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iv'a worn smith

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Everything posted by iv'a worn smith

  1. Far be it for me to agree with RR, but the difference between McGoo and Jimmy is that Eddie is first and foremost a journalist and media man. That is how he started out. His presidency only serves to broaden his network and connections within the AFL. in a lot of AFL related issues, he would hear the inside story before most. The way he plied his journalistic trade has got him to where he is today. A very influential man is Eddie.
  2. but apparently some on here think we are just purely hand wringing, tedious and hysterical and therefore should not be posting on this topic. I would appreciate any update on DB's press conference, as I don't have access to a radio at present.
  3. GWS will announce the appointment of a former Melbourne player to join their football department soon. When the announcement is made, make of it what you will
  4. Precisely!!! My concern about all the media conjecture is that a 19 year old kid does not need the added pressure. You don't have to be an Oxford Scholar to work out the banter which would go on in the change rooms, between team mates, over such conjecture. The team is bigger than the individual and that is why a team does not need such distractions. If Sculls player manager truly had his welfare at heart, he would realise the same thing and that TS will have plenty of time to sign new and lucrative deals, as he rises up the ranks.
  5. If Drain Russell said that, I feel much better now. When was the last time the "pipe"got anything right? <div><br></div><div>edit: the fact that this issue has been raised by the popular media.........AGAIN.........means Melbourne Members should say nothing........doesn't it?</div>
  6. Thanks RR for your sage advice. So why not merge them as has been done with other topics which were similarly related?
  7. Sculls is a gun, no doubt. Of course he will attract more than a passing interest from GWS. But the contrast between the "Ablett" saga and Tom Scully could not be more stark. G Ablett jnr had won two flags with the Cats and the ultimate personal achievement of a Brownlow. There was not that much more he could achieve in Victoria. More importantly, perhaps, in terms of his move to GC, is that he has a brother training with the GC and other family connections there. At the end of his days at Geelong, the friction between him and Thompson was almost palpable. Tom Scully is a Victorian (Melbourne) boy, through and through. There is gulf between the attraction of the Gold Coast and the NRL parochialism of Greater Western Sydney. The GC will achieve success far more quickly than GWS in my view. TS has made some great mates at the MFC and I think DB will handle the issue in a far better way than Thompson did with Ablett at Geelong. Let's not forget, it was Mark Kleiman, Scull's player manager that first flew this kite, as player managers do. I reckon, with Jimma, Cam Schwab and CC's influence, Tom Scully will stay at the MFC and would put money on it. Tom has much to achieve in his footy life and I think he will realise that those achievements will be attained at the MFC, well before the GWS. Sure money talks, and while we can't match GWS' offer, we have more room in the cap to make sure Sculls is looked after. There are intangibles in footy that rise above the almighty dollar and even as Tom Scully embarks on what will surely be a stellar career, I think he knows that, even at his young age.
  8. Marion Morrison aka John Wayne to whom this wonderful quote is attributed. “Women have the right to work wherever they want, as long as they have the dinner ready when you get home”
  9. It is fitting that he was inducted into the Hall of Fame before his passing
  10. This kid has a body that is ready to go
  11. Can we reach the 20K mark by the Christmas break? What a milestone if we did.
  12. Maybe not a surprise to you to have it announced at a press conference, but the timing of the announcement by the club is a great initiative, both in terms of marketing and membership drive. I was merely stating a fact at the time.
  13. FMD? The rest obviously remains to be seen, Again, it will be horses for courses. Also, players in their 3rd and 4th years also need to step up as well as the coach
  14. I don't think HR was suggesting a flag in 2011, but what he termed a "breakout year". The assessment of that can only be relative to the very low base from where we have come. Comparisons can be odious, but at the end of the 2011 season, the judgment as to whether DB has had a "break out year" can only be a matter of "opinion". I would measure that judgment against his previous performances, not against a coach from a club that had a great deal more resources than we have had and a club that could be a lot more free with its cash than we could. Horses for courses really.
  15. Opinions are something akin to a certain part of the anatomy in the nether regions. That is, everyone has one. An opinion is neither right nor wrong, but just that..........an opinion. The opinion expressed above is, to my way of thinking, well reasoned and one to which I subscribe personally. However, if you can't express an opinion on what is a bloody web based forum afterall, made by supporters of the footy club, without getting a metaphorical kick in the head, then where the bloody hell can you? RR, I suggest you should give consideration to moderating your own posts and tone. Your constant editorialising is in no way edifying.
  16. An occupational hazard for a "moderator" I would have thought. I'm sure Jimma understands our thoughts of and for him are well placed and heartfelt. No need to question peoples' motives, other than those imbeciles whose posts have clearly been deleted.
  17. I was also in the cheer squad in the late '60's into the early 70's. Another banner I remember (excuse me if I get the wording wrong) was "Melbourne, the greatest exponents of perfection football" I seem to remember it usually graced the fence in the right hand pocket at the Ponsford Stand end. The 1970 GF was the only time I can remember actually and loudly barracking for Carlton.
  18. I think the MCC Trust and the AFL should give serious consideration to commissioning a statue of Jim at the 'G. While there are many fantastic sporting stories which involve the G, I can't think of a more inspiring one than the story of Jim Stynes. I have said this before on this forum, but I was reminded again on Friday night. I was talking to a Pies supporter, who commented that other than Robert Harvey, he could not think of any other league footballer who was so universally loved, as is Jimma
  19. Jim would probably hate the idea of having an award named after him, but if there were to be one, why not broaden the criteria for the award, so that anyone (i.e player, official of the club or supporter for that matter) within the MFC can be eligible and call it the 'Jim Stynes Community Service Award'.
  20. http://www.courierma...6-1225915875863 The guy just doesn't get it.
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