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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. You really don't know what that means? Or are you just being coy? I don't see that poster-abuse adds anything to your argument. Just try sticking to your POV and try not to belittle others to make a point. Got it? I have no problem with your POV, its your opinion. I just have a different POV. Is that too hard to comprehend? Have a nice evening
  2. I'd rate Trengove in our top 12. His best asset is he can play mid, forward and back I'd have him back in the side in a flash. Probably for Bail. Not that Bail "deserves" it but that Trengove is more valuable I don't envy the match commitee with Moloney, Trengove, Warnock, Tapscott to be fitted in in the next few weeks (maybe Gysberts, McNamara too) Who'd have thought we would have these problems so soon (and thats not counting longer term injured in Grimes, Petterd)
  3. Lighten u E25 Its an opinion forum, OK Try playing the ball and not the man
  4. Where do you get this red herring from????? Its NOT about winning/losing because of clash strip. Sheeesh! Its about being the red&blue not looking like some KKKlansman
  5. Hey great idea rpfc. Why don't you send Stynesy a note, suggesting we revert our home guernsey to the invincible whites and change our nickname to the "Invincible White Fuschias". Stuff all this demons rubbish. Oh, and you could suggest we get a good place-kicker in the next deaft. If we all back you up on this will we still be nuff-nuffs? FFS
  6. E25, no-one is saying we should never have a different clash strip. We just don't want the predominately white one FFS. There have been plenty of suitable alternative ones suggested on this board My wife thinks that the AFL don't have a problem with colour but rather dark and light and that the AFL still think some people watch footy on Black and White TVs rather than High defintion digital TV's. Maybe someone should tell Dimwit that B&W TVs have been phased out!
  7. Right on. What I don't really understand, is who is putting the pressure on the AFL. The AFL don't really explain it, nor do they really explain their definitions of "clash", nor do they publish clear guidelines on what determines a suitable clash outfit (apart from predominately white). I would have thought that Mel vs Ess was one of the more obvious clashes, but the players/spectators didn't seem to have any problems in the recent game. (I know next year Ess will have a new clash jumper) I don't see a clash with the new GC17 strip either, but I'll bet the AFL do, just because both sides have red FFS Maintain the rage . . . .
  8. Excellent report Bhima, appreciate it
  9. Its not an issue of whether we play better/worse in the "white" strips. Its just that everybody(well, most everybody) hates them. And its not just Demons supporters, its also other clubs supporters and TV audiences. Frankly, I don't understand why the AFL is so anal and unapproachable about it. Its supposedly more for TV clash considerations than players or spectators, but the AFL take the definition of a clash way too far. There are some genuine clashes, but not too many. I also don't buy the merchandising argument. If the white strip is so disliked they won't sell many anyway. Clubs could always have alternate training strips which could be free from AFL interference and be designed for merchandising if merchandising $$$s was the issue. The public need to keep on complaining. The AFL will eventually have to listen Go the Red'n Blue
  10. Good work Insomniac !!!! Ye know too much (Little Britain - Scottish Hotel). Not to be picky, but any reason for the backward 'N's
  11. Swan was good, but I think the wind advantage had more to do with it in the 2Q
  12. The Eh's. Doesn't every sentence end in "eh" in Qld?
  13. Maybe he is and maybe he isn't. (Little Britain - Scottish Hotel)
  14. Gold Coast Budgie Smugglers ?
  15. I always thought Gold Coast Breakers had a good sound to it Suns!! WTF
  16. Well, maybe. There is talk that Casey Fields may be "rested" for a while and Casey games played elsewhere, so check Casey site beforehand before making a long trip
  17. There is no minimums per club, only maximums. If GC took all the possible player numbers from all the different source categories they would exceed their list limits. In fact they should be in a good position to do some horse trading, so they could be a good source for clubs getting youth (in return for some experience/depth outside of uncontracted players).
  18. Don't worry, there'll be no clash tomorrow the bummers will just be the ugly smelly ones.
  19. Bail to play - it's the vibe, you know
  20. What a joke - the one club we have a major clash with - AFL credibility nil Lets hope the bummers at least wear white shorts
  21. Nah, like you said - no hope. Still like your red design - at least its "truer" and unique from all the other club's white versions which all look the same from a distance
  22. Redleg, may as well use your namesake on the socks too, Then I'll vote for this (with red or white shorts)
  23. Thanks Belzebub, agree with you. Redleg mentioned previously a clash with WC, and why did the Bullies wear their clash jumper against us this year (I just checked on youtube)? Also checked the famous 87 game against the bullies where both teams wore traditional gear and it didn't clash for me. Really curious to see what the bummers turn up with on Sunday. Black/Red vs Navy/Red has to be a clash no matter how wide the sash. We should try and do a deal with the AFL that when we play any GF at the G we get to wear our tradtional gear because it's OUR ground FTROT Cheers
  24. Hey Redleg, Do you have a list of the clubs the AFL say we clash with that you could publish here?
  25. Understand what you are saying belzebub, but the question is how much white. Do the AFL stipulate a percentage? I don'y think so. Seems we just go around in the dark as there are NO AFL published specifications (other than bend over) AFL claim it is to avoid visual confusion andhave a better looking spectacle for TV Funny how cricket (and TV execs) decided that white was too boring and bland for TV wrt 50over and 20/20. It's not just Melb, all the other team white strips look awful (with the possible exception of Bulldogs as its part of their colors anyway) Anyway, I'll probably just slash my wrists and be done with it.
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