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Everything posted by Redleg

  1. I like the look of Tynan as well so far, Sellar has been handy and Taggart and Lawrence are yet to appear. Fitzpatrick is starting to show a bit. Cook is building up and my boy Evans is out with a back injury. We really are getting some depth to our list.
  2. I can see a real future for Troy Davis. Big, strong, quick, tough, determined and reasonable disposal. I am sure he would get some ball in the forward line as well.
  3. At the present time I find Alistair Lynch horrendous.
  4. To change the tone a bit, off to the footy this afternoon for a twilight game and hopefully see more improvement in our game.
  5. No it is not just you. I refuse to post on the other thread because a lot of what I read was BS and this of course is a no BS thread. I think they need to let things take their course. As for your other point about possible champions, I actually thought the same, as well as having compassionate thoughts for LJ of course. Players like Jakovich, Schwartz, Prymke, Charles, Lyon, Dean, Bamblett and a host of others failed to fulfill their absolute potential due to injury or other factors.
  6. Renate Blauel, a German girl. 4 year mariage from 1984.
  7. Unfortunately not. Unless it was cut from the show. PS. A very funny comment was made by K FED who said the guy kicking the ball to him couldn't get it anywhere near him, from 40 metres away. Guess who he was referring to?
  8. He was on excess baggage last night with a few GWS mates in their orange gear and he was referred to as a "star melbourne fc player". I thought that was funny as he stood there in his GWS gear.
  9. Good luck mate. I get back pain with a disc problem too, when I lift something the wrong way and I was given a series of stretches from the physio that help.
  10. Guess which highly paid young player David King had a go at tonight on AFL 360? It has started.
  11. I can see it now, 1 billion MFC members.
  12. Carazzo hits two blokes, one behind play and the other in the jaw and gets one week. Unbelievable.
  13. IMO Nicholson's kicking is dreadful and unless he improves it dramatically he won't go anywhere. Turnovers are lethal in today's football. He has a mate in Joel Mc, terrible disposal.
  14. There have been some strange selections in the NAB cup so far with some guys getting very little ground time, who I would have thought need it and others a lot. Howe was subbed off in 2nd quarter after palying well. Tom Mc got hardly any time at all. Gysberts got 1 quarter. Tynan got hardly any time. It might be something to do with loads but I can't work it out.
  15. I sometimes get scared when I am in a paddock with a few yearlings that get a bit playful. Imagine riding a racehorse in a tight field at full gallop, just frightening.
  16. The things I like are that we are finding new players, which is going to mean pressure for spots in the team and that we are aggressive at every contest. We were even more professional on the mark, where we now jump up and down, trying to put the kicker off. It shows we are thinking and that they have been taught that you can have an impact at every stage of a game.
  17. Saw Cook as were leaving Etihad last night and he is a big boy. With more muscle he will have every chance.
  18. Went to Etihad and enjoyed our first win there in years. Liked the look of Davis. Big strong boy who goes hard and can play. Think Joel Mac has been terrible and his turnovers unbelievable. Watts struggling a bit, but will come good. Loved the aggression from our players. We are a new side.
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