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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. Move TF on....nothing here to slit your wrists over (if you have any left that is)
  2. Wow, did he really say that? What an insensitive, dumb thing to say. Sooner he is out of the leadership group the better.....no idea.
  3. There wasn't much innocence in '66/'67 at Medley Hall either edit: speelling
  4. Correct its called Outcome-Management
  5. Agree with you Rhino about not looking good I said a few days ago that something stinks and has for most of the season re players, wasn't LTs supposed to give players a reasonable moderated voice and resolve any tensions. I get the impression someone has been throwing petrol around with players. Points back again to the leadership group
  6. I don't know how much of this is truth, guesswork or hyperbole.......but the blood between the Wilsons and Schwabs is known to be poisoned I'd prefer to remain a just little sceptical still until more 'facts' surface
  7. I'm with you HG BTW where were Leading Teams through all this? Or are they part of the problem with players playing politics?
  8. I find it amusing that a whole lot of rumours and allegations have somehow become 'fact' We need to be cogniscent that some rumours may be true, some may be wrong and some may have a grain of truth We must avoid just assuming that they are all true and let them go unchallenged I have NFI which ones are true but I prefer to be sceptical unless a poster provides some corroborating info A lot has been said about players being upset with CS or the 'administration' but so far I have yet to see anyone specify just what their complaints are. For all I know they are complaining about a lack of soap in the shower rooms.
  9. So.....Caro got it very wrong........again it won't happen, but she should learn to keep her mouth shut until she can confirm her 'scoops'......or get new 'sources'
  10. Hear what you are saying old dee and there is more than a grain of truth in most of what you say However, no list is 30 [censored] goals a game worse than any other list in the modern professional game with drafting concessions and salary caps. 30 [censored] goals is just beyond comprehension. If it was 10 goals or even 15 you might explain it, but not when it is 30 [censored] goals This is not just a very bad result or even a disastrous result its .....something worse Words just escape me. So much so I just keep looking for some rational reason for such a result (apart from the obvious ones) Anyway...I await the fallout whatever it will be be
  11. I wonder if there might be something in that (virus)? A loss of that magnitude for a professional organisation in these days is inexplicable. The seconds also lost by an inexplicable amount I'm not trying to make excuses but such losses must have some reason Something certainly stinks here...............
  12. Very funny thread........... but not funny enough to overcome the black dog in me there is something awfully wrong with this team and has been all year i can't help wondering if something else is going on that we're not privy to
  13. Good God man its interpreted! I really try to avoid such correcting.... but intrepid!
  14. never, if everything goes to plan..........et tu? strange........I'm actually looking forward to the silly season after all the shyte of this season
  15. I wonder if the price of bananas will drop before you know who does you know what I hope so as I really miss my bananas on my muesli for breakfast
  16. It would just tell us what one poster (who seems to be knowledgeable) thinks would be reasonable Others can then agree/disagree or offer their own estimates I'm especially interested in what percentage difference you see and then we can speculate what that might mean for other players comng off contract this year or next. Without some figures there is no framework for discusion I agree my estimates are from someone at 20,000 feet but they're my best attempt Sylvia is "reported" to want 450, club is "reported" to offer Scully 600-750 depending on what one reads Some posters say Sylvia is better/worth more (now) than Sculley, others disagree I'm having trouble trying to make sense of it all and that's why I'm encouraging posters to play list manager and nominate some figures I've noticed in the past you have been prepared to talk contract value In the past there was discussion about what Davey, Bruce and Green were worth, so why not Sylvia and Scully I'd really like to know what you think because you would have a much better idea than me I might disagree about where Sylvia and Scully are at in their development and skills but that's a separate issue I'm not trying to put you in a corner or something. I'm genuinely interested to guage your opinion (and any others).
  17. C'mon Rhino, I asked you to cut to the chase and nominate contract values which you have avoided doing I'm not asking for a performance summary of the players, that has been done by many. I just want to know what is your bottom line and saying "will be worth what the Club is prepared to pay" doesn't tell us anything. So......prepared to name figures??
  18. Well what do YOU think Sylvia is worth? Scully could well end up a better player than Sylvia (debateable) and WHEN he is he will deserve a bigger contract value. If it wasn't for the GWS issue what do YOU think Scully's really value is NOW My opinion is $450+ and $350+ respectively For Scully then add a 'bonus' because of the one-off GWS situation but it has to be realistically justifiable
  19. Can anyone explain what the problem is with Col (if there is one). I just cannot trust what I read in the media. The only figure I've seen that Col wants is $450K (however accurate that is?) Surely that seems a reasonable amount? So, is the amount correct? What is he worth?
  20. Now you're getting the chicken before the cart?
  21. True, I was using a little hyperbole to make a point Personally I didn't think it suited him and that's coming from someone with a bit of facial hair Couple of days growth max should be enough to 'roughen' him Your mileage may vary of course..........
  22. I understand what you're saying egd but he doesn't need to look like Trapper. 5'O'Clock shadow and flatten a few opposition defenders should help shed any private school silver spoon image.
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