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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. Fair enough . . . apologies I took it to be about Fitzy. Yes, some people do get a bit savage unfairly and Strauss does seem to be in some peoples sights
  2. A player simply can't be objective Who wouldn't want the dream to go on forever? You only get one career You wouldn't be a good AFL player if you weren't always optimistic and positive Then there's the lifestyle, the good money, cameraderie, the fame, the vibe . . . . No, James in a few years will realise this was the best decision for him and the club How lucky is he really. To get to retire at 33 years, play for 14, captain last 3 years, B&F's, AA, 250+ games, rookie games record All this AND to go out on top. No form slips, no career ending injuries, no playing in VFL, no bagging etc etc. Its sad to see it come to an end and he will be missed, but it was a good decision
  3. I don't follow your logic or are you just grandstanding It seems perfectly natural to question why Fitzy was dropped to ressies when his performances were on the improve. Didn't notice any FD bashing
  4. I didn't mean point 5 as a standalone reason but it might be the last straw if it was a tight decision Anyway we'll find out later today
  5. If you mean Newton he's actually only 23 (dob 27-4-87), PJ is 26
  6. I don't think Newton will be around next year But, here's afew reasons he "might" get PJ's 2nd ruck position 1. Has been doing ruck work at Casey and picking up kicks around ground 2. His form at Casey has been quite good 3. Could kick a couple resting in forward line 4. Probably a better player than PJ 5. A "thank-you"/"farewell" reward for accepting the rookie position so club could get extra draft pick I don't think he would be any worse than PJ and TMR needs the odd rest
  7. Moloney (if fit) for Davey Warnock for MacDonald Newton for PJ Have a feeling on Morton but cant see who if from bench Maybe he is backup if Moloney doesn't come up
  8. He didn't die Robbie! He definitely was a "Great captain and heart and soul of the red and blue" especially during those 3 rough years
  9. Thanks, have copied it below for others reference This list then represents GC17's "opportunity" to sign out-of-contract MFC players this year Some big names still on the list
  10. A list of who is out of contract would help the guessing - any takers?
  11. Looking back thats what I thought too But then I noticed HT had a second crack in Feb which was quite different (see below) Should have gone with your first option HT it looked spooky
  12. Of course, but only upto a point He is perfectly free to not give Bruce any votes, but he went beyond this and bagged Bruce severely This despite virtual unanimous praise for Bruce from voters here, the press etc Given that someone takes such an extreme position the onus is generally on them to prove their point Anyway, many posters did give reasoned argument in favour of Bruce which he just ignored or brushed aside and, then, had the temerity to accuse others of not trying to prove their point. A bit rich methinks, hence my reply
  13. puleeze, someone get me a bucket this topic is going off the rails . . .
  14. ditto ditto For the record I'm quite happy (at this stage) to pump games into him regardless
  15. now you are just being patronising
  16. Yeah ditto KC and that goes for the while season inc live game updates and Casey news
  17. Do you have problems with comprehension Sylvinator? Or do you just not read the posts? I don't perceive posters writing him off. In fact those who are commenting on his weaknesses mostly seem to think he will end up a gun Honest but fair appraisal is reasonable in a forum or would you prefer the rose-coloured glasses approach?
  18. As you are in a very small minority I think it is up to you to prove your point Just saying that stats aren't worth anything is not a logical argument in itself Considering the appalling conditions Bruce's disposal was quite good (in fact better than most)
  19. Don't forget Diamond Jim - all time record holder
  20. Nowhere is it written that all tall KPP's need 3-4 years to develop. Many take less, others take 4 years. Jack obviously will take a few years. Royce Hart was just as skinny at 19 and took one year. I could name many others including current players. You just can't generalise like that. Anyway, if it takes 4 years I for one will wait. Steady improvement is all I ask. P.S. And by develop I don't mean being a star
  21. There is a big difference between being a basher and discussing what a developing player is doing wrong and needs to do. If we didn't have faith and expectations in Jack we wouldn't waste time being so analytical. However there are a not many genuine bashers here so don't be too quick to judge others. For my part this is the first time I've discussed Jack and that is because the season is coming to a close and its time to evaluate.
  22. You're preaching to the choir here Sturmmann
  23. Quite agree Ralph. Strangely you're the first to comment about the indecision in the fwd pocket (at least that I've noticed). It was excruciating and then finally (after what seemed like ages) to scrub a kick into the ground. It just confounded me. Forwards are supposed to be hungry to kick goals
  24. But Bob, hes NOT JUST an ex-basketballer. He's played football for years (and at a high standard). I played representative football and basketball when I was at school and believe me its not hard to transition between the two when you have had years at both. That was also my experience with other kids I knew who played both. IF he was mainly a basket-baller who played a little football I might be more inclined to agree with you. Its a promising theory but I don't think applicable here. It might have more to do with the fact that Jack playing as a junior was always so much taller, skilful and agile than most kids that he didn't need too much physicality or aggression to star, and he just hasn't caught up to the big jump to AFL. Thing is he just had it too easy playing football with kids and he has to readjust to play football with big bodied smarter men. I'm confident he will end up ok (but I still get the odd pang of doubt). We all expect so much, but that goes with the territory of being #1 pick.
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