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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. A little history about the "Invincible Whites" nickname Apologies to those who already know this MFC history In the 1860s (the early years of football) the MFC used to wear white uniforms; white tops, white knickerbockers and white stockings. But, so did most of the other teams then. This was probably due to the tradition that cricketers, tennis players etc also wore all white, and maybe because of the easy availability of white (or cream) material and certain off-the-shelf clothing in those days. To distinguish themselves from each other, teams wore colored caps (as in cricket). The MFC wore dark blue. In those early years the MFC ran up such a string of victories that the press nicknamed them the "Invincible Whites" as distinct from the other "Whites". The club did not originate this nickname. Later, a supporter (1872) brought back red stockings from England and the club officially adopted red and blue as the club colours. Now with the blue cap and red stockings the club was nicknamed the Fuschias (after the colours of the flower), or the Redlegs, both of which were used until 1933 when coach "Checker" Hughes exhorted his players to "play like demons" and thereafter the nickname "Demons" stuck. Some time after the 1860s (not sure exactly when, but I think in the 1870s) the jumper became all blue with a central red vertical stripe and red socks. Similarly other "white" teams started developing coloured jumpers. So, the "white" in the "Invincible Whites" nickname was not unique to the MFC but rather it was the "Invincibles" tag that was unique to the MFC, comparing it to the other "white" teams. Make what you want of this . . . . . .
  2. Well maybe both you and WYL could ease back the strings a little on the shorts/surrender hyperbole Lets just say that white, psychologically is not a "strong" or "aggressive" colour. Is that more acceptable?
  3. Lots of things have "a nice symmetry" to them Bob, like doughnuts But they don't say "the team of the red and the blue" to me
  4. Well, like I said previously, how about blue for home and red for away shorts? Even better. But your shorts obsession is drawing a long bow . . . . but keep plugging away
  5. Well, you did ask See above in bold. That is a tad "gilding the lily" or "rosy". Yes he has improved in these areas, but has room for more But, lets not quibble over superlatives, bottom lne is Jonesy doesn't get enough credit from some here
  6. Your assessment might be a tad "rosy" in spots, but I agree with the gist of your argument Jonesy does a lot of hard work, sets a great example, plays with real passion, and, as you point out is still young and improving He might never become a Buckley or Hird but I see him as a key player in a future flag People need to get off his back and look at his positives
  7. Main Entry: thesaurus Part of Speech: noun Definition: dictionary of synonyms and antonyms Synonyms: glossary, language reference book, lexicon, onomasticon, reference book, sourcebook, storehouse of words, terminology, treasury of words, vocabulary, word list
  8. Thesauri were created for crossword cheats
  9. I fully agree there are more important issues currently for the club I don't believe the club is too keen on the white clash strip, evidence their previous attempt at the "red" strip. I would also agree that at the moment the club is not in a good position re the AFL to make an issue of it and is focussing on many other issues. I would not be in favour of pressuring the club at this time in this matter (unless they requested input). I do believe in the future that the time may come when this can be better discussed at official levels Having said that, I see nothing wrong with supporters expressing their wishes and "keeping the fires burning" In the short term I agree with you (I think it was you?) that we should press for a better "design" for next years predominately white clash strip (as per AFL "directions"). There is already another thread here on just that issue. This however does not mean that I accept the current situation as a fait-accompli. Is that a bit clearer?
  10. I've never mentioned anything about white psychology or surrender. I don't necessarily agree (or disagree) with it but it was an interesting discussion nevertheless But, it was you who brought up shorts in a discussion about predominately white jumpers. I thought it was a red herring or weak rationalisation (as with the Invincible Whites rationalisation) so I offered you some more red herrings
  11. Don't stop at the shorts, ID What about the white numbers on the players backs Then there is the white boots Then there is the white in the MCC colours (red, blue, white) Sheesh! Lets make the shorts navy for home and red for away . . . problem solved And don't tell me about tradition/AFL rules . . home shorts used to be black Your argument that white shorts justifies white jumpers just doesn't cut it . . give up on it
  12. Watching Melbourne and the ferals, I couldn't help but notice how many times our players handballed directly (not intercepts) and kicked directly to their opponents. According to some this must mean their is a strip clash Then I watched St.Kilda (home strip) and Port(white away strip) and there seemed to be a real clash of . . . wait for it . . . White! So now I'm confused, non-clash teams clashing, and clash strip team clashing. Enough to do one's head in, eh? . . . ducking for cover
  13. settle down bbo, its not a logo, its an emblem wait till later to see what logo they come up with
  14. You can add the great Jimmy Cardwell too, Smithy's right hand man. And Checker Hughes is an often forgotten hero, who similarly turned the teams fortunes around after a long period of mediocrity.
  15. It may be logical but I don't know about inevitable There have been many "inevitable" relocations before that haven't eventuated Still, I hope you are correct, would love to see a side in Tassie. They love their footy and have made a great contribution to the game
  16. You've just gotta love the linkage between the club's three greats, Norm Smith, Ron Barassi, Jim Stynes with Norm's "adoption" of Ron and Ron's Irish "experiment" with Jimma Smith "made" Barassi who "made" Stynes ( 1935 - 2010 -> ) What a great story . . . . . and its still going I wouldn't even attempt to rank them
  17. You are correct re Geelong. My Mistake However Geelongs home jumper is predominately white You are wrong about only Essendon, Brisbane, Port Adelaide, even Fremantle St.Kilda, Bulldogs and Adelaide were clash matches this year too (maybe others too) And yes, I (and many others) don't agree with what the AFL regards as a clash Does anyone know if the AFL publishes which games are officially clashes anywhere?
  18. I cannot accept that the ONLY clash jumper for ALL clubs in the AFL HAS TO BE predominately WHITE We are the only sports competition in the world with this specific requirement It is homogenisation at its extreme - allow more flexibility Other issues are Wearing a clash jumper when there is no REAL clash Wearing a clash jumper when you are the home team Ensuring umpires can never wear a clash strip Allowing some clubs to be exempt Insisting a club can only have ONE clash jumper yet allowing special one-off jumpers Not having any published definitions or guidelines for clashes just an AFL demand "club A must wear clash jumper against club B" Whilst I'm pleased that the AFL has stated that Grand Final teams may wear their Home strips, this is totally illogical to their clash argument.
  19. Maybe this week we'll get lucky and get someone suspended? No, no, just kidding
  20. Well this tells us nothing, except maybe(?) no injuries in that group Guess we'll have to wait till tomorrow to see who draws the unlucky straws
  21. It just gets better Musta been some night!
  22. Bit savage on poor old Racetrack It was only a fluff blog piece He is demons supporter.............tick He is passionate about the Dees....tick He loves the "red and blue".........tick BTW I only posted the link as a FYI, I've only been to BPL once in my life and that was to read that disgusting Hollywood piece I have no intention of going back, and speaking for myself, Racetrack's line of argument is his not mine, but I do share his passion for the red and blue Now lets go out and thrash the ferals (in our red and blue strip)
  23. Wow, what a BREAKOUT year this has been for the club I can't remember so many positives things happening in any club in one year A HUGE thanks to EVERYONE at the club, all the generous benefactors and and all the supporters who held fat when all looked doom and gloom This is a GREAT time to be a DEMON, the vibe is everywhere I even feel sorry for the ferals this weekend
  24. We are not alone Another point of view for your interest Red and Blue till death do us part Edit: fixed up link (I think)
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