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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. So, old dee apart from those minor blemishes how do you think we are travelling Just kidding, when you list it like that it is so depressing. Thank god (or whoever) for off-seasons....it can't come quick enough for me. Funny isn't it, it doesn't seem so long ago we were doing lists ticking off all the giant steps we had taken as a club in the previous 3 years. Just shows how fragile we really are. For the life of me I can't really understand how with all those positives it can so suddenly turn rotten
  2. How come Caro and Hutchy didn't make the list?
  3. I take it from all those ramblings that you have NFI Why bother answering a post when you have no answers and you just repeat conjecture thats already been aired?
  4. Guess that would make the AFL nuts too, appointing him coach of GWS However.....I don't disagree with you B)
  5. Don't sweat it so much old bean....................back to the footy B)
  6. yeah its probably just too long and intense a season for someone first year out of school. its a big step up for his height/weight in endurance. wouldn't get worried about it yet. another pre season and a few more kgs will work wonders his form was ok earlier in season and has just tapered
  7. that may be the theory old bean but is often not the practice i won't bother sending my resume, you couldn't afford me
  8. Consultants are hired to provide a fancy justification to a decision you have already made but not announced (except to the consultant) Its more democratic that way
  9. Agree that Williams gives the appearance of being loopy but then again Laidley gives me the same impression Neither were very good in front of the microphone, but I couldn't give a fig about a coaches PR ability just his ability to turn a group of lazy uncommitted players into a professional winning machine
  10. I read somewhere a manu fan wrote a letter to his club saying they should rename the club MFC. The reason he gave was that if it is good enough for the oldest effing footy club in the world it was good enough for manu B)
  11. Yeah, yeah, but apart from all that stuff everything else is really on the up.....right?
  12. I don't mind glass half-full but over-flowing is stretching it (not you)
  13. Well Eade was correct when he said his results/dollar spent were pretty good Some forget what a drip feed the dogs were on when Eade took over Still I'm not convinced he's the best choice yet but we could do a lot worse However it is has got to be someone who has the balls to stand up to the club (meaning all depts of mfc) and say its my way or eff off and be good enough to get away with it and make it work. Someone who tries to please too many won't cut it.
  14. I was going to say something but what's the point? (rhetorical)
  15. "Man who fly upside down, bound to have coq-up" Edited to avoid eCensor
  16. Poor old Barts There is so much to like about Barts but you can't escape the fact that his disposal both in terms of decision making and execution is too often woeful. It just detracts too much from his good work and hurts momentum and the side. At his age it now seems unlikely he can change this part of his game enough to matter. I wish it wasn't so but you have to face facts sometime. I think many people criticising Barts also have a lot of admiration for his good side, so its not all negative, just a balanced opinion. I don't think he can stay best 22 into the future but I wouldn't delist/trade him. He can still be a good depth player My 2c worth
  17. LOL Old jungle saying....."Call the Phantom anywhere, and he will hear."
  18. I know stats don't mean much but you'd drop a guy with 24 disposals and 12 marks (4 CM) in a side that lost by 8 goals. Did you go to the game?....you said you wouldn't go to Shocklands! I was there and thought it one of his better games. We would have los by more without him. There were plenty of worse players if you are looking for someone to drop
  19. Out Joel Mac??????????? One of our best (and hardest) last week....you gotta be kidding
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