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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. And the kicking action of Dangerfield was in the same direction as the sling so part of the "force" was contributed by Dangerfield. This was proven by the expert witness and makes sense. So the force may appear excessive but it can't be totally attributed to Trengove, hence the force applied by Trengove could not be excessive (whatever excessive means). The attribution of excessive force to Trengove is patently unsafe. Hence the action should be redefined as accidental and therefore no penalty incurred I rest me case m'Lud
  2. and apparently the sky just fell in near Jolimont
  3. Actually Anderson sounded like he is having a bet each way......
  4. 5:00pm tomorrow we will know if Dangerfield is selected to play by Cows 5:30pm appeals board hears MFC appeal Interesting timing......................
  5. Does anyone know who is on the appeals board and if there are any special procedures? If we fail that what does anyone think about using the courts for an injuction (either Sports court or Civil courts)?
  6. Nah, he'll get stood down for a year for bringing the game into disrepute and MFC will have all premiership point YTD wiped.
  7. There is nothing more stubborn and immovable than an MRP on a mission from Anderson God
  8. What about the apologentsia and fantasists?
  9. Interesting how the Fat Controller has been quiet on this issue.......
  10. Just announced on 3AW MFC will appeal. To be heard 5:30 tomorrow You little beauty (but this time get a silk)
  11. yes, the less than 4 minutes to deliberate seems just enough time to get a phone call into Anderson not that they'd do that of course :unsure:
  12. I know the feeling only too well B) Likely candidates for elevation are Evans, Nicholson and Campbell with Evans most likely first IMO
  13. You're so predictable Rhino.......I wouldn't want you beside me in the trenches.
  14. Yeah, I've given up on a flag for this year. I must be a glass half-empty guy B)
  15. Robbie, its been mentioned ad nauseum on this board that Juice was elevated at start of season (because of no 2nd veteran rule)
  16. I think he has only played one game (last one) in the Scorps 2nds this year - the rest in the seniors
  17. I think Melbourne should supply all Norf players with US gridiron helmets for this weeks game How's that for duty of care?
  18. For the next few weeks the midfield will have to be instructed to completely play off the opposition rucks, get to the ball first (not tag) and man up one-for-one at all ball-ups In fact with effectively no rucks the play should be more predictable. Ruck tactics should be to just minimise the opportunity of opposing rucks to get the big forward punch by close body and smothering tactics It will be interesting to see how we tackle this problem
  19. The MFC must make a stand on this issue Natural Justice has not been served and the issue has too many far-reaching implications not just for the MFC but for all clubs. Apart from that Jack Trengove's reputation has been unfairly besmirched I'm sure the majority of MFC supporters and in fact supporters of all clubs would applaud and support the MFC taking a strong stand The AFL should also have the courage to admit it got the laws wrong, step in to annul the decision and make changes to the law to ensure there is a better definition of accidental versus negligence versus duty-of-care versus excessive-force
  20. agreed. Appendix 1 is so badly written you could drive a semi-trailer through the holes perhaps this could be grounds for appeal on the basis that Appendix 1 is manifestly lacking in precision and natural justice
  21. I still can't find any confirmation of this (checked AFL, MFC, newspapers, google etc) that is strange as this is big news
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