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Sir Why You Little

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Everything posted by Sir Why You Little

  1. Best win since 2004 against Carlton i would say-I want More!!!! And i do not give a shite what other supporters say-Let's give some back. 30 years ago at school i copped it for following Melbourne-Revenge is best served Cold.
  2. Yes i saw Nathan Brown Break his leg while on Koh Samui via the Australia network!! was just waking up-Never forget it.
  3. Australia Network is a compilation of all the Australian Networks, with the ABC being the Main Source, so i think the AFL & NRL coverage is safe overseas. It may be a requirement by law-as a service to ex pats. I will ask when i get back home next month.
  4. Yes i love watching the Australia network, as an ABC employee it makes me very proud. But yes the Dogs & the Shockers did not inspire me, as was last night Geelong v Brisbane!! I went out.
  5. Awesome news. I hope we had a good turn out in the crowd-Sounds like Jack Watts is starting to come to terms with his AFL abilities. KEEP GOING JACK.
  6. Telstra are the worst phone company on the planet-The Clubs should be able to stream their own games independantly, i hope it happens one day-The AFL just have no idea about people travelling overseas.
  7. Wow!! I just looked up the scores, is that correct or are the philippines Beers playing tricks on me!!! Maybe last weeks effort has finally sunk in. 4 Quarter efforts Demons, at either the MCG or on the road. See what the Results bring you....Now have a late run for the finals-it is possible. How is the Big Jimma's Health?? He would be smiling today.
  8. How dare people say the Southern Cross is a cheap Emblem. The Southern Cross is part of Australia, and also part of the Australian Sky. The Southern Cross will out live all of us, as will the MFC-and i for one am very proud to have the MFC & the Southern Cross united-I haven't seen the new emblem yet, but please don't put the southern cross in the Cheap Basket. When you leave Australia for more than a couple of weeks & you see our Flag, it means so much. We Aussies travel everywhere.
  9. We have GOT to start winning on the Road-whether it Be at The Etihad Dump or Interstate. Just do it this weekend Demons. Break those chains. Win a game under Hostile conditions out of the MCG womb.
  10. Looking at these pictures puts a tear in my eye while on holiday in Asia, because WE really do Love Jimmy as a person & as our President like no other club Does. Well done to All involved...i really wish i had been there..Any idea what Jimmy thought of all this & the Players. I imagine Being on the Ground & seeing all those Banners would have been a life Highlight.
  11. HaHa! what a classic to see Frothing Seething Bomber supporters. Wish i was in the country to see it-(Well almost}
  12. From what i read here Bruce had a great game today-Cool as, But let's see him do it on Enemy soil next week. Dockers have been a little shaky of late. Lets see the Boys Travel-Pumped and ready to go. If Cam Bruce plays well we are a Big Show.
  13. I hope you are right 25, but winning onfield does keep the club more relevant to the outside world, I gave a Demon scarf to a Filipino boy last week. The look of Joy & Pridr on his face when i showed him the Photo of Big Jimma up in the red dirt with all the aboriginal kids was worth way more than money so i get what you mean. But in Footy a winning club is a Vibrant energy that also generates attendances and TV-with those 2 things on side, this club can achieve anything. $100 where i am right now is a lot of money-well done.
  14. You most certainly under rate Petterd he will be a very creative player going forward And the X Factor of Liam Jurrah puts him way beyond just being a good contributor. So i just think you will never be satisfied with anything until all the coaching positions have been filled by your nominations. Back to topic.... Good to see so much money raised at todays Game-What was the attendance??
  15. I think the long term injuries to LJ and Ricky Petterd are more of a problem than Josh Mahoney. Did you factor in those points at all-You have had it in for our coaches all year regardless of results.
  16. But "The Boss" does not wish to make a donation to jimma or the club as it will help pay for our coaches. A very shallow viewpoint in my view and extremely disrespectful to those that are rebuilding the MFC which we all know was in a very Shabby state.
  17. http://www.afl.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/208/newsid/97933/default.aspx Read that before you make anymore remarks about the coach or the State of the Club. As i stated earlier you would not have the Balls to make that srarement you made about Debt Demolition to Jim Stynes face,and if you did a Broken Nose would be a fair trade. Enjoy your other commitments today-the club is better off with you not there.
  18. Really Great article that one. All those answers were honest and fair. I totally agree with his first answer-we have bneen disappointing since the Brisbane game overall. But with 8 games to go can still finish with a positive season. The new Facilities sound awesome-does anyone know if we can look through them at all?
  19. HaHaHa! Pay that one..Going forward yes, right now it is often a vacant lot which i really hope is rectified in these remaining 8 games. Forwards must run harder or stay forward.
  20. Correct, if they are not told to wear white, then we as a club must Fight for our colours the same way essendon have fought for theirs.
  21. I don't think a team is ever settled in modern footy-we will always be looking to improve all three areas. Because most of the players you speak of moving forward are still just Potential. Frawley & Grimes will make it in defence but the rest is still open. Right |Now our Ruck situation is dicey-If Jamar is injured long term at all who gets the first ruck job? Our Back ups have not progressed as well as hoped. Fingers crossed The Big Russian plays out the year. The Forward line going forward is still in the Womb apart from Green so we wait. It will be very interesting to see which of our senior players we retain after this year.
  22. Jamie is a little gun-He will make it. He is always moving-just wait till he learns to read the ball movement that little bit better.
  23. Don't underestimate who is already at the club-"The Boss" is just a cheap dog who probably doesn't even own a membership. Let's all wait to see what his next insightful contribution is....
  24. FFS that is the WORST post i have read on here in 5 years! You are a disgrace, Say those words in front of Stynesy...Nah you would wet your pants wouldn't ya. I don't think you are even a melbourne supporter and never have, and if you are well i wish you weren't. Your Avatar gives me the creeps as well. Lets get rid of this debt & Take on the Big Teams again....
  25. A perfect example of why the clash jumper is a complete joke, with last rounds st.kilda game just as poignant. We just should never wear white-Essendon don't & good on them (first time i have ever praised those Bastards!!) As members we should pound the AFL on this one-The whole clash jumper crap is only used when it suits certan parties. Once this club gets out of debt i hope we start making some noise. As a club of 152 years We wear Red & Blue. As a matter of interest does anyone know the fine amount if a club refuses as we should have done last week?
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