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Everything posted by PJ_12345

  1. She very obviously has a beef with CS and the MFC. She very obviously doesn't appreciate good reporting skills or writing, but so what? That's her prerogative and she is allowed that. Edited: Ps, I'm not condoning her journalism, but she is entitled to an opinion and prerogrative... as much as it pains me to see the end result of the two
  2. I dont like this. With all these big players and Morton gone who am I going to have a go at for being too light when I'm making my beer belly bigger at the footy? Not a happy camper
  3. CW likes to play the game, from the other post about the salary cap breaches she could have picked half a dozen other teams - but apart from Adelaide who are the other two teams in the news? Carlton (Scotland) and Melbourne (Tanking allegations) It's an excuse to kick us whilst we are down and aviod having a go at anyone else. No wonder she has lasted so long, she limits her opinions/vested interests to almost one club at a time. Gutless wonder.
  4. Those nice and balanced articles are just an insurance policy. If someone tries to pick her up on something she can turn around and say but I also said this, that and blah blah blah. I don't think we have looked her in the eyes yet
  5. So you've resorted to picking out spelling mistakes. Forums like this are made for informal conversations, don't get your knickers in a twist over a spelling mistake champ. Also the Spring Racing Carnival started on the 22/10, but the main week is from the 3/11 to the 12/11. The period she took a holiday, the period she stopped writing, the period that the AFL tab was removed from The Age Sports page.. You've contradicted your original argument long ago and now you're clutching at straws. I'm right, you're wrong. Have a nice day.
  6. I never agreed with you. Your argument was it went quiet because there wasn't any new evidence. You agreed with my point she doesn't need any new evidence to write articles, therefore contradicting your argument. SO if she doesn't need any new evidence to write articles then why did the articles stop and go on holiday? Because of the Spring Racing Carnival. Now that the Spring Racing Carnival is over the articles have resumed, as I pointed out. I'm right, your wrong. Have a good day.
  7. "Sweating like a pig" (pigs don't sweat) "That train has sailed" "Your punching above your average"
  8. Yep, they know if this goes to a court they wouldn't have stood a chance with interview practices and duress like that. This is a good sign for us
  9. And has, quite possibly, the greatest name... in the world
  10. When do you think this will be over? End of January? It's annoying that this will be lingering for so long, but great opportunity for us to get our defense sorted and water tight
  11. Hahahahaha if I could like this twice I would. I watched it last week and out of all the Monty Python movies this is my favourite scene. I'd prefer to sue and get a shrubbery - one that looks nice but not too expensive. Or possibly two shrubberies, one slightly higher than the other so we get a two level effect and we can have a path in the middle
  12. From 1994 to 2003 there were 9 breaches. And here I was thinking our sh#t doesnt stink and we breached it in 1999. Thanks for the great post jnrmac! Ps, why do I feeling of deja vu? Carlton were the last breach, and got hit with the biggest fine. Doesn't set a good persuasive precedence for tanking.
  13. Trivial in its value of little importance. Its so much smaller than a knees, but a lot harder to repair, damage can be done in low-bearing tasks and its very debilitating.
  14. Again you have missed everything I have said. I did say it has gone quiet, I did say the Spring Carnival is a major factor, I did say that I think your over-valuing her reporting skills which was a dig at how bad they are, but I did not say that you said you over-valued her reporting skills. Don't put words in my mouth. SO let me get this straight: you agree with everything I have said. Including that she doesnt need new evidence to write another article, which contradicted your original argument "It's gone quiet because there's nothing new to say", but you do not place any weight on the Spring Racing Carnival as a factor that AFL (which was my original argument) reports have stopped Let me lay it out nice and simply for you DOT 1: AFL tab taken of the Sports page of The Age at the start of the Spring Racing Carnival The total amount of AFL articles in single digits during the Spring Racing Carnival The main sports market is focused on the Spring Racing Carnival The chief football reporter going on holiday during the Spring Racing Carnival DOT 2: The Spring Racing Carnival Please connect them, because we have established that she doesnt need any new evidence to write more articles so then whats the common factor in all of this? Hurrican Sandy? The U.S elections? Bob Brown not being let into Rowanda? I'll give you a hint - its the race that stops a nation [DOT 2] If you would like any evidence: http://www.theage.co...1112-298nr.html This article contains nothing new, the MFC have expressed that they are angry about the interview process a week ago. Ironic considering that the Spring Racing Carnival finished... yesterday
  15. SHE STRIKES AGAIN. "Demons and league on collision course", published on the 13/11/2012 at 12:00am http://www.theage.co...1112-298nr.html I would just like to mention that her clock must be over 50 minutes ahead... its 11:10pm 12/11/2012
  16. The are the judge, jury and the executioner in a kangaroo court; filled with double standards, disgruntled witnesses and where mum isnt the word. Pretty much sums it up really
  17. You've missed the point of every single thing I've said. My point was that it is quiet now, but it will pick up again. Hence my point that she managed to reword the same article 7 times in 5 days. Thats what I meant about her reporting skills, she has none - just rewords the same argument over and over again. I'm not talking about quality, I'm not talking about any new information. As you said she milked it for all its worth, and she will continue to - thats my point. Thank you for clarifying it. I said she was on holiday. Her articles went quiet after the 3rd, its now the 12th and I'm pretty sure you can go on a week holiday. I never mentioned, nor how am I supposed to know, when she got back - just mentioned that she was- and now it looks like she is back at work. No one doubts this is going to be a long and arduous process. As I mentioned, because she has taken such a hard line with tanking against the MFC, I wont be surprised if she comes out with a more balanced article, distancing herself from her previous statements and allowing her to have insurance by saying "but I also said this..." which will spark more conversation/articles. This is all stuff I have mentioned before, so next time you arc up and call people's posts rubbish, at least read what they wrote at before writing some childish post.
  18. There has been nothing new to say since her first article - yet she published 6 more in 5 days. I think your over valuing her reporting skills, and dont know how news papers operate. They want to get the maximum audience, so they will focus more on racing. Now that the racing is over and when she comes back from holiday it will resume.
  19. To everyone talking about how everything has gone quiet... its gone quiet because of the Spring Racing Carnival. The AFL tab in the Sports section has been taken off and only the remains in the header menu on The Age website. Its like running a cricket story during the AFL grand final week, best to wait for a few days and run the stories again when everyone is off the races. I wont be surprised if she comes out with a big editorial, which is a little bit more balanced, for insurance and counter her current direct and narrow opinion. Brace yourselves.
  20. Churnalism pure and simple. Stories = internet hits Internet hits = money Does anyone know how many of her stories have actually been printed in The Age paper? Not just online?
  21. She seems to always put herself in these positions. At least this time she has some oars, most of the time she is stuck with no facts and tries to represent her view as the view of the general community. When she does get picked up on it, she back tracks, doesn't admit that she is wrong, and changes the subject or raises other issues. The Brayshaw and Wilson interview on Footy Classified is a classic example. I'd be nervous as hell if I jumped in her boat!!
  22. I think thats because of what we picked him up for, his attitude and his injury. In my mind achillies injuries are the worse - it plagued Cotchin for a few years - they are so trivial and debilitating. I really hope he finds a new club, particulary Richmond. He will do well there and they obviously know about achillies, look at Cotchin's form now.
  23. Round 21 Freo v Hawthorn 2010 was still the best evidence of tanking I've ever seen. More than 12 of Freo's best 22 were sidelined and they were beaten by 116 points. They only needed to win 1 out of 2 games to secure a home final and thought they would have a better chance against Carlton in Round 22 so they rested their best players. Ps the odds for the game were Freo: $2.25, Hawks: $1.67 - which is much better than the odds we allegedly tanked
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