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iv'a worn smith

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Everything posted by iv'a worn smith

  1. No thanks. Simply no real upside to such a proposition.
  2. Thanks Bean, I think you have hit the nail on the head.
  3. The Hun reports this could happen. http://www.heraldsun...t-1226163554972 I thought our main target would be Crouch and maybe still is, but I don't know much about Lisle. Can anyone shed some light?
  4. Leigh Brown possible defensive coach of 2012 http://www.sportsnewsfirst.com.au/articles/2011/09/30/brown-could-coach-at-melbourne/
  5. I like these http://aftergrogblog.blogs.com/footy/2011/09/gnomies-2011.html
  6. Stuart Spencer used to visit my "local" in Hawthorn and always had time for a chat. His passion for the MFC was always evident. I have great memories of the last GF training session at the Junction Oval in 88 and he addressed the true believers beautifully. While we all know we got flogged in the GF, that was one of my best ever memories following the Dees. My thoughts are with Fay, who nursed both Sean and Stuart through their illnesses. A remarkable lady and Stuart's one true love. Also condolences to Stuart's children and extended family. You may be gone Stuie, but your proud legacy will live on at the MFC.
  7. Done and dusted, the deed is done, move on and close this topic down
  8. No doubt about that, but the challenge in the future remains nevertheless, especially with free agency just around the corner. Like it or not, the MFC had not and does not attract and retain marquee players. Right now, we have no genuine star, which is a must in boosting membership and continuing to attract sponsors.
  9. It is well known that TS is very family oriented. While I think he has gone, maybe, just maybe, he wants his family with him to help him make up his mind. Despite what Brereton said, TS is still a boy, who is very close to his family and the decision he is about to make will be one of the biggest in his life. Unlike RB, I wish him well, whatever decision he makes. If he goes, it will say more about the MFC's inability to keep him, rather than TS himself. This is the stark reality that faces the MFC and needs to be addressed for the sake of our future.
  10. I would love another JT or his ilk. I am just tired of all this hand wringing and speculation. I have no doubt Tom Scully will be a great player, but whether he becomes another Ablett or Judd clearly remains to be seen. He has gone, its done and dusted, so let's get on with it and look forward, not back. To paraphrase Hamlet, alas poor Tom, I knew him well............... or at least, I did but see him passing by.
  11. TS is gone. Can we just get on with it and stop this nonsense? Enough of the naval gazing already.
  12. Cliches are cliches because they are mainly true. Here's one for you. "Are you part of the problem, or part of the solution? I was one, among a number, that said Bailey, as good a bloke as he is, should have been gone along time ago.. No doubt he could develop the characters of young men, but he was not a senior coach's bootlace. What we are now witnessing is the "hangover". Our list, in my view, is far better than what we are seeing of late, but with the right footy department, we will see us on the rise in the not too distant future. I, like others on here, can remember far worse. In particular, the 70's through to the mid 80's. But we stuck. In terms of effort and team fundamentals, I too have been disgusted. That is the lot of any supporter of any footy club, However, what goes around comes around. Failure breeds discontent and disunity among players and supporters alike........ and yes, I have had my moments. But the Dees will be back, bigger, stronger and more determined than ever. If you don't have the courage to stomach that roller coaster, then go away, because we don't need you to take our oxygen. In whatever way you can, if your heart truly does beat true, then stay the course, give what you can and barrack loud and clear. That is what a true demon does. Let's not give up the ghost now. We've only just begun.!!!!
  13. I am in Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam. Game is live on TV, but I can't bear to watch anymore. I am going out to get some food poisoning.
  14. Beautifully put WJ. This is the time we need to hang together, not carry on with petty quibbles. If for no other reason, BUT, for Jimmy. Slainte.
  15. For what it is worth and in my humble opinion, you are on the money Rover. At this time, personal abuse does no-one any favours, least of all the club. Let's stick fat, regardless of what opinions any of us hold. It is time to stand united. Lord knows, all of us will cop a caning from opposition supporters. From half time on Saturday and right up until now, my phone has gone into text meltdown from "mates" who take perverse pleasure in someone else's adversity.
  16. It maybe overrated, but there is no way it is as bad as it was yesterday. There is potential in the list, it is just that it has not been managed or tapped properly.
  17. So much to say, but the words just won't come. A loss of this magnitude is obviously not just about the scoreboard, but about the fabric of the entire club. I certainly don't have the answers, but it seems to me, by the demeanour of the players yesterday, that there is a problem which goes beyond the football department. Whatever the core problem - and there must be a core to this - it needs to be addressed as soon as possible. The club now needs to make an emphatic statement, in terms of performance on the field, leadership; on and off the field and direction in to the future. The members are entitled to be addressed and respected. The membership drive for 2012 relies on a clear and unequivocally articulated future plan. God knows what Tom Scully is thinking now.
  18. Was the teams performance reflective of the crowd or vice versa? The boys certainly looked tired and flat. Jack Watts looked sore to me. I was in the Members and the old stereo.....type was turned up to full volume, where I was sitting. The lack of support and voice in the Members yesterday was breathtaking. Maybe it was just my imagination, but there seemed to be more noise from behind the glass than in front of it. I guess that's what a few Chardys or Reds can do. After Howe's first goal I screamed my support, in a sea of relative silence. It was like that feeling you get when your phone goes off in the middle of someone's speech. Fire up Members, for goodness sake.
  19. Jack T has proven to be an excellent "mate", support and mouth piece. Touted as a possible future captain. The choice Tom has be make is not rocket science. Perhaps it is time for some reciprocity.
  20. Helping your mates is a 2 way street.
  21. I have tried to stay out of this epic, but I have to say, the longer this has gone on, I have moved from "putting my hard earned" on Tom staying to being fairly convinced he is gone. Before I go any further, I accept that the scenario I raise can be nothing but speculation, but I believe it reasonable to put forward the premise in any event. To state the obvious, AFL footy is a business and all clubs, out of necessity, have had to become more professional in the way they run their businesses. Of course, some do it better than others. That said, I would think the MFC would have been in the process of gauging Tom's inclinations, both informally, one on one and in more formal meetings. That would occur simply as a result of player management and welfare processes, In the locker room, it would be natural for his "mates" to talk to him about his prospects for 2012. To me, the options for Tom are stark. He can accept the GWS offer, take the money, set himself up for life, but I would say his chances of footy success with a start up team are low at best, for the next 5 years. The Suns are far better placed in that regard in my view. If he takes the money and goes.....fair enough and good luck to him. Alternatively, he can commit to the MFC, the "mates" he currently plays with and be part of a footy side on the rise and hopefully to consistently play finals over the next 5-7 years. If he is inclined to choose the latter and I hope he does, then to me, there is no need to wait until the end of the season to announce that commitment. The delay in making his decision can only be a distraction to playing footy. In short, the longer this goes on, the more it is likely that he will leave............... and I think the club already knows that. So be it, but as others have said on this topic, hopefully we are smart enough in negotiating compensation for Tom, that there will be a much brighter upside. I admire your professionalism Tom, but surprise me and make the statement we would all like to hear. Unfortunately, I don't think he will.
  22. If you can't lift tonight, given the week we've had, then when can you? If we won no other game this year, we had to win tonight. It is just a matter of honour. I'm pretty sad right now. At least we have time to make this respectable.
  23. I had the privilege of meeting Sean on a number of occasions. He was a gentle guy and passionate about his footy and the MFC. When he played, he gave everything he had within him. RIP Seany mate and may the boys do you proud tomorrow night.
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