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Everything posted by ding

  1. I will know we are improving when debutantes no longer have good games against us...........................................................
  2. Maybe i edit it to say "Big Sticks" ? Would that work Uncle?
  3. 6.1 plays 5.3 at the break and we lead. Epic contest so far, although our backline is rubbish right now. Get it right and we win easy. If we dont, and they halve the clearances we lose. Simple as that i reckon.
  4. Another goal to Pedo and we lead by 4 points
  5. lol Lever [censored] game thus far. Cats in front. Terrible defending by Dees. To be down on the scoreboard with so many more clearances seriously worries me. If they start evening the clearances we are in big trouble.
  6. O Mac getting a bath so far. Great game to be honest.
  7. PEDOBEAR great contested mark right in front, and through the uprights for a demon lead.
  8. Hogan with the instant reply and its back to a point. Fritch really good then
  9. Ablett goal from a great individual passage... Cats by 7
  10. ANB goal from a snap and its Cats by a point.
  11. Cats by a goal and looking more lively than we are currently. Plenty of time though. Im sick of being done over by bloody debutantes.......................
  12. Run with it D.A.G, im on the red cordial before round 1 every year.
  13. YOU CAN EAT BEFORE A GAME ?????? (im way too nervous)
  14. Guess we picked a bad day to quit glue sniffing?
  15. As long as its sugar free... cant stand the regular stuff.
  16. Disagree. We give all the oldies at the home a beer to wash down their pills. Works a treat.
  17. Reality check on the way. Lets hope its for them, not us. (Excited but not confident)
  18. I have been pestering my Daughter to flirt with someone on the committee to get her membership upgraded.... sick of sitting in the nosebleeds or level 1 when she takes me to a game. Im not sure she respects me enough...............................
  19. What the actual [censored] has happened to our cricket team? How did they come to a collective decision that cheating was ok? Maybe they felt so [censored] off with South Africa in general (and there are no more arrogant supporters in the world) that somehow it justified in their tiny little brains that beating them at all costs was ok. Smith must be sacked. Anyone who agreed to cheat must also serve time, even if we cant field a team for the last game. Send 'em home in disgrace.
  20. I think Gawny is WAYYYYY too important to our plans to have him filling a hole in front of a leading Hawkins. (if thats what you meant?) He would snap like a twig at his current weight if Hawko crashed into his back. Pedo especially has lost some serious beef. We will need tag teaming++ if Geelong get on a clearance run as we dont have to size down back to stop them if delivery is clean. My hope is that we will be a bit agile for them and that Lever/Hibbos intercepts do the job for us. Actually i think my post just agreed with you after all...................
  21. Even Port has forgotten about Jimmy T. (Or at least they are trying to)
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