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Sir Why You Little

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Posts posted by Sir Why You Little

  1. Most Sides who win the Flag have a pretty settled side all year, particularly in defence.

    6 Guys who know what to do & where to run....& Know there Team mate is going to do the job...TRUST.

    It's what Bailey must teach. (and i am sure is) I can see good battles between Lyon & Bailey in the crystal ball.

  2. That exactly what it (this thread) is about to my ears.

    If that fair Hannibal? Is that what you are advocating?

    Rubbish being the best does not mean you have to cheat. Although Rules seem to change too often these days for my liking

    The Current Swimming Championships are a Fine Example.

    Legal Bowling Actions in Cricket.-absolute joke the changes that were made, to fit in with Murali

  3. Best team they can select dear boy and that's what matters.

    Would have been easy to leave out Frawley and Grimes in particular. And yes--I think they will win quite nicely. Don't bother looking at the forward line as selected--just look at the squad and see who may play there and you won't feel so certain. Of course Bailey will pick taggers for Cousins, Deledio and Cotchin and the 3 chosen will be playing for their future.

    I suspect Newton and Miller will exact revenge upon a lot of knocker/tankers in the best possible way!

    Looking forward to seeing you there cheering them on and singing the song!

    Donny Donny! You just don't see the Big picture do you. You are happy to see The Demons win a handful of games against crap teams, & then go home Proud of the Teams efforts. Good on ya if that rattles your cage. I want The Demons to Rule in Late September.

    Would you like to Reserve a seat for that? Or is that aiming a little too high?

    Have a Hot Cuppa & get back to me...ok

  4. There's a reason I used the word "sole" and there's a reason I gave option C. I gave that option for you.

    I was there in round 22 1987 and it's probably my happiest football memory, closely followed by Viney's opening goal a week later in our first Final at the G since '64. I was there when Lyon towelled up Silvagni and kicked a monster torpedo goal the following year at Waverley. I watched a 16 year old kid from Tasmania called Andy Lovell train with the team at the G in 1986 a year before he joined us. I was there at the infamous '87 prelim. I chatted with Greg Wells, who I loved when I was a kid, at the 150th dinner last year at Crown. I was at a lunch hosted by Stewart Spencer at the G in 1986 when he spelled out the discussions our club had had with potential merger candidates North and Fitzroy; and how difficult it was going to be to survive into the future. Robbie is still my favourite player - and think he probably always will be. I was there voting anti-merger at the Dallas Brooks Hall in August '96. And yes, I've upheld the honour of my team since the playground days when I was 5. I've never taken [censored] from opposition supporters - anyone really.

    Not every team can win the flag in a given year, as Melbourne supporters know only too well, but the only thing that keeps me passionate is knowing that my club one day might win a flag. It's all that matters to me. Of course there are experiences along the way, which is why I just shared a few, afterall, we're all on a journey. I don't believe that we're a realistic chance for a flag for 5-8 years, but I expect that every decision this club makes will be with a Premiership in mind. If you're unlikely to win in the short-term do all things possible to make it more likely in the medium-term. But it still remains the absolute goal.

    And for me it's categorical. We're competing in a competition that awards a premiership cup to the winner. Our club can and has done much good in the community, but none of it would have happened unless it was a participant in this hard fought competition. It's sole reason for being in the competition is (should be) to fight to win the flag. It's a pity that so many supporters have lost sight of what is such a basic non-negotiable premise.

    On another thread did I hear someone talking about "reaping what we sow" ?

    I too was at all those games, & i agree completely with what you said. Each year A Cup is given to the best Team of that year.

    We should always strive 100% to win it. Within the Rules that are agreed upon by all. So no i don't want to be like Carlton.

    But i want my club to be the best.

  5. No it's not.

    It's a given that on-going participation is non-negotiable. The word existence is in the poll for a reason. The sole purpose for competing in a competition that rewards the victor with an award is the award itself. Otherwise why enter the competition ? Why keep on fronting up ?. It's called the "Premiership Season" for a reason. Why does a golfer enter a tournament ? Many famous golfers have often said that if they didn't think they could win a tournament then they wouldn't enter it.

    And each year is a separate year. How long does an AFL licence run ? If you enter the 'Premiership Season' your sole ambition should be to win it. Everything else is a subsidiary for your reason of having the club enter this competition.


    1. the act of competing; rivalry for supremacy, a prize, etc.: The competition between the two teams was bitter.

    2. a contest for some prize, honour, or advantage:

    Unsurprisingly, not all Melbourne fans have a flag as a non-negotiable. It beggars belief, but I suspected as much.

    Fitzroy is a club today with a member base. It doesn't have the sole reason for its existence as a flag because it doesn't belong to a competition. It doesn't have an AFL licence. Our sole aim should always be to win the competition that we enter.

    *shakes head*

    Hannibal rather than Talk on here, ever thought of being a motivational Coach at the MFC! We need you! this Post inspired me.

    Flag FLAG FLAG I want one, two, three, four......................

  6. I think also the Fact that we did not improve in 1989, 1995,1999,2001,2003 on the previous years performance is a major reason we are not taken with any seriousness by opposition clubs

    Look at Essendon, Hawthorn, Carlton, Collingwood, Brisbane,Geelong. They may have lost grand finals-but the year after they were there having a crack again.

    Of all our Years i mentioned above '89 was the only year we played finals again. A very poor record in my eyes.

    I Hope Dean Bailey is well aware of this fact...

  7. Much as I'd like to thrash Carlton, I think I'd prefer to not win any of the remaining games and get the best possible picks. It would ensure us bottom spot, putting us ahead of Freo and should WC somehow slip up and win another one it would guarantee us the top two picks. Winning is simply not worth it at this point.

    That's the first time i have seen that written in all these last few weeks.

    Would really stuff up Worsfolds plans if we got home winless from here.

    Good post. Bigus

  8. I voted A but it isn't quite as simple as that.

    Our supporter base is dwindling and we need success to attract new members, our prolonged period without a flag has hurt this club more than anyone could imagine. It may well be too late and the position may be irretrievable; we used to have a big supporter base in the 50's and 60's but now we have one of the worst member levels in the competition. We are treated like a joke, we are a minnow like the Bullies and North.

    Clubs like Hawthorn that started 20 lengths behind us are now streaking away and why is that? They have won flags, in fact they have won 9 since we won our last. It is all well and good to say that we should get satisfaction and warmth from supporting a club that has high ideals but if we are watching Melbourne play for the last time because they are folding what good is that?

    If we are clever and can win a premiership or two and have a sustained period of success then we will continue on into the future but without it we will wither and die. How hard is it to convince a kid to follow a side like Melbourne when we languish at the bottom of the ladder. Kids of 5 and 6 don't have ideals they just like to win.

    Winning and Flags are all they care about, losing sucks.

    You Said it Robbie, its all there.....Losing Sucks.

  9. If Dees dont deliver a premiership from this rebuild, we're gone. We cannot afford another rebuild like this one. We need a premiership in the next 5-10 years, preferably more.

    Why are we potentially gone? Because we have had no success for over 40 years. Same thing happened to Fitzroy and South Melbourne.

    If that's the case, there will be no community camps, no family days, no visiting crook kids.

    Therefore the sole purpose of a football club is to win premierships, otherwise you end up, eventually like the Dodo.

    I was just about to mention Fitzroy & South Melbourne but you beat me too it.

    Those two clubs died because they won no Flags for years. The Support Base dwindled & the Money ran out.

    I am not prepared to watch Melbourne go down that Road any Further.

  10. You were there in 87, but I am a softy, I was there also, do you have any idea how hard it is to believe in something so much [like winning ] when most everybody else thinks its ok to barrack for the opposition and you are some sort of retard. Its not easy at all, not the soft way to go.

    I believe in the red and blue and I will continue to believe in them now matter what or who. I follow the mighty Melbourne football club no matter where it goes, were you at the merger metting at the Dallas Brooks hall back in 96?

    If you were, think back to the night and try to picture question time. The first question from the floor was from softy me, I asked Ian Ridley a question regarding the make up of the new board. The great IR stood there not saying a word not even a no comment for his members. So I asked him again not satisfied with his contempt, what I am trying to say ,me soft, your dreaming.

    You continue to barrack for the opposition and I will still hang out for the DEES.

    I was at the Merger Meeting Yes. & do tell me when have i ever barracked for the opposition?? I hope the club pick up the top Draft Picks this year, as next year the Draft is all but gone.

    I want the Club to have the Best shot at Winning that Big silver Cup in the not to distant Future.

    You are Happy to accept mediocrity as long as the Demons exist...

  11. Jack Watts, age 33, premeirships 0, but plenty of "good, competitive efforts" He's playing at Essendon or Collingwood or Carlton inside 3 years with this mentality.

    If you are still unsure what do you think Checker Hughes or Norm Smith would have answered.

    Good Point Roost. I am Sure that is just the career that Jack Watts has planned for Himself...NOT.

    & i am sure Norm would have been just as satisfied if he had lost all those 10 Flags he was involved in.

    Why is the Norm Smith Medal given out on GF Day, not because Norm was a loser & happy to accept losing.

    Norm Smith Played & Coached to win all the time. When he did not win he worked out why & rectified the situation.

  12. Robbie Flower never won a grand final do you consider him a failure?

    Robbie would have Given anything to win a flag & you know it.

    Bob Skilton has stated many times he would happily give up his 3 Brownlow medals for a flag.

    Pity we can't ask Norm Smith his opinion, although i would take a good guess.

    Norm was a winner just like his club needs to be.

    Stop being a softie 52k. People with your attitude get walked all over.

    P.S. Don't ever "show me the Door" when it comes to supporting The Melbourne Football Club. I was there in '87 when Buckernara's kick sailed through and Killed us off.

    I Felt sick & Mad. I never want to feel that way again. You may accept that situation as Good Enough. I don't. But never question my support

    I want to see Flag 13,14,15,16,,,,,etc. QED.

  13. I'd like to make one point about Robbo, and I must stress that it's from an outsider perspective. The Dees don't seem overendowed with ex-players retaining close involvement with the club after they retire, and on the contrary a number of them seem to have left on less than ideal terms and even feel quite negatively towards the club. Now this is just an impression, not based on anything resembling facts, it's not something I can back up. Jimma has done a great job getting some of them back this year (most obvious example being Lyon), but considering the great history of this club, we of all clubs should be doing a lot better in respecting those who have gone before.

    So it's important IMO that from now on, people like Robbo (who has given so much over his playing career, on & off the field) and others like him continue to remain connected in some way. Same applies to those like Junior & Whelan - Whelan seems to have been a great support to the younger indigenous players, which is why he needs to stay around after he retires too.

    Some of DB's recent pronouncements about Robbo, plus Peter German's overly gracious review of Robbo's game on Saturday, make me think that they see it this way too. I get the feeling DB has left Robbo in no doubt that he's not part of the plans in 2010, but wants him to stay on good terms. If it means we have to be patient with a few sulks from Robbo until his farewell game, then considering all he's done for the club it's a tiny price to pay to keep him around after his playing career finishes.

    Well said, this club has been Fractured for too long. We need ex players around to inspire the young kids.

    Robbo's career may be coming to an end but there is no need to crucify him.

    I think all the points about last sunday have been made, so lets move on.

    I like Robbo & have thoroughly enjoyed his Marking & Fist Pumps over the Years.

    One of the few players who had a real Crack on Grand Final Day 2000...Don't forget that.

  14. this is a synopsis of views that the footy. dept. have on board with a view to achieve the ultimate prize.

    from ?(dont want to dob him in)so dont ask!

    at one of his meet and greets.with a white board explanation.

    for members to understand the thought process with view to patience needed.

    That since the draft has been in effect;

    1.the average no. of games per player in every successful premiership team has been " 126 games"

    2. successful premiership teams players have came from ;approx (forgot exact figure) 60% to 70%"


    with the obvious exception of a few freak great players picked up later in draft.

    ie; hird , selwood etc.

    ipso facto- the rest 30% come from later rounds-rookie-trades.etc.

    this is a history fact..

    NOW knowing this,getting game time into m.f.c. young players is paramount. with the knowledge that it will take till 2012- to 2013 to get the required games into these kids before a hopeful result can be achieved.

    he then proceeded to make a positional board,who? we would expect from current and future players.

    without going into the possible 22 .by 2013 . as probable suspects of young kids in expected positions is obvious.

    garland .bennel.( AUSSIE.W- big opinion of)-bartram -MORTON( who is a picky eater apparently and as such why he is still thin.) mckenzie-strauss -blease-watts-jurrah. etc.

    older players not included as unknown if or what circumstances permitting.

    and that understanding the possible % error rate of 25%..

    The most interesting is the centre position & wing.

    Put down as "draft pick no1" & "draft pick no2 "

    1st pick is a given as cj incarnate..(no matter who has 1st pick he WILL be no.1...incl wa. teams.

    No 2 r we looking at "trengove" or possibly "garry rohan( speed & cooney esque.)" ??? nothing stated..

    one to ponder and pontificate.with the added comment of a few sleepless nights coming up.

    prendergast chooses picks and bailey the trades..

    each r ready made and "EXPERIANCE " IS INVALUABLE.

    take it as u will. !!

    my personal thought, that would'nt it be nice to put a couple of "C" TEAMS back amongst the ruck next year !with the knowledge that the lack of intensity and straight kicking u sUffer now in 09 ! is undrerstood !WITH a wink wink SAY NO MORE. for 10.

    If this is Solid Fact, then i can Relax a little, & I hope all the persons out there who want to win these last few games-READ THIS CAREFULLY...

    Thanks for the Post.

  15. Yeah I would like to see Scully as a dee next year....by playing the game fair and square ( not tanking )....and that we didn't do today !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    absolutely disgusted in the selectors....let's see who will be dropped next week!!!!!!!!.....if it's on bad form out Miller and Newton. Reminded me of Whitnall round 22 ...CARLTANK. All those missed goals was embarrassing. !!!!!!!!!!!!

    This cannot be serious!!! You are taking the [censored] aint you T.B....For your sake i hope so.

  16. I wholeheartedly agree, but Worsfold is list managing, just as Bailey is. There's no doubt we need them more, but IMO it's still highly hypercritical to claim Worsford has no credibility, when our coach is doing the same thing.

    Worsfold is also a Trained Chemist who would have known about the Drug Culture at Wet Coke 3-4 years ago, But chose to turn a Blind Eye & Shove his Head in the sand "No there is nothing to see here"

    He Knew & the AFL knew But they let it go.


  17. If we only can win one more game this year, who do you want to beat?

    For my it has to be the cartel. How i would love to cost them a place in the finals and still wave picks one and two in there face

    Don't care who it is. I just want this season over, with Draft Picks Thankyou.

  18. http://www.afl.com.au/news/newsarticle/tab...21/default.aspx

    Ok, so I'm going to get in on ll the fantasy trading threads.

    Ball would be very well loved at the Saints, and I doubt they'd be thinking of trading him RIGHT now. But come seasons' end, if they win the flag they could well snaffle up, then they may indeed have salary cap issues.

    Ball would probably be on good money, and would be welcome relief in this sense as he isn't knocking of Dal Santo, Hayes or Montagna any time soon for a spot in the guts.

    He's 25, a good age for our demographic, and while he has had well-publicised OP problems, he would be EXACTLY what we needed.

    What do people think? Are we done with players with OP issues, or are we this desperate for a midfielder?

    And why can he not get a Game-Somethings wrong with him. Too Slow, that's what's Wrong. Yes Let's pay Top $$ for a problem we already have. Slow midfield.

    Thanks But no Thanks. Back to sleep & no more nightmares...

  19. Although not to the same magnitude - we've both breached the salary cap and had Joe Gutnick. Not squeeky clean.

    Carlton Have been Quietly manipulating the system since 1965. Which of course increased ten fold in the '80's

    All those South Australians who came over & lined up for Bags of Cash & Dubious Jobs.

    Yes we over stepped under Gutnick, But never to the level of the Blues.

    Least Gutnick Fessed up & we took the wack.

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