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Everything posted by Redleg

  1. That's the reason I feel a lot of posters are bitter. It may be a low priority of Liam's, but saying thank you and showing gratitude, should not be. If Liam doesn't realise, then others close to him should advise him. Ungrateful people usually are not a high priority for being helped. Perhaps a statement from his management along the lines of "Liam wants Melbourne to be compensated if he goes to another club" would have gone a long way to quieting some of the anger and hurt, a lot of dees fans feel. I wish him well, but feel that his manner of departure may leave him with far fewer friends and admirers, then again he may not care about that.
  2. Problem would be that CAC wouldn't listen to him. "What, you want Buddy, Cyril, Pendles and Swan, no way".
  3. Guess what I had on my toast this morning. I think we all need a good news story for the club as soon as possible. Even the rumour of a good player wanting to come to us would help the mood.
  4. That [censored] Denham is at it again. Contrast his story in the Oz with Michael Gleeson's in the Age. Denham says LJ was not looked after at Melbourne as there was a change in personnel and LJ didn't feel he was being properly looked after. Gleeson quotes LJ's Manager who says Melbourne was great to LJ and did everything possible to help him especially this year. He said Melbourne did nothing wrong and played no part in the decision which was purely family based, Two very different versions. Now tell me that [censored] after all he has said about us this year, doesn't have an agenda.
  5. It would be easier if he was contracted, but all he needs to do is tell the club that wants him, do a trade with the Dees in trade week, or I am not going in the draft. Very simple really.
  6. Now Jurrah. 2012 has been such a great year for the MFC. No wonder I talk crap about bananas.
  7. Agree. For those who think he disliked the Dees , he has said privately to a few people, his one regret was leaving the Dees and that it was a mistake.
  8. Agree. We are all hurting, but we don't have to spew bile and act like morons. I just want us to get something for him if possible.
  9. Gee Paul came out of retirement to run 2nd in the JJ. Tom must be proud of him. Well done Tom.
  10. But unlike Sheahan you wouldn't put the boots into us at every opportunity. Also, even being frustrated you would not as Sheahan did, label the entire club " disgusting and pathetic". I have said before I will never forgive him for that comment and I wait for the moment we meet, when I can let him know my anger personally.
  11. Well, while I am personally gutted that he is leaving, I don't want to pass judgment until it plays out to its conclusion. For all we know the manager has just shot his mouth off. LJ says to the club he isn't playing anywhere until after his trial. We are also told in the Age that he wants to live in Adelaide. What if he says to whoever wants him that he will only join them if they do a fair trade with us? On the other hand he might be happy to leave us with nothing and go in the draft? If he does the former that is reasonable. If he does the latter you can imagine what I will think. PS. Like some others I also think there is more to this story.
  12. Incorrect. If uncontracted a player can go in the main draft and then the pre season one as well.
  13. Yes, one was fat and unfit, one was playing Casey 2nds and wanted to go home from day one, the third has his family in Adelaide and a serious Court case next year which he wants to concentrate on, as well as being injured or unfit all year. Your point is?
  14. Not sure the club saw this coming, well at least today. Why would they put an article about his Court date on the club site and still have no response to the announcement?
  15. Matthew Rendell has just sought a full apology from the AFL and compensation for Defamation.
  16. I don't think Couch is good enough for AFL and Magner is just a battler. I would be shocked if we couldn't find better late in the draft. I would prefer to turn Gysberts around mentally and get him fit for once, draft a few mids including JV and maybe trade for one as well. I would try and rookie fast, small, goalkickers and hope that at least one makes it.
  17. Maybe I am missing something, but I have not seen anything in Strauss so far to enthuse me.
  18. I have also been following him and remain underwhelmed.
  19. Home today. I started my fitness/diet today and I am going to strip fitter next season, just like I hope our boys do. Just went for a long walk and now for a healthy lunch. Bought a packet of Blackmores Chocolate/Blackcurrent diet shakes and tried one this morning. Nearly spat it out, possibly the worst drink I have ever had. Don't buy it if you are thinking of it, or see it in the chemists. Should have stuck to banana flavour.
  20. For what it is worth he was injured yesterday and has carried it the last two games. I thought he was pretty good up until he got injured a few weeks ago. Yes he is no Jonathan Brown, but we have one in Mitch and how many of them are there?
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