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Everything posted by Redleg

  1. Just when it couldn't get any worse.
  2. Just because he was a past champion Demon, that gives me no comfort. Who is in charge of player development at the club, is it Todd?
  3. Given the fact that many "experts" out there are now describing our list as poor, not that I necessarily agree, is it the result of poor recruiting, poor development or a combination of both? Many players seem to kick on quickly at other clubs while many of our high picks seem to stagnate. Again let me say when I give a few examples I am not writing off these players. We took Watts and Hurley who went later is a strongly built star of his club. Like wise Melksham is a developed mid while our higher pick of a couple of years earlier Morton is playing at Casey with the same build and development as when he came to the club. Cook our first pick of 2010 seems a long way off though so many of his year are now regulars. Blease also seems to have gone backwards and I am not sure that Bennell has developed above his natural talent he had when selected. I know recruiting is not an absolute science but have we failed to get the best at our selections or have we failed to develop our players?. Something is clearly or has been clearly wrong in the past at the MFC.
  4. Given his record of advising us who he would pick, WJ could do no worse than the paid professionals who have done the job for us.
  5. As the game is 2.40 local time I would imagine the whole team would fly back that evening.
  6. Surely the title to this thread needs to be changed.
  7. If true, that is very worrying. I would actually raise that with the Director on the Board in charge of marketing. That should be investigated, because if true we have a serious problem.
  8. This club drains you so much that I actually spent time thinking it would be ok to finish last this year, as we could virtually rebuild our mid field in one draft. Imagine getting Viney with our 2nd round pick, the 2 best mids in the country with pick 1 and first compo pick being pick 2 and then say another good mid at 10 or 11, whatever that compo pick is. You really could become a top side if these kids became the basis of a new midfield for us. We are ok forward and back and in the ruck IMO. I know we won't finish last but I just couldn't help thinking, one more bad year and then a decade of good years to follow, I could live with that.
  9. That's another issue. It's Time asked about swapping now. Maybe you could send the club an email and they could make half hats and half scarves next time.
  10. Winner of the best post for this week.
  11. Agree. Did Eddie start the ball rolling, how much is he sending across?
  12. That is one of the poorest pieces of journalism I have read. For example did he consider any of the following points before penning that piece of trash? 1. Establishing that Polis did in fact make the comments and that they were not put there by another. 2. Following the Corporations Act. 3. Applying good governance. 4. Allowing each Director to have their say/vote. 5. Making/announcing the decision in business hours and not while Directors could have been out socialising and drinking and not thinking clearly. 6. Announcing the decision to the media in daylight so that they could all be present. 7. Allowing MFC staff the time to be informed, so signs, logos etc could be removed before the announcement. etc, etc, etc. Patrick you should stand ashamed for kicking us while we are down and actually doing the right thing. Shameful piece of trash.
  13. First congrats on being a member while living interstate. Second I don't wan't to nitpick but it would cost to swap a scarf for a cap. Those scarfs they give out are extremely cheap, ordered in massive bulk and probably cost a few cents each made off shore. The caps are far more expensive. If everyone did that we would lose a fortune. I understand your request and while reasonable if everyone interstate or in the country did it you could imagine the result. That said they should have explained that to you and maybe offered something else. I am not knocking you just trying to explain their point of view and costs involved.
  14. I would be shocked if there aren't companies out there that can see the massive good publicity they will get by aligning to the MFC at this time. The club is down, but still leading the way in standing for what is right over financial gain. A few new sponsors and a few wins will turn everything around.
  15. Mooney said when he played early on, he did his ankle and instead of rehabing he went out for a few drinks. He said, that drink session affected his recovery and actually ruined his year. He also said if you are serious about your football you don't drink when injured.
  16. While not a headline, we see Nicholson suspended for a match for drinking. What's tomorrow?
  17. Just saw some of his facebook rants on the news, it was even worse than I thought. Disgraceful.
  18. Just viewed the press conference with Cam and I feel proud to be a Demon. He was outstanding.
  19. You may wish to send that to Greg Denham, the author of the statement.
  20. Still think he can be a very good player.
  21. I will try again at home and see what happens, because it is happening to my office computer.
  22. Is anyone else having trouble when posting, in that the font size and style of writing changes all of the time?
  23. Imagine if you were the FOJ sponsor right now. The publicity you would have received would be priceless.
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