!

    The Whole Tanking Scenario-after this year i never want to hope for a loss again...

  3. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but i do feel, generally, posters on this site are a bit quick to write off the older blokes on our list and their contributions to the team.

    Robbo is coming back from a major injury in the twilight of his career. Scarlett absolutely towelled him up the other week. He usually goes alright against him but nobody could've stopped him that day. While he continues to keep the lakes and the scarletts of the competition off our developing forwards i would keep him in the side. Look at the ball that gets delivered into the fifty. going for a fly is about the only chance he has. No one is exactly putting it on his [censored]. Scarlett saw that he would have little work to do and comfortably chopped us apart on the rebound knowing we wouldnt hurt him if he turned it over. Robbo has never offered great defensive pressure, but what backman is gonna [censored] themselves coming up against us, especially with our atrocius delivery inside 50. If robbo is getting good ball and kicking goals, see how often scarlett goes for runs up the wing then. Confidence is a major factor in footy, and no team comes into a game with us shaking their boots.

    Bruce, green and mcdonald are real tryers. They keep having a go and in a decent well drilled team would be more than handy players. We saw this in 05 when bruce was unstoppable and junior lead the afl in tackles. Sure they are older and in the twilight of their careers but to say they offer nothing going forward is ludicrous. Have a look at our team atm. It's a bunch of young kids. The whole team is often under constant pressure. of course we'll be turning over the footy consistantly. I'm sick of people saying that they have been [censored] for 3 years. the whole team has. we're rebuilding and yes these boys are not gonna be around by the time the melbourne footy club is back challenging in september.

    I would offer these boys another year.

    It's the bells, millers, newtons, johnsons, dunns, bartrams that are the ones we should be looking to ship out. They have been overtaken by our youngsters and have shown little signs of improving. I do have a little patience when it comes to miller and newton though as the mfc forward line is not currently a great place to ply your trade. These are the list cloggers that offer us little going forward.

    Brad Green should not be part of this thread. His commitment to the ball & kicking Skills are not in question. Greeny is very needed next year. Some of the other senior players must improve to set the example to the kids.

    We cough the ball up far too much-Good sides don't do it, & when we make a mistake our oponents make us pay. It must cease by both Junior & Senior Players....

  4. who are you to tell people what they can and cant do. I do believe you are just returning to this site from a long exile by virtue of the moderators for this very reason.

    Pull your head in

    Pull your own Head in Mr.

    Personally i want to see The Melbourne Football Club win the "Holy Grail" a few times before i leave the planet.

    Been supporting them for just on 40 years so far, & in that time as you know...We have won Nothing...(Night Premierships are cool but not in the same Breath)

    For too long this club & a lot of its supporters has accepted Mediocraty from "perceived" champions. If we are going to take the next step & Be Feared as we have been in the past-THE BAR MUST BE RAISED, throughout the entire club.

    The points Y.M. raises are Fair enough. A year ago this club was $8 mill+ in debt sitting on the bottom of the ladder paying out 100% of the salary cap to a bunch of Players who were good (not great) who had played a year or two too long.

    Fortunately the clean out & restructure is now well under way, but we should never accept those conditions again, otherwise we will be walked & spat on with no respect.

    We gotta Fight for the next decade with teeth bared. Tough Decisions have to be made ongoing.

    2 new teams are coming. The League wants them to succeed at whatever cost.

    So we gotta be better than them.........Y.M. just calls it as he sees it. Says things a lot of us don't have the Guts to.

    Lot of our older Players have to take a good hard look at themselves right now. "How Good are they? Can they improve?"

    Improve they must......

  5. Who made the decision to drop Robbo??? You have to wonder at the panel's decisions sometimes - why would you drop him. And he looked so interested playing for Casey yesterday (I don't think so!) after all he has done for the club - can't understand it - some moron on here the other week saying that we should trade him - honestly some of the decisions that are made at the club - you have to wonder - why would you get rid of - in the past - Travis Johnstone, Jolly, and that tough red headed Peter Walsh who went to Port. Also what a rabble of a game today a joke - does the coach pull them up on their error's - not manning etc - yeah OK they the panel has this marvellous vision for 4 years time - big deal - what about now - we could have won that game today if they were pulled up about a few of the errors they made - how will they learn if they are not coached and advised what to do - what a joke!!

    Who cares about winning Dead Rubbers in 2009. Now is the time to play kids & Rookies to see where they are. The Scoreboard is irrelevant.

    Getting Top Draft Picks to secure the best young midfielder in the country in Red & Blue is a much smarter decision for mine.

    Bailey is moulding his own young side. Let him Do it.

    If Robbo puts in he can still earn a 1 year contract, but the ball is in his court.

    He has got to want it.

  6. How would you feel if we beat North and Fremantle and ended up on 5 wins?

    I personally would be livid and would never ever forgive the club for putting our future in jeopardy by winning pointless games.

    But I understand that some supporters believe that a winning culture is more important that getting talented draft picks.

    What's your stance?

    Don't completely Blame the club if we win 5 or more, as a lot of our opposition are looking at doing the same thing.

    We maybe coaching for list management results but once the game starts, you never know what may happen.

    I want the High Draft Picks, but a lot of things need to fall our way to get them. Still 5 games to go....

  7. I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that I might incriminate myself!

    To be honest, since Liam's drafting by the MFC, I'd consider giving up the Pies and completely jumping on board the Demons, if not for the fact that I have never trusted anyone who changes teams. I'm always very suss about anyone who switches allegiances. It's a serious character flaw imo. It's a sign of weakness, shallowness lack of character. Therefore, I have compromised by making the Demons my second team, something which would have been unthinkable before this year. I realise that most of you on Demonland will consider that to be a [censored] weak excuse, but I figure it's best to be up front about my allegiances. One thing you need to know however, is that for each and every game that Liam plays, my passion and support for the Demons grows ever stronger. Go Liam and go Dees!

    Liam Jurrah will win you over RudeBoy, it's only a matter of timr. We will be waiting for you, on let's say Queens Birthday 2010....

  8. I was prepared to stick up for her last week. I'm getting used to her voice and her comments, cliches etc are OK, no worse & no better than the run of the mill. Her problem is that she knows nothing other than Geelong. If they're dominating the game she's OK. If they're not, she just doesn't know the other team and there's total silence. Not good enough.

    Yes if she wishes to call in such a biased nature then she must stay at K Rock & not free to air TV. Poor Form ch. 10

    Pity as it was a cracker game to watch. How did Geelong get out of that coffin???

  9. Yeah lets be like Carlton, tank our ar*se off, pay over the salary cap, get loads of potential superstars and still be a crap team.... ruthless!?

    Your all dreaming if you think 2/3 PP's are going to guarantee us a Grand Final win. I'm all for trying out the young blokes for experience and I hope we turn the Swans over and any other team that stands in our way. Go Dees!

    Nobody has said we are going to win a flag, but the earliest draft picks give us a much better chance at it.

    2009 is now practise games for next year, very important for player development but the four points are irrelevant.

  10. I sit in the "tank" group but that does not mean I am comfortable or proud of the fact. I would have thought it difficult to argue that if the objective of the club is to win a Premiership at all costs then getting two top 3 or 4 picks this year can only assist in that objective.

    But I fully understand the "no tank" group. The integrity of the AFL (or any competition) is built around each team performing as well as they can with the objective of winning each and every game. I'm not going to debate whether we are doing that but if we are not then we are simply cheating.

    Of course we are not the only ones to have done/are doing this. We justify our position by convincing ourselves that because other have done/are doing it, it's ok for us to do it. I can (just) do that but can understand why others can't and I admire them. Rather than not having the same desire for a flag they just draw the line as to what they'll do to get it in a different spot. Is that so hard to understand?? It's got nothing to do with "desire" or "soft" or "accepting mediocrity". The concept of standing against the charging herd is well made and rather than admonishing this group I admire them.

    If we win a flag with this group of players and those we get if we successfully get a PP this year I'll celebrate long and hard. But will it mean as much knowing that we "manipulated the system"? I don't know but I doubt it. Initially I'll be thrilled but in the following years the pleasure of that win will be tainted I think.

    I wonder if I'll ever know....

    The Club is doing NOTHING WRONG...Kids are getting experience in the Seniors, in readiness for next year.

    You make it sound like evil things are being done...Not True.

    The more experience our list gets the better the Demons shall be.

    The Rest of 2009 Games are dead Rubbers for us, so use them wisely...Play the List

    Rest Easy Thundercloud-if we win a flag with this group i will party long & Hard. We all will mate.

  11. I agree; I don't see why it's so difficult to understand. I don't share that attitude, but I can sympathise with those who do. Everyone who is 'pro-tank' agrees that players should be as competitive as humanly possible and should not be built to want to lose, so why is it so unimaginable that some supporters would feel the same?

    Personally, I want this season to be over. I don't want to be dreading an accidental win. I don't want to feel compromised in my support of the football team any more. I don't want to feel a sense of relief with every loss that we experience now. But I want the pain of the last three seasons to be worth it, and the lure of an elite player will make it worth it.

    You Said it Nash. No Pain no gain. I will put up with the next 6 weeks to Gain a Gun(s) for next year & Beyond.

  12. Whether or not Robbo is with us next year, I think he has given us plenty over his career and we should lay off. It pisses me off the way we turn on our players after their form wanes.

    Yes i Agree- Robbo has returned from a very serious injury That i don't think anyone reasding this would like to have. So cut the Great Man a bit of slack.

    I Hope I can see Robbo take a few More Hangers 15 Metres out.

    Whatever Happens in the Future is just that-The Future.....

  13. If this really is tanking - by which I mean if any one of these injuries etc aren't genuine - expect us to be in serious trouble. There was enough media chatter about the 5 changes, now that there's another 2 unfit to play, it's going to come to a crescendo. There's no way the media will let us off the hook, there's bound to be a "please explain" from the AFL.

    And if it really is tanking, we've showed appalling incompetence being so blatant and ham-fisted about it, especially in a game we're likely to lose anyway even with all these players available. If this really is tanking, I'd be ashamed that my club is so damn incompetent at it that we'd risk the AFL taking a PP off us, or worse.

    I don't think the Dees are that incompetent actually; I agree with Paul Roos that we've actually done very well with player development and I can't see that we'd throw it all away. I prefer to take it at face value - it's much more likely we've just hit a terrible week for injuries.

    What a ridiculous piece of writing..I mean Really. Should The Club be scared of Mike Sheahan or Mark Robinson, even worse Caro.

    The Club can play whoever is on their list. The Papers can yell all they like as it is only tomorrows Bog Paper.

    Most Journalists have been saying all year Melbourne should not win more than 4 Games, & that's what i hope happens.

    Get Stuck into the Eagles, not us. Those Bastards won a flag 3 years ago, look where they are.

    And it was there own fault..

  14. The rich get richer..the poor get the picture, the draft wont ever help you when you finish so low.

    Apologies to Midnight Oil

    Point Taken RR but i don't think the Wet Coke Eagles are Scrounging for $$ right at the minute.

    The Strong Clubs will always get stronger.

    We need some incentives for clubs to climb the ladder.

    Maybe keep the PP for the bottom team aswell, but we need to implement some choice for clubs.

    If Free agency does come in, then Cash Incentives would be a viable option to a higher Draft Pick.

    Right now 6 Clubs have put the cue in the Rack, & that is Wrong.

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