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Everything posted by ding

  1. Why?. Geelong just won an away game in round 1 against a team tipped to be up near the top of the ladder this year, without arguably the games best player in their team. If Geelong can do it away without Danger, we can do it away (against a much less talented opposition) without Hogan.
  2. ummmm, im just channeling a regular training reporter dude.
  3. Never fear, he's "right on track" for round 2
  4. So am i, but i am doing my best to wait until it actually happens before i lose my [censored].
  5. He does make a very good point about the single qtr lapses though. Cant be denied if you look at the scoreboards for JLT and Round 1. If we trained to improve that stat, it didnt really work. Work in progress.
  6. Excellent point. I have lost track of the amount of times i have read that a loss we just had was one "we will learn from". Learn what? Implement change how? Its like we automatically become better after every loss because its a learning experience. Its a loss. Nothing more, nothing less. If you learned from defeats, it follows that we must be the most intelligent team in the comp. Nothing could be further from the truth.
  7. Or, i could have just posted something like this..........................................
  8. Mate, you are basing that statement on a last gasp loss against a top 4 favorite in round 1. ROUND 1. Revisit your post after round 5 or 6 please. If we havent improved by then, i will happily admit you were right and i was wrong. Go Dees.
  9. Heaps of changes just isnt gonna fly, unless they are forced by injury. Look at the scoreline..... we could have won the game on the siren. For the sake of that one bad kick, would people have been happy to keep the same team who just beaten Geelong in a stirring, come from behind thriller? I think most would. I get that several guys underperformed, but if we cant back blokes in to turn things around, we didnt trust them in the first place. Im as annoyed as anyone that we (predictably) lost, but the only changes i would make would be for injury or match-ups. Back the team in to win next week. (If we lose though, i want the whole team replaced*)
  10. Players want respect they can bloody well earn it by performing consistently. I have also stated on here multiple times that we will play finals this year, but i guess that isnt "respectful" enough for you. You upset me because you single handedly destroyed Demonology, and refuse to accept responsibility. YOU are to blame. Inability to follow our players? You mean acting like a smitten Faboi like yourself? You will never get respect while you unquestioningly throw yourself at the players feet. You should be ashamed of yourself. No self respecting human being would follow a yes man like you, nor should they.
  11. lol my residents love me. You show you know nothing about the caper when you assume they are patients Jog on Nuffer.
  12. I am of the belief that Goodwin is actually our weakest link. Shows zero passion, and is absolutely hopeless as a game day motivator. Anyone who ignores things like our atrocious record against Norf is not a leader of men. He might be loved by the players, but they need someone to inspire them, not someone to give them cuddles. Not a fan.
  13. How will everyone feel about our season when we are 0-2? Wrist slashing time methinks.
  14. Only complete nuffers have us as a flag chance. We may well make finals, but will be out in the first game Bookmark it
  15. Like i said pre-game................. that was a reality check. Cant wait to see the reactions here when we lose next week. lol Finals yes, premiership, you gotta be kidding.
  16. 1 Bajillion percent correct. We will still make finals IMO.
  17. Mate, im the chief [censored] of "Winners arent us", but we will be there at the end of the season. Today wasnt great, but it isnt the end of the world. We will play finals this year, mark my words.
  18. NahDD we will still make it, dont worry. Bookmark my post for round 23. We will be there 100%
  19. Anyway, while some of you lo are looking for people to direct your anger at, i have a funeral to attend. This is not a joke, im actually heading to a Thai temple to watch someone from my wifes family be incinerated. Im disappointed we lost, but not remotely surprised. Forgive me for not carrying on like its the end of the world. Forget today, finals, here we come.
  20. lol THAT is why you are so angry after a loss.... Figures. Enjoy the trip home.
  21. Another crying after a predictable loss. Low footy IQ. (And probably low general IQ as well) We will still make the finals, but i find the thrashing around for people to hate is quite amusing after a loss. This time it isnt me who is lookig for a target. lol.
  22. lol take your meds Chris. I have looked after more disabled people than you and Hardtack combined during my nursing career. You are lashing out after a loss like other "tards do. Get over yourself nuffer.
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