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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. on the radio they said that hibberd had knee issues and left training early
  2. might do that. when i go to away games at the g i always go to standing room just beside where the afl members start. i'm guessing that would be about m14 or thereabouts. gets me closest to true wing position
  3. AFL.com has changed wording in mro article to be more explicit
  4. "Although Christian did say the incident with Newman should have been a free kick against Greene."
  5. well at least that is something. would have liked more comment on why it should have been a free kick
  6. daisycutter


    if anyone found a bamboo cheese platter and jewelled hip flask on the train, please get in touch with uncle bitters
  7. i'm row E too, od. will see what it's like at first then i might move to standing also
  8. don't know about good work, od. I was ready to take on a police riot squad, but i suppose anyone can do that these days. i hope this is ticketek's last year for the mcg. most unfriendly online app i've used.
  9. went to ticketek outlet. No wait and got M9 (did "have" M13 online) so not so bad. Also saved the $7.50 booking fee. And I used the "rejected" credit card with no problems ticketek can gagf
  10. i have emailed ticketek via their contact page. probably get answered within 7 days. wafj
  11. nope keep trying but same result "for security reasons your card has been blocked. please contact your card issuer" (which i have done) ticketek 13xxxxx number says too busy try again - have multiple times nothing left to try. (i did try my debit card too but same results)
  12. disaster got on multiple times, got tick i wanted. wouldn't accept credit card (one on file) tried at least 10 times and 3 signons contacted bank and they said no attempts by ticketek to contact bank rang ticketek and won't let me talk to anyone
  13. still in black hole......arrrrgh
  14. it's got nothing to do with toughness. we don't need that sort of stuff. toby can adjust and still be a good player.
  15. don't like it. but it's going to be hard to define it bit like when they tried to define chucking in cricket and used degrees of elbow bend with a different degree for fast bowlers vs spinners certainly bringing the leg/foot upto the horizontal seems dangerous and unfair
  16. given we are next playing the wee and poos, i'd definitely remove it post haste it was probably a geelong seagull anyway, so send the scrapings to chris scott
  17. afaik no-one has brought up the fact that jack only had 66% game time, obviously managed as we opened up a decent lead not a bad day's work considering he only played for 2/3 of the game
  18. sarcasm not your strong suite, mono?
  19. fixed it forya
  20. cat b rookie i think, mazer
  21. no selwood staging charges? i'm surprised
  22. i used to get excited with one win a season.
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