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iv'a worn smith

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Everything posted by iv'a worn smith

  1. OK. Blazers or not, other than Neeld, I thought the night was flat. In deference to Thomo, I was very disappointed re lack of any announcement of a sponsor for foj. In fact, it would seem from Schwab's comments, the China connection has been missed. I am as proud of our history and heritage as anybody, but the future needs to be secured as well. I did not feel that last night.
  2. I loved this Muzza. The video shows what talent we have among our supporter ranks. I had the misfortune of going to a funeral last week of a Dees' supporter mate of mine. At the end of the service they played the Avett Bother clip that another clever supporter uploaded to youtube. Not a dry eye in the house. Air time is costly, but I would love to see the club use some of this inspiring stuff. Makes me very proud to be a Dees supporter. Well done again Muzza.
  3. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it's a ..............................
  4. And LJ has more surgery. I can't f'ing believe this.
  5. No, those that did need to be congratulated. You, on the other hand have based some meaningless judgement on a NAB Game, where we achieved a par score, in the worst conditions so far in this very ordinary comp
  6. G'day Eddie. One question, who wants to be a miyyionaire?
  7. It has not stopped raining on the Gold Coast, since Noah disembarked the Ark , We lost the first game by a bees appendage and won the second by the same margin. What we saw tonight was a coach who was willing to make changes when necessary, back a bloke like Bate- I love Matter for what he has been through and how is he has survived - and Neeld not giving too much away to achieve a par score. Fasten your seat belts Dees, we're in for one hell of a ride. A damn good ride,
  8. Does the AFL have an OH&S obligation? Please, no injuries.......please
  9. Because as previously reported, on a number of occasions, discussions are on-going and a decision is hopefully "imminent". Sorry Thomo, but your converse argument carries far less weight.
  10. Hardly a low point. It shows respect for a legend of the club and his work with Australian Youth. That, in itself, carries a significant amount of kudos and marketing nous. In any event, it will be an interim measure, until we secure a foj sponsor, which I am more than confident we will.
  11. I also do a lot of business in China and Southern Air would certainly not be my first choice of carrier, but as Cowboy says, if they want to part with the funds, then I am happy to take them. Business Management 101 I reckon
  12. Slainte Jimma, May the road rise up to meet your feet; May the wind be always gentle at your back and the sun shine warm upon your face. May the welcome rains fall softly upon your fields And, until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of his hand.
  13. A great post and just about says it all on this topic. Could not agree with you more BH.
  14. By the way, another selective quote without taking the entire post in context. Typical !!!
  15. I am hoping it will be more like 40K. Hope springs eternal.
  16. enough said. Some may appreciate the subtle differences between, analogy, metaphor and irony. I live in hope. Despite the "debate" on here, I can only repeat, my "opinion" is that under Neeld and his seasoned team, we will see a different outfit this year and I for one am looking forward to it. In the meantime, I leave those that wish to play in the school yard sand pit to get their jollies as they see fit. Go Dees.
  17. Is this a forum for people who support and cherish the MFC, or a star chamber run by politburo? Divergent points of view, I would have thought are exactly what a "member" based forum should be all about. Sure, you don't have to agree, but the puerile sniping by some on here leave me cold to say the least. For mine, I look forward to a harder, smarter and physically developing Melbourne list. Like I said earlier, I reckon going to the footy in 2012 will be far more enjoyable than in recent years. Bring on the footy and let's mount a coup on the Demonland cabal.
  18. Not that I am into the conspiracy theories, but I have an inkling that the Club may be fudging the figures a little, at the moment, hoping to get a surge when a new sponsor is announced and hopefully, we put in a good NAB Cup performance. I would think that we will see an increase of some significance, by the end of February.
  19. I see both sides of the argument having some merit, but we can't undo, what we can't undo. My theory is that we now have a football department that has some balls and the kids we fear are undersized and to this point in time, only survive on the list through that terrible word "potential" will be fast tracked by Neeld and his team. If they don't measure up then they're gone - no messing around. There will be no repeats of the "Newton" patience syndrome, under this regime. I also think that others; e.g. Bate, Petterd and Dunn may give us just a bit more in 2012 than we have seen before. I think we will also see more out of Bennell and Jetta. Nicho is tearing up the track, from all reports Stef Martin is continuing to improve, Trenners will only get better, Tappy will come back better than ever, Jack Grimes will break out this year, barring injury of course. The list now has many upsides. The mix is very good and I am not saying we will be world beaters, but I get the feeling going to the footy in 2012 will be a much better experience than in recent years. Have a little faith Demonlanders By the way WYL, don't worry about the snipes from the side, you are passionate about what you see and believe and that's good enough for me, even if I don't always agree with you.
  20. Interesting juxtaposition. Stynes and the Kim Jong dynasty? As for the use of the word "sycophant" such an epithet is very unfair and unwarranted. But hey, RR has a 'docket' as long as your arm. May I be so bold as to suggest, whatever Jimmy's condition, it is not for us to make "editorial" comment about it. Those closest to him and the big fella himself know best. Whoever and whatever, we are in a much better place than we were 8 months ago.
  21. Now I know who the "Freak" is. James Morrissey, who played for Hawthorn in the '80's
  22. That was largely due to a mindset, which saw a constant flooding of the oppositions's forward line and the idea that "flooding" was the first, not the last resort. New coaching panel, new head coach who is as tough as nails. I am confident this mindset will be turned on its head and it will be the opposition that will be straining to defend our incursions. Not how it used to be. Now consigned to history ... thank goodness.
  23. Let's cast our minds back to when Neeld made his first official address to the MFC, which was at the Club's B&F night. He made no secret of the fact that he was interviewed for senior coaching positions at several clubs. But what shone through to me that night and those in audience, was that he said after being interviewed by the MFC, he wrote down 5 things. One of the 5 things he wrote down was the word PASSION. He went on to say, he did not find the same word for any of the other clubs which interviewed him. I don't give a rat's whether Mark Neeld is a media darling or not. What matters to me is that the players, football department and administration all understand him and are reading off the same page. There is no doubt that Dean Bailey was loved by the media and in fact, some sections of the media saw DB as somewhat of a fall guy, given the clubs dismal performance in 2011, after so much promise earlier. For me, I am pleased to see some real PASSION back at the club, and from what I can tell, the players are beginning to respond. If they do respond to Neeld's message, the rest will follow and so will the media. That's all that matters for me in 2012.
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