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Everything posted by Redleg

  1. As a side issue I can't wait for the day that Patton leaves GWS, so that they know how it feels.
  2. We should. Malthouse from Eagles. Buckley from Lions. Rocca from Swans. Ball from Saints. Jolly from Swans. Should I go on? We should be ashamed.
  3. Not a bad suggestion. He is disciplined enough to sacrifice his game to stop a dangerous clearance player. He is fit enough to run with one. If he limits the other side's clearances and can get his hands on a couple of possies and can "handball" it to us, he could be very effective. It also reduces the turnovers off half back flank when he gets it. Also agree, that it could allow a younger player with better disposal, ( not Nicholson) and more speed, to open up the game for us.
  4. The AFL appreciates things being brought up well after the event.
  5. Hope it also includes film of a win against the Dogs.
  6. He apologized completely. Said he didn't mean to attack Jim, but rather questioned why other good people didn't get as much publicity and a state funeral. Said Jim was a great guy who did a lot of good work. That he was terribly sorry and that he was stupid to say what he did. Move on.
  7. HAD there been a sliding doors moment, this week's spotlight might have been on them, and the people who drove Tasmania's push to secure the AFL's 18th licence remain convinced their bid was doomed from the outset because of the prejudice of one man - Andrew Demetriou. As Greater Western Sydney prepares for Saturday night's historic debut, key members of the steering committee that piloted the Tasmanian bid in 2008 have recalled meeting every criteria asked of them by the AFL, only to be treated with contempt by the league's chief executive as he pursued an inevitable course of installing a team in a rugby league heartland. ''Quite frankly, it's time [to speak up] - the way that he dealt with it was less than becoming of a person in his position,'' Paula Wriedt, who was then Tasmania's minister for economic development and tourism, told The Age. Advertisement: Story continues below Andrew Demetriou. Photo: Paul Rovere ''The AFL were blocking it, and when I say the AFL I mean Andrew Demetriou.'' Wriedt recalled visiting AFL headquarters with the state's then-premier, Paul Lennon, to present their case, and being ''dismissed as if we were unimportant'' by the league's chief executive, whose behaviour she described as unprofessional and rude. In contrast, she said AFL commission chairman Mike Fitzpatrick had been ''very cordial'' and ''really, really positive'' in their dealings. ''I've never seen anyone speak to a premier like he [Demetriou] spoke to Paul Lennon,'' Wriedt said. Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/rude-afl-supremo-blocked-tassie-bid-20120321-1vkbt.html#ixzz1pnvwMTRF
  8. I will be away for the round 4 game and am hopeful that the tribute will be shown on Fox so that I can tape it.
  9. Speaking of membership, as a life member, Jimmy got a free membership each year. If it is not the case with life members who pass away that their spouse gets to use the free membership, then it should be and a free membership (not a life membership per se) should be given to Sam for the rest of her life. Additionally her children should also receive a free membership each year for say the next 20 or more years, so that they can come and enjoy the Dees at the G without having to worry about tickets etc. It may be only a little thing, but I feel that along with whatever else is decided, this would be a nice gesture by the club.
  10. Lets be absolutely clear about this, now and in the future, there is no place in AFL football for "familyists".
  11. Demetriou has realized the anger out there and has now backtracked saying that Rendell could come back to AFL if he learns from his "ignorant mistake". Perhaps we should change it to "arrogant mistake" and apply it to Demetriou.
  12. Words are insufficent to describe the sadness we all feel at losing a man who lived through deeds and actions. Sincerest condolences to Sam and all of Jim's family and friends.
  13. The AFL CEO is joking when he says on the one hand " once the comment was made his job was untenable" and on the other hand " he wasn't sacked as he was given 2 hours to think about it' . Mr Spin stuffed up. He admitted talking to to the Crows CEO the day before Rendell went and telling the CEO to fix the problem. The very same day he was quoted as saying "the person who made the comment had to go" and also admitting that he knew who made the comment when he said that. Rendell said he was told resign or be sacked you have 2 hours to decide. That is the 2 hours Demetriou is talking about. 2 months after a throw away comment a bloke is sacked without a chance to retract, explain, be counselled, fined, suspended or any alternative. Dipper made a racist comment and he was allowed to stay as an AFL employee. If I was Rendell I would sue the AFL for heaps. As a sideline if it wasn't so serious it would be very funny, Demetriou kept calling Jason MIFSUD "MISFUD" over and over "on the couch". I thought watching Rendell on Footy Classified was extremely sad seeing a person's life being torn apart and I know she had a job to do but I thought Caro was disgraceful. The other 3 showed common decency. IMO the AFL stands condemned for disgusting behaviour towards one of its own in an effort to grandstand.
  14. Your name and avatar say so much. We all continue to wish him and his family all the best.
  15. Seems like Robbo shares my view. Said so on AFL 360 tonight and has done article in tomorrow's Sun.
  16. They wanted it out there because Roos touched on the subject and he is not a club official anymore. Anderson on Eddy show last night. Papers full of the subject. Calls for an indigenous Commissioner.
  17. Then why didn't anyone of the three take it up with Rendell? Why didn't the AFL deal with it immediately if 3 guys heard a racist remark from a club official? Why did they leak it and leave the person un named? They knew the name, one of their officials had to have told them.
  18. Here is my take on the issue, based only on agreed facts known so far. I blame the AFL totally on this. While I don't know exactly what was said and what context it was said in, I do know that what was said, was said in a private meeting between Rendell and Mifsud ( an AFL ) employee, in January this year. If what was said was so bad, surely Mifsud would have firstly taken it up with Rendell during the meeting and allowed him to explain, apologize or whatever. This was not done. Next if what was said was so bad surely Mifsud would have advised the AFL the day it happened and action should have been taken that very day to investigate. That was not done. So either Mifsud sat on it or the AFL did. Why? Why has the AFL not investigated the issue before going to the media? The AFL have admitted telling the media. The media were clearly not aware of the incident before the AFL told them. Why was this not investigated and kept in house. Is the AFL grandstanding? This has cost a decent bloke his job and possibly his reputation without any investigation of the incident. This is disgraceful. Note how the AFL said a club Recruiting Officer had made a racist remark, knowing who it was, but not naming him, thereby intensifying the blame game. Drug using players get strikes. Why was Rendell not investigated and Counselled if necessary? Why was he not allowed to explain and publicly apologize if necessary? Mifsud is a part aboriginal. If he was that upset at a remark, one would imagine a discussion flowing immediately or a report made to a superior that day. Why has this leaked 2 months later without either happening? This stinks and the AFL is the cause IMO.
  19. Butcher no case to answer. Deemed accidental injury by MRP.
  20. Casey, saturday night 6PM.
  21. Wouldn't mind seeing the incidents. They might show them on AFL 360 or Footy Classified.
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