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Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by Ron Burgundy

  1. Like everyone here, I was a Hogan fan. But his seemingly non-committal approach to the club always irked me. He seems to lack passion for the place - and that, to me at least, is an important intangible that our more important players simply have to possess. That he has now requested a trade to Freo, means that I can no longer get excited about the bloke - it’s as though he’s merely treading water in the red and the blue. I’d be super happy with May and a top ten pick for him.
  2. Yeah perhaps, but at it’s very highest, it’s dumb noise. It’s the way I’d expect some idiot redneck in a pub at Kargoorlie to negotiate the deal. It’s basic and lacks class. Pick 11 and next year’s second rounder for Hogan. I mean, fair dinkum. Even my 5 year old would laugh at that.
  3. After 273 pages, the only conclusion that I have drawn is that Fremantle is an absolute joke of a club at the moment. Thanks for completely wasting our time (to date) Peter Bell.
  4. Burton’s ropeable. He doesn’t want to live in Glenelg.
  5. Very happy about this. I don’t know why exactly, but his was the signature I was most interested in, and potentially the most concerned about. He seems to have a unique offering for us (on and off field), and would’ve been hard to replace.
  6. We will absolutely get ripped a new one re: the terms of this trade if AVB decides to leave - pick 42 or similar will not result in us landing a player of commensurate quality/value. Really hope he stays. Kent too (although it seems that trade's virtually done and dusted).
  7. Yeah, nice post. Perhaps unfortunately, I don’t see the world in black and white. But I understand that many in Kansas do. To assess Gaff’s entire character and personality on that one incident, is the very reason we no longer endorse public lynching as a society, even though many rednecks would love to have it back. It seems that Andrew Brayshaw has forgiven him - good on you for continuing to hold the grudge though.
  8. Gaff strikes me as a really decent fellow. He seems to have a sensitivity about him which is rare among footy players. Good luck to him. Would’ve loved to see him in the red and the blue, but it seems we were never realistically in the mix. Sucked in North.
  9. Kade seems to have good pedigree and an interesting journey prior to being drafted at pick 5 by the Suns. https://www.themercury.com.au/sport/afl/stage-set-for-tassie-twins/story-fnj4f7h7-1226762858214
  10. You can’t seriously compare Jesse Hogan to Tom Scully ...
  11. Kent’s a solid player. St Kilda’s offer reflects this (even though it looks and feels like an offer from MFC’s playbook circa 2012). I think Kent’s best 22 for us. In this context, pick 75 is a joke - mid 30s seems about right.
  12. Years of expectation and hope have finally translated into something very tangible and meaningful. For a lot of people. Far more in fact than I had thought supported this club. This year confirmed to me how dark and disappointing the last 11 years have been. Hats off to all of us. Thank you Paul Roos.
  13. Hogan is clearly an incredible talent and it seems we were very fortunate to have landed him. That said, we seem always to be walking on egg shells when it comes to Hogan and his medium to long term commitment to the club. The spectre of a return to Freo has been lingering like a bad smell forever, and, if as some say, a return to Perth is inevitable, it’s just a matter of when - then we’d be absolutely crazy not to consider an almighty deal right now if Freo is desperate to land him. 2 high first round draft picks at a minimum, one of which goes to the Suns for Steven May.
  14. Thanks DG - exactly. This was intended to be a light hearted thread. As a 20 year plus member of the MCC, I kind of get the bleeding obvious, even though some here feel the need to point it out. It’s like trying to explain Monty Python to a 93 year old Ukrainian - they just don’t get it.
  15. We are essentially the landlord of the MCG, the original owner of the land and the stadium (in addition of course to the the traditional owners, being the Boon Wurrung and Woiwurrung (Wurundjeri) peoples of the Kulin Nation). It’s about time we showed some of the current tenants (i.e. Richmond and Collingwood) who actually owns this ground. I’m a little surprised this hasn’t been discussed, but, when we last won the flag, this was our home ground to the exclusion of all other clubs. Since then, we have shared our home ground with several other clubs, and have essentially been shown no respect or gratitude for this. It’s time to show these squatters who owns this ground. Let’s bring this ship into port - the landlord is back in town.
  16. I like Tyson and expect the team will remain unchanged. That said, I’d love to see Vince back in the team - perhaps this is more emotional than logical, but, if it were to happen, Tyson is the player to make way for him. Vince would donate his heart and all other vital internal organs to the team if selected. Please put him in. Sorry Dom.
  17. Vince will play the game of his life if selected. Put him in.
  18. Many of you will remember the ‘debate’ we had here about Frawley leaving to join the Hawks to chase the ‘ultimate’ success. There were two camps at the time, one of which was quite generous in that they argued that Frawley leaving was absolutely acceptable in the circumstances - he was randomly drafted by the MFC (ie, not his choice), we were super carp, he had shown much loyalty to the MFC, his career would not last forever, so why not deprive him of the opportunity to taste ‘ultimate’ success elsewhere. It was an interesting debate - in many respects it hinged on what ‘ultimate’ success looked like to different posters. I was firmly in the camp that ‘ultimate’ success was essentially about the journey with your team-mates, the club, the supporters etc that gives the quest ‘ultimate’ meaning. Without the shared journey, ‘ultimate’ success was saccharine, it was hollow. Many disagreed - they argued it was all about ‘ultimate’ success (ie, winning a flag), and the ‘journey’ etc was just noise, emotive noise, which shouldn’t influence a player’s opportunity to taste the ‘ultimate’ success albeit with a new club. Snagging a flag with a club, with players, whom you met at the 12th hour, in the premiership window, was apparently just as meaningful as doing it with the club to which you were drafted. In this context, I closely watched James Frawley last night. And I couldn’t help but thinking - I bet you envy the hell out of Nathan Jones right now, even though he has tasted ‘ultimate’ success, after all he has won a flag. Irrespective of whether Jones ever gets to hold the cup aloft (and I bloody hope he does), I reckon he’s been far closer to tasting ‘ultimate’ success than Frawley ever has. In the context of their respective careers, ‘ultimate’ success is surely more aligned to leading an unpopular and much derided and widely patronised club, against all odds, to fertile pastures - it’s not been the easy road to success, but geez it must feel rewarding. And the legacy is surely more enduring. I suspect Nathan Jones will eventually look back on these last two weeks, featuring heavily in 2 great contests in front of 90k plus passionate and expectant MFC dominated crowds, and feel super proud of his achievements. Genuinely proud. As he should. This, to me, is ‘ultimate’ success. In my view, that’s got to feel better than jagging a premiership with a group of dudes whom you’ve just met.
  19. It feels properly weird to be thinking about getting flights and trying to secure tickets to games in September.
  20. I frkn love Paul Roos. I really do. He saved this club. Good on Eddie - I’ve pretty well hated him until I watched that footage, now I kind of like him. And thanks for sharing DNIMD - I enjoyed watching that. Made everything feel more real this morning. Let’s bring this ship into port. It will just mean so much.
  21. For all the petty bickering on this website, the reality is - we’re the heart and soul supporters. I loved that game. That experience. I am pumped. I love youse all! Time to watch the replay.
  22. One of my favourite ever Demons. I love Bernie. My 5 year old son will be devastated. He loves Bernie too. Not quite sure how I'm going to break this news to him.
  23. Now that we’re a destination club, we don’t need to give up anyone or anything of value to lure required players from less competitive clubs. How do I know this? I’ve obsrved it for years. For 12 years to be exact.
  24. I am so ridiculously pumped. My phone has been in meltdown since the final siren. Despite copping stacks of carp over the years for supporting the Demons, most of my mates (non-MFC supporters) actually seem to be very happy that we made it. Now let’s do some damage in the next 6 weeks.
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