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Sir Why You Little

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Posts posted by Sir Why You Little

  1. Yes, i find it extremely hypocritical of Malthouse to come out and be against tanking, given the filth obtained a PP in 2005 under suspicious circumstances. One can only remember fatty 'McChins' McGuire stating before the final round that colling#@$% would be celebrating should they lose to the Crows at the G. Funnily enough they went on and lost by over 100 points, whilst being very close to making finals in '04 and getting in in '06.

    But let all those sooks complain, we have won 11 games in the last 3 years (probably 12 after Freo). That is why the PP was set up in the first place, to aid teams like us get back up the ladder.

    If we lose a few friends along the way, so be it. It's about time this club stopped trying to be the 'nice' club and put itself first every time.

    Call it unsociable, but it won the Dorks a flag, so why not us?!

    Yes How many friends did the MFC have During the 40's & 50's? Not many, but we won about 8 flags! & that's what people remember.

  2. If the club had been a little bit more open when they canvassed memberships, many members may have been inclined to say, well tell me when you are fair dinkum and I will renew my membership. Having followed the club through the Flower years at least there was some solace in knowing that, however inept, the club was trying to win and that Robbie was always worth watching. I am not sure that watching Frawley and warnock play forward holds the same attraction

    Football has become 24/7 professional since the great Days of Robbie. Drafting is totally Different.

    If we win the first 2 games next year ime sure you will be singing our song loudly.

    If Bails had coached like yesterday in Round 4 i would be worried, but the remainder of this season are merely practise games for next year & Beyond.

  3. Bailey did not cheat yesterday-He used the game wisely to gauge more information about future player positions.

    Stop insinuating that some form of cheating took place

    agree that we didn't cheat but come on mate, gauging information about future player postions. Your not on the match commitee are you?

    No i am not, but i have played chess. So i know what Bails was doing. Next year he might pull a major move that could win us a major game, and at the same time he kept the Draft selections alive. Smart Man.

  4. I was thinking along similar lines. Now that WCE are can't get a PP, would anyone be THAT devastated if we just got Scully and no PP. Feel a bit dirty about hearing some of the matchups and positional changes that went on. Hopefully can watch a bit of the replay this week.

    You bet i would Be!! That 2nd Pick might be the piece in the jigsaw we need.

    If you are going to do a job, do it properly or not at all.

    Bailey wants Top Cards in his Deck. So do i.

    Otherwise we have to play against that player. 4 wins MAX this year. Next Year we go for it....

  5. I am a big Nathan Jones fan but I agree with his critics that he tries to do too much in the midfield when he should take the first good option available. He is super strong, ironed willed, courageous, good overhead and has a super long kick. After watching Chapman play in the last couple of weeks I really think Jones may be able to play a similar role for us. I recall Jones kicking 4 goals against Brisbane as a resting forward. Fodder for thought.

    He's Certainly built like Chappy. Worth considerable thought for next year. Don't want him Kicking a bag this year do we!

  6. I missed KB & Patrick this morning sadly. Sure it would have been Great Radio.

    KB is Like Fonzie...He cannot say the word Wr Wro Wrong. KB is never wrong. And yesterday he was proved to be just that.

    The coach was merely being a winner for 2010. Pathetic Little Ned Flanders KB cannot deal with that.

    The Same man who sooked for 16 years over his once beloved Tigers.

    The Tigers what a Train wreck they truly are.

    Bailey Yesterday was inspired, albeit lucky. The players gave there all & so they should as they will get rewards if they work hard in the Future.

    Ricky Petterd & Frank Grimes will both be GUNS...

    Richmond will continue to win a handful of cheap dead rubbers year in year out.

    Get over it KB, maybe that's why you never mastered coaching. Not tough enough when it REALLY counted.

    "More Tea Vicar"

  7. The football department did a top job yesterday. Last night i slept like a baby.

    Bailey did not cheat yesterday-He used the game wisely to gauge more information about future player positions.

    It is not in our best interests to gain premiership points at the minute-that is a fact.

    Stop insinuating that some form of cheating took place

    We have lost over 50 games in 3 years.We need Top Draft Picks to assist in climbing the ladder.

    If we don't get them they will be used against us.

    It;s our turn & it's just in time.

  8. all bets are off if we win two games... one being against freo,,, and if freo dont win any more then they would assume last possie..and get First pick.. so I respectfully disagree..its not really in our hands at all.. we are at the mercy of others results....or desire.

    I Hope Bailey Coaches like he did today for the rest of the season. Try Stuff out, Be Bold. So i beleive we do hold our destiny in our hands.

    Plus knowledge gained from player positioning could be used positively next year & beyond.

    It could be win win if the Footy Dept stays Sharp. Talk to the Players, Tell at least the leadership group what is being done & why.

    We must look after the Players at all times.

  9. Demetriou, get your head out your a*se! The AFL has sunk to an all time low today.

    Bailey should be sacked, he done all he could to lose us the game today when the players were putting in 100%. How can he command respect when he criticises players for not putting in effort week in week out and then make management decisions like he did. I don't know how he could even face the guys in the dressing room after the game.

    He has done more damage today than good.

    Like i have said to other Posters. If we win the first two games next year you will be back on board. Have some Patience & realize what the 2 new teams are going to do to Recruitment from next year.

    I don't want to be a side like richmond who win 8-9 games in the second Half of the season, it proves nothing. except they are flat track runners year after year.

  10. Lets not beat around the bush. With our list management and game day tactics our coaching staff are trying to manipulate results as they are scared to win more than 4 games. I think without all this we could prob end up on 8 wins. We ARE good enough to do that. 8 wins to me = a team improving, not a team in need of 2 top picks.

    In the First 14 Rounds we won one game. That is our true Form when every Team is really Cranking it up.

    Don't count Dead Rubbers in the same breath please.

    We deserve High Draft Picks. Wet Coke don't.

  11. I totally agree.

    I go every week and bring my 8 yr old son with me. We were cheering hard until Bailey decided to lose the game. I understand the reasons why Bailey did this (early draft picks are important) BUT what are the other costs:

    (1) Financial - when supporters do not turn up because it is too hard to cheer against your team as I ended up doing today

    (2) Culture - do the players now believe winning is not everything

    (3) Reputation - who would want to sponsor a club that tried to lose and perhaps more importantly, will players want to come to such a club

    (4) Respect - will the players lose faith in the coach

    I don't know if I can go again to a game this year - too depressing. It was obvious from today the players wanted to win (reaction from a few in the last line of defence when the goal was kicked) but they were coached out of it.

    I expect that Bailey needs a talking too. If we want to lose, don't play the senior players and just put out the young players and let us see the future. I expect Melbourne and Bailey will try and win next week and future weeks but will the players now?

    I feel ashamed today. WCE won today and that is why they have a winning culture.

    If we win the First two games next year you will be back shouting your lungs out with us all. Don't lose heart. No Pain No Gain.

  12. When we hit the front with a minute left, did anyone see Bailey lose the plot and storm out of the box. I believe he was coaching to lose.

    And he was seen smiling after the result was done. Bailey is coaching for the future, not for this season. Although for him to achieve his goal the next 4 weeks could be some of the toughest games he ever coaches.

  13. Don't give us this rubbish about tanking. Some people have become obsessed about trading and drafts. 1 player will not win us a premiership, however I group (ie team) will. We are starting to develop a group who are really learning to together. Even Geelong make mistakes. That 2nd half today was as good a game as you could wish to see.

    Warnock was up forward to provide height and strength to stretch Richmond'sdefence (and he did).

    Why are we so obsessed about it. Petterd, Bartram,Grimes,Cheney, Bennell,Jetta,Frawley, Dunn all proved that they are quality players in the making. We forget sometimes these kids are only 21 (if that) They faced one of the good midfields in the AFL (admittedly with Foley absent) and more than held their own so well done ,Petterd,Jones,Bartram and Jetta. If we do not get Scully, the sky is not going to fall in !!! When you look at Premiership teams ,there are a lot of "ördinary players" in those sides.

    Mc Donald was what we expect of him, wholehearted !!!

    The coaches are developing flexibility. Or else we will have a side of Fevolas who can only play one position providing everyone else puts it lace out to him, or else you sulk !!

    HaHa!! The second half was as good a game as you would want to see!!! What tablets are you on...Bailey did a great job today, planning for the future. He wants the PP, as i would if i were coaching.

    Miller was playing midfield, warnock up forward. List management was on show thank god.

  14. Norm Smith would be turning in his grave at how his club have resorted to laying down.

    Blame the AFL not the MFC. This club wants the young Elite talent in the team. After this year Victorian clubs will get sod all for years.

    The Filth did the same a few years ago, your Great Prez agreed.

    Norman is resting comfortably....

  15. I want to hear KB's response to thsi tomorrow on SEN

    Warnock to full forward after we are in front :)


    KB's response tomorrow should be put out as a CD!! I think we all know now that Bailey wants those Draft picks.

    Well played Bails at looking to the future. We also know the players do not try to lose, as it always should be.

    Demons 2010 and beyond.

  16. LOL. I'm intrigued to know what it is WYL.

    But I took your advice anyway..........turned up the volume...........Hendrix at midnight. Sweet.

    .....Ok now the wife is telling me to turn it down.

    Love your work Albert. Hendrix was on a par with you!! I am a stones man myself but ido love James Marshall....

  17. of course. are u an idiot? this is the team we needed to field against port adelaide. good tanking team BUT a bit too late in my opinion.

    The South Croydon U/9's could have beaten Port Adelaide that day.

    Port Lost That Game Don't Blame The Footy Club for that one.

    We are not the only team in the league & not all dreams come True.

    We are still on Track.

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